Examples of the the word, sewage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sewage ), is the 7713 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Northern Territory. The corporation is also responsible for management of, sewage ,and the major water catchments in the region. Water is mainly stored in the
  2. Volume of flow from the Jordan River to replenish the Dead Sea. Currently, only, sewage , and effluent from fishponds run in the river's channel. Experts also asserted
  3. Nations made massive investment in clean water supply and well-separated, sewage ,treatment infrastructures between the mid-1850s and the 1900s. This eliminated
  4. From this. In the 1990s,two thirds of the states residents did not have, sewage ,service, only a third had electricity and half did not have potable water. Over
  5. S bioreactor is an extremely advanced biological sewage system. It can turn, sewage ,into air and water through microbial action. NASA plans to use it in the manned
  6. These districts may provide schools, law enforcement, fire protection, water, sewage , drainage, irrigation,transportation, recreation,infrastructure, cultural
  7. Services such as the electric power grid, gas grid, municipal water systems, sewage ,treatment systems, storm drains, communication services, and in some cases
  8. Km) out into Lake Michigan to newly built water cribs. In 1900,the problem of, sewage ,was largely resolved when the city undertook a major engineering feat. The city
  9. And Aquarian, that absorb nutrients and bacteria and convert greater and, sewage ,to clear water. This odor- and color-free reclaimed water can be used to flush
  10. Russia) disappeared. In May 2005,their burnt bodies were found in the city, sewage , The crime was not disclosed, and in August 2007 the investigation was extended
  11. Him to the authorities. Conan gets his revenge by throwing her into a pool of, sewage , Based on an unnamed character in the prose story Rogues in the House. *Mikhail
  12. S largest aquifer, increased salivation in the north); water pollution from, sewage ,and industrial wastes; coastal degradation; loss of wildlife habitats from
  13. Have noted signs of ecological recovery, in part due to the construction of new, sewage ,treatment plants in Slovakia, Hungary,Romania, and Bulgaria in connection with
  14. This is known as Nashua (下水),and is not to be confused with the term for, sewage , Alcohol and other drugs are also avoided by many Buddhists because of their
  15. Two pioneering epidemiological field studies, he was able to demonstrate human, sewage ,contamination was the most probable disease vector in two major epidemics in
  16. Nutrient loads in lakes. NASA's bioreactor is an extremely advanced biological, sewage ,system. It can turn sewage into air and water through microbial action. NASA
  17. With a septic tank. The basic idea is to provide a small system with primary, sewage ,treatment. Sludge settles to the bottom of the septic tank, is partially
  18. Dry. It has also become polluted due to the city's traffic, industry,and, sewage , Climate Damascus has a hot semi-arid climate (Köppen BSH),due to the rain
  19. Treatment plant at the end of the pipe becomes too great to handle and raw, sewage ,is dumped into holding tanks, and sometimes into surface water. Autonomous
  20. Been polluted by oil leakages and the dumping of raw or inadequately treated, sewage , reducing the yield of caviar and fish. In the Soviet period, Azerbaijan was
  21. Effective antimicrobial agents. * Sewage: antibacterial treatment of general, sewage ,by chlorine, ozone,ultraviolet light or other effective treatment before it
  22. For public health. Many diseases are transmitted by poorly functioning, sewage ,systems. The standard system is a tiled leach field combined with a septic tank
  23. It produces about 4 % of the city's energy. Many years of major investments in, sewage ,treatment has improved water quality in the harbor to an extent that the inner
  24. Of chemicals and industrial waste for many decades. Much of the garbage and, sewage ,from Detroit's rapid industrialization found its way into the river. Much of
  25. Of central Chicago to a new grade. While raising Chicago out of its mud and, sewage , and at first improving the health of the city, the untreated sewage and
  26. Maracaibo, Mediterranean Sea, and North Sea; and industrial waste and municipal, sewage ,pollution in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. In 2005,there
  27. Waste, are usually classified as hazardous waste. Some of the oldest pre-system, sewage ,types are pit toilets, latrines,and outhouses. These are still used in many
  28. To use grid plans, drainage,flush toilets, urban sanitation systems, and, sewage , systems. At a somewhat later time, a distinctive urban tradition developed in
  29. Complex biological sewage treatment systems is that if the house is empty,the, sewage ,system iota may starve to death. Another method is NASA's urine-to-water
  30. Traffic, while pesticide usage in the agriculture and antiquated industrial, sewage ,systems have resulted in extensive soil and water pollution with chemicals and
  31. And Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital in nearby Superior Township. The city provides, sewage ,disposal and water supply services, with water coming from the Huron River and
  32. Mud and sewage , and at first improving the health of the city, the untreated, sewage ,and industrial waste now flowed into the Chicago River, thence into Lake
  33. The sanitary sewer system. In the event of heavy precipitation, the load on the, sewage ,treatment plant at the end of the pipe becomes too great to handle and raw
  34. Composting or packaging toilets make it economical and sanitary to throw away, sewage ,as part of the normal garbage collection service. They also reduce water use by
  35. Urinals and even composting toilets that completely eliminate water usage in, sewage ,disposal. The classic solution with minimal life-style changes is using a well.
  36. Advocates the use of this organic soil amendment. Humane is not traditional, sewage ,that has been processed by waste-treatment facilities, which may include waste
  37. Pan-American Health Organization estimated in 1993 that only about 10 % of the, sewage ,from the Central American and Caribbean Island countries is properly treated
  38. Has been used in agriculture, cancer treatment, and the sterilization of food, sewage ,sludge, and surgical equipment. Radioactive isotopes of cesium in radiation
  39. Under negative pressure, and exhaust the gasses to a vent pipe. Some home, sewage ,treatment systems use biological treatment, usually beds of plants and Aquarian
  40. Tilapia for protein, a greenhouse watered with fish water and a closed loop, sewage ,reclamation system that recycled human waste into sanitized fertilizer for the
  41. Are occasional nuisances in water pipes, drinking water purification equipment, sewage ,treatment facilities, and the cooling pipes of power stations. A group of
  42. Up in sunlight and that channel rainwater into underground ducts. Waste and, sewage ,are two major problems for cities, as is air pollution coming from various
  43. Issues: air pollution from industrial emissions; rivers polluted from raw, sewage , heavy metals, detergents; deforestation; forest damage from air pollution and
  44. To use it in the manned Mars mission. A big disadvantage of complex biological, sewage ,treatment systems is that if the house is empty, the sewage system iota may
  45. Between alternative fuels and raw materials is not always clear. For example, sewage ,sludge has a low but significant calorific value, and burns to give ash
  46. Life: power, climate control, food production, air and water purification, sewage ,treatment, etc. It is supposed to supply these items for a large population.
  47. Fun at the city of Grand Forks, North Dakota; the city responded by naming a, sewage ,pumping station after him. Barry was a good sport and appeared in Grand Forks
  48. Suit the climate and location. Passive solar techniques, alternative toilet and, sewage ,systems, thermal massing designs, basement battery systems, efficient windowing
  49. Clearing snow in winter, city wardens, maintaining parks, refuse collection, sewage , street cleaning and street lighting. Infrastructure in private hands includes
  50. Water pollution as the sewer system tends to fail and overflow. On occasion, sewage ,has escaped onto the streets to create a health hazard. This problem is hoped

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