Examples of the the word, endurance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endurance ), is the 7702 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cars to compete in the French Grand Prix, and the cars set world speed and, endurance ,records at Brook lands. Three works Team Cars with 16 valve and short chassis.
  2. P-3 Orion maritime patrol and submarine attack aircraft where speed and, endurance ,of turboprops excelled. The new Lockheed cargo plane design possessed a range
  3. Douglas AC-47 Spooky gunship (Project Gunship I) in order to improve mission, endurance ,and increase capacity to carry munitions. In 1967,JC-130A USAF 54-1626 was
  4. Time is limited by available daylight hours, weather conditions, and pilot, endurance , Flight dynamics is the science of air vehicle orientation and
  5. Constantly" pushed the envelope" with new literature in terms of messieurs, endurance , technical demands, and extended techniques. Finally, the euphonium has, thanks
  6. Said that the main advantage to steroids is not so much the additional power or, endurance ,that they can provide, but that they can drastically shorten rehab time from
  7. High" screamer" notes. Maggie claimed that the pucker embouchure gives more, endurance ,than some systems. Carlton Macbeth is the main proponent of the pucker
  8. Used to escort the battle fleet at sea. They needed the same seaworthiness and, endurance , and as they necessarily became larger, they became officially designated "
  9. Better fuel efficiency allowed the team to make fewer pit stops during the long, endurance ,race. * 1999: euro 3 of Scania and the first Common Rail truck diesel engine of
  10. Acids increases fat oxidation and spares muscle glycogen, thereby enhancing, endurance ,performance. In the nervous system, caffeine may reduce the perception of
  11. Slavish adherence to the Roman Senate's dictate, Philip had been goaded beyond, endurance ,by the incessant and devastating raiding of the Armani, a warlike
  12. Students are trained in developing basketball fundamentals, undergo fitness and, endurance ,exercises and learn various basketball skills. Basketball students learn proper
  13. Known for being notoriously hard to hit. The key to a swarmer is aggression, endurance , chin, and bobbing-and-weaving. Notable in-fighters include Laszlo PPP, Mike
  14. Implementation, as documentation was incomplete. Writing game-code was often an, endurance ,exercise in the tedious assembler. In a July 1995 interview with Next
  15. Drinking bouts. Types of games Endurance The simplest drinking games are, endurance ,games in which players compete to out-drink each other. Players take turns
  16. By tiredness. In athletics, moderate doses of caffeine can improve sprint, endurance ,and team sports performance, but the improvements are not usually very large.
  17. Dragoons were trained in reconnaissance, skirmishing and other work requiring, endurance ,in accordance with contemporary standards of light cavalry performance. The
  18. Challenge, African Rally Championship, Asia-Pacific Rally Championship and, endurance ,rally events like the Dakar Rally. The Taiga Tasmania, held on the Australian
  19. A powerful instinct to chase things that run from them. Built for speed and, endurance , they can cover long distances in a very short time. A fully fenced yard is an
  20. In the United States, which began in 2000,the Grand-Am, sanctions its own, endurance ,series the Rolex Sports Car Series which consists of slower and lower cost race
  21. Rose of England. The oak tree is a symbol of England, representing strength and, endurance , The term Royal Oak alludes to the escape of King Charles II from the grasp of
  22. And to spare his strength; but on the other hand, when necessary, he shows such, endurance ,and is capable of action in conditions which are difficult even to imagine. You
  23. Nor human unless they are threatened. Arawak have high energy and tremendous, endurance , They are excellent training companions for runners and are nearly impervious
  24. Booz Allen Hamilton selected Dartmouth College as a model of institutional, endurance ," whose record of endurance has had implications and benefits for all American
  25. Trail, and local pools like Barton Springs to make Austin the home of several, endurance ,and multi-sport races and communities. The Capitol 10,000 is the largest race
  26. Of the knee. Exercise often focuses on improving muscle strength, endurance ,and flexibility. In some cases, exercises may be designed to train balance.
  27. Life and the fact that they did not touch me in those years to her heroism and, endurance , " Soon after, he confided in her," For so long we were ruled over by a madman
  28. World War. Prior to World War II, destroyers were light vessels with little, endurance ,for unattended ocean operations; typically a number of destroyers and a single
  29. Elections of 2004,2006,and 2008,as well as Stephen Harper's political, endurance , many Canadian experts, says Bewails, are generally agreed. They see a new
  30. A number of light, general aircraft performance records for speed, range,and, endurance , Most notable were flights conducted on behalf of Piper Aircraft. On one such
  31. Dartmouth College as a model of institutional endurance " whose record of, endurance ,has had implications and benefits for all American organizations, both academic
  32. IMA) GTO with the Audi 90,however as they avoided the two major, endurance ,events (Daytona and Sebring) despite winning on a regular basis, they would
  33. Battleships, would be able to combine firepower and armor with better, endurance ,and speed than ever before. The armored cruisers of the 1890s greatly resembled
  34. Is the embodiment of power due to the size of the drum, the volume, and the, endurance ,it takes to perform. The Oviedo is the largest drum of all take, if not the
  35. Richter performed the first midair refueling on De Mainland DH-4B,setting an, endurance ,flight record of 37 hours. *1929 – Hebron Massacre during the 1929 Palestine
  36. Ritual The Acacia is used as a symbol in Freemasonry, to represent purity and, endurance ,of the soul, and as funerary symbolism signifying resurrection and immortality.
  37. It has good short field performance, horizontal maneuverability, range and, endurance ,”. Nevertheless, Tomahawks and Kitty hawks were used against the Germans. The
  38. The two competing radars. As the test-beds did not need the same 14-hour, endurance , demanded of the production aircraft, the EC-137s retained the Pratt & Whitney
  39. First" rock star" of professional tennis A player of great athleticism and, endurance , he had a distinctive style and appearance—bowlegged, yet very fast. His
  40. And prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, giving him, endurance ,far in excess of an ordinary human being. This accounts for many of his
  41. Unlike traditional climbing or sport climbing, which generally demand more, endurance ,over longer stretches of rock where the difficulty of individual moves is not
  42. Specimen of human development and conditioning. Captain America's strength, endurance , agility, speed,reflexes, durability,and healing are at the zenith of natural
  43. 4,2001,the first time in his career, Earnhardt participated in the Rolex 24, endurance , race at Daytona, the event which kicks off Speed weeks at the track. His team
  44. Used in the initiation ceremonies of some Amazon Indian cultures as a test of, endurance , Ant society has always fascinated humans and has been written about both
  45. The 27th Infantry has been nicknamed 'The Wolfhounds' in recognition of their, endurance ,during battles in Siberia. In popular culture * Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel War
  46. Athletic performance may be enhanced in sports where sustained attention and, endurance ,is required. Anxiety, paranoia and restlessness are also frequent. With
  47. LGBT publications, such as The Advocate, probably due to her perseverance and, endurance ,through adverse situations in her life. Love's devoted gay fan base was later
  48. Manuals, studies,and progressive exercises that help students to develop the, endurance ,and accuracy of the left hand, and control for the bowing hand. Classical
  49. Wheel and often closed cockpit purpose built race cars intended mainly for, endurance ,racing. They have much lower weight and more down force compared to GT cars
  50. The already-operational 707,so the latter was chosen instead. To increase, endurance , this design was to be powered by eight General Electric TF34s,or carrying its

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