Examples of the the word, incorporation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incorporation ), is the 7704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Projects. In the maps of the period, Transcaucasia was counted as Asian. The, incorporation ,of most of that region into the Soviet Union tended to push views of the border
  2. Legal, or historical status based on local law. For example, an article of, incorporation ,approved by the local state legislature distinguishes a city government from a
  3. Reaction in the Balkan States Frustrated in the north by Austria-Hungary's, incorporation ,of Bosnia with its 975,000 Orthodox Serbs (and many more Serbs and
  4. Of Stockton, California — which was known for a time as Melville prior to, incorporation ,in 1850 — also lay claim to being the inspiration for the poem. In 1887,Thayer
  5. Inc. from its inception in 1983 until he left in 1995. Main shareholders at the, incorporation ,of Bowland were Niels Jensen (250,000 shares),Ole Henriksen (160,000)
  6. These ceramic materials may be used as bone replacements or with the, incorporation ,of protein collagen, synthetic bones. *High-tech ceramic is used in
  7. Will probably later make their way back into the Ariane program. The, incorporation ,of the ESC-B with the improvements to the solid motor casing and an uprated
  8. Except that ATP is reduced to the deoxyribonucleotide data, before, incorporation , into DNA. Binding to proteins Some proteins that bind ATP do so in a
  9. To herbicides and resistance to insect pests, the latter being achieved by, incorporation ,of a gene that codes for the Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) toxin. Hybrids with
  10. South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in 1961,ended any prospect of, incorporation ,of the territories into South Africa. An expansion of British central authority
  11. Were denied to his successors. That, in the end, eventually led to the complete, incorporation ,of Ukraine into the Stardom of Muscovy and later into the Russian Empire. Final
  12. Meetings to elect board members and resolve other legal matters regarding, incorporation , the effective incorporation date of the Apache Software Foundation was set to
  13. To liberate it for Christianity. Notable about these campaigns was Charles ', incorporation , for the first time, of heavy cavalry with stirrups to augment his phalanx. His
  14. Incursions of the invading nomadic Magyars. However,Bohemia's initial, incorporation ,into the Moravian Empire resulted in the extensive Christianization of the
  15. With Guatemala. However, the elite in the highland cities pushed for, incorporation ,into Mexico. Guatemala would not recognize Mexico's annexation of the
  16. During 1990–1992 (for example,1990,name change to Czechoslovakia,1991, incorporation , of the human rights charter) Economy After WWII, the economy was centrally
  17. 1972,Sydney Company was never formally incorporated. Before Atari's official, incorporation , Bushnell wrote down several words from the game Go, eventually choosing Atari
  18. Materials),as much as or more carbon than was released by the acquisition and, incorporation ,of all its materials and then will be released by building-function "
  19. Of the Bernard Inlet was selected as the terminus of the railway, prompting the, incorporation ,of the City as Vancouver in 1886. The completion of the Port of Vancouver
  20. Complexes with various organic compounds, but there is no evidence of its, incorporation ,into bacteria and archaea. When introduced into human body, curium accumulates
  21. At that time, such as Angel Barrios (Spain,1882–1964) contributed to the, incorporation ,of flamenco style (e.g. the Phrygia mode) and flamenco guitar techniques
  22. Over long scales of thousands to millions of years. The constant production, incorporation ,into organisms and relatively short half-life of carbon-14 are the principles
  23. Territories" ) were not included, but provision was made for their later, incorporation , However, a vague undertaking was given to consult their inhabitants, and
  24. Fixation Carbon fixation is the removal of carbon dioxide from the air and its, incorporation ,into solid compounds. Plants, algae,and many species of bacteria (
  25. Companies doing business in or with Canada which do not have articles of, incorporation ,for a branch or division within Canada. This list does include past or defunct
  26. Civil body or corporation with a hierarchy, and ordination meant legal, incorporation ,into an Oreo. The word" holy" refers to the Church. In context, therefore,a
  27. Has few land-based natural resources. Its main industries are tourism, offshore, incorporation , and management, offshore banking, and fishing. Many insurance and financial
  28. Provided essential business expertise and funding of $250,000 during the, incorporation ,of Apple. The Apple II was introduced on April 16, 1977 at the first West Coast
  29. He was the second son of James II and Blanche of Enjoy. His reign saw the, incorporation ,of the County of Urgell, Duchy of Athens, and Duchy of Cleopatra into the Crown
  30. Shakespeare mostly based their plays on well-known stories too. Regarding the, incorporation ,of folk music into art music he said: The question is, what are the ways in
  31. The state did not de facto exist because of its forced division and partial, incorporation ,into Nazi Germany, but the Czechoslovak government-in-exile nevertheless
  32. Of England issued the Tender of Union declaration supporting Scotland's, incorporation ,into the Commonwealth and sent Commissioners to Scotland with the express
  33. And John D. Rockefeller. In commemoration of the centennial of Cleveland's, incorporation ,as a city, the Great Lakes Exposition debuted in June 1936 along the Lake Erie
  34. Offshore registration to companies wishing to incorporate in the islands, and, incorporation , fees now generate substantial revenues. An estimated 550,000 companies were on
  35. South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in 1961,ended any prospect of, incorporation ,of the territories into South Africa. An expansion of British central authority
  36. Canonical coordinates, and sometimes gives answers which are different. The, incorporation ,of radiation corrections was difficult, because it required finding
  37. But tend to be hygroscopic – that is, they absorb water from the air due to the, incorporation ,of Milano (Si-OH) in the glass. Infrared spectroscopy and mechanical strain
  38. Acceptability (better management practices). " Multi-Trophic" refers to the, incorporation ,of species from different trophic or nutritional levels in the same system.
  39. A 64-bit extension to the x86 instruction set (officially called AMD64),the, incorporation ,of an on-chip memory controller, and the implementation of an extremely high
  40. And Benicia tied for California's second incorporated city, each receiving, incorporation ,on March 27, 1850. Jurupa Valley became the state's most recent and 482nd
  41. The laws of a particular state. The corporate law of a corporation's state of, incorporation ,generally governs that corporation's internal governance (even if the
  42. Amounts while they take the medicine. A recent nine-year study found that, incorporation ,of supervised disulfide and the related compound carbamide into a
  43. Sides, and other Parliamentarians. In 1639 Abergavenny received a charter of, incorporation ,under the title of bailiff and burgesses. A charter with extended privileges
  44. Reports on absorption of Cm3+ by bacteria and archaea, however no evidence for, incorporation ,of curium into them. Applications Radionuclides Curium is one of the most
  45. Territories" ) were not included, but provision was made for their later, incorporation , However, a vague undertaking was given to consult their inhabitants, and
  46. To his northeast with some success, but full conquest of the Saxons and their, incorporation ,into the Frankish empire would wait for his grandson Charlemagne, primarily
  47. About 1000 CE, interactions between black people and Arabs resulted in the, incorporation ,of extensive Arabic vocabulary into Swahili, which became a useful lingual
  48. But it was with an eye to internal affairs that many saw principal advantage in, incorporation , The power of making by-laws was“ tacitly annexed to corporations by the very
  49. Members and resolve other legal matters regarding incorporation , the effective, incorporation ,date of the Apache Software Foundation was set to June 1,1999. ), some of
  50. Cartoon strips. In China, with its traditions of block printing and of the, incorporation ,of text with image, experiments with what became lianhuanhua date back to 1884.

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