Examples of the the word, intensify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intensify ), is the 7695 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Soviet Union in 1941,Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to, intensify ,patriotic support for the war effort. On September 4,1943,Metropolitans
  2. Of his religious settings; often it was hidden light sources that could, intensify ,the focus of religious worship, or enhance the dramatic moment of a sculptural
  3. And is sometimes combined with alcohol (benzodiazepines and alcohol combined, intensify ,each others' CNS depression to the point of being deadly). It is also
  4. To the fish stocks. Although this is only a localized phenomenon, it may, intensify ,with time and have a profound impact on the fishing industry. The water from
  5. A lower dose to the patient, because the screens take the X-ray information and, intensify ,it so that it can be recorded on film positioned next to the intensify ing
  6. System as they move up the East Coast and into the Atlantic Ocean, where they, intensify ,rapidly. These storms are known as Nor'Easters and often bring widespread
  7. The Soviet Union in 1941,Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to, intensify ,patriotic support for the war effort. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox
  8. To gain strength from its own development as its effects spread and return to, intensify ,the process of collapse ”. Further, examples *For example in a chemical reaction
  9. Correct in principle, were too late in timing, and served only to further, intensify ,the political polarization between the East and West wings. *He dissolved the
  10. Of increasing population density. This leaves policy-makers with four choices:, intensify ,and accept the local consequences, sprawl and accept the wider consequences, a
  11. Is held since World War II. *1971 – Cambodian Civil War: Khmer Rouge rebels, intensify ,assaults on Cambodian government positions, forcing their retreat from Romping
  12. That" Lithuanians are Russians seduced by Poles and Catholicism" and began to, intensify ,Russification, and to ban the printing of books in the Lithuanian language.
  13. To struggle when playing at CenturyLink Field. The rivalry is expected to, intensify ,after the 49ers hired Jim Garbage out of Stanford in 2011,as he and Seahawks
  14. Particles, numerals,or by doubling the adjective, which can also serve to, intensify ,the adjective: (dog large) = large dog (dog large) = a very large dog
  15. Hit, as well as large character sprites in combination with zoom effects to, intensify ,the action. This zoom feature was also used in the following year's Samurai
  16. Then 2 years after it first solicited information from interested entities)—may, intensify ,challenges to the Agency and the selected as they work to complete the process
  17. On Environment and Public Works that," smart growth strategies tend to, intensify ,the very problems they are purported to solve. " Cox and Joshua TT analyzed
  18. Join" the Proliferation Security Initiative. To further complicate and, intensify ,strains between the two nations, the sinking of the South Korean warship
  19. In parallel to the medicinal use of some antihistamines to stretch out and, intensify ,the effects of opioids and depressants. The most commonly used are hydroxyzine
  20. Of Indonesia - Sukarno called upon the peoples of Indonesia and India to ", intensify ,the cordial relations" that had existed between the two countries" for more
  21. And transmits the ideas, if not the methods, of science. Recent efforts to, intensify ,or develop links between science and non-scientific disciplines such as
  22. Manan/madam),-ran (mantra, not yet) and -Chu (Manchu?, or not? ), to, intensify , the meaning. Also used are yaw (" hey "," hi" ), and certain loan words from
  23. Netherlands bordering Germany, prompting veterinary authorities in Germany to, intensify ,controls. Norway saw its first finding in February 2009,when cows at two farms
  24. And accept the wider consequences, a compromise with some element of both, or, intensify , accompanied by more radical measures such as parking restrictions, closing
  25. Election in 1999. The warm relationship between the two countries continued to, intensify , Hugo Chávez has described Castro as his mentor and has called Cuba" a
  26. Be used to extinguish magnesium fires; the hydrogen gas produced will only, intensify ,the fire. Dry sand is an effective smothering agent but is usable only on
  27. The Latin for replace is succeeded. ) The preposition super is applied to, intensify ,the verb severe, as in English hold up. Both forms can mean to delay. Hence the
  28. 18th Century Contact with Europeans began in the early 18th century but did not, intensify ,until the arrival of the British. In 1722,Dutchman Jacob Hoogeveen was the
  29. Liver, multiple forms of cancer, and alcoholism. Drug interactions Ethanol can, intensify ,the sedation caused by other central nervous system depressant drugs such as
  30. Of Samoa, contact with Europeans began in the early 18th century but did not, intensify ,until the arrival of the English. In 1722,Dutchman Jacob Hoogeveen was the
  31. Strategic partnership between the United States and Kazakhstan and pledged to, intensify ,bilateral cooperation to promote nuclear safety and non-proliferation, regional
  32. More insistent, using major characters too. His comic touches can be thought to, intensify ,the overall tragic effect, and his realism, which often threatens to make his
  33. Join" the Proliferation Security Initiative. To further complicate and, intensify ,strains between the two nations, the sinking of the South Korean warship
  34. The Soviet Union in 1941,Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to, intensify ,patriotic support for the war effort. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox
  35. Near the end of the siege of Kimberley, it was expected that the Boers would, intensify ,their bombardment, so Rhodes displayed a notice encouraging people to go down
  36. 14 to 11. December * December 1 – Cambodian Civil War: Khmer Rouge rebels, intensify ,assaults on Cambodian government positions, forcing their retreat from Romping
  37. It was not until the 19th century that research into the subject started to, intensify , Notable developments in this century include the work of Georg Ohm, who in
  38. Cyclonic circulations north and south of the equator. When the circulations, intensify , the westerly winds within the equatorial Pacific can further increase and
  39. Being fired just four games into the 1989 season, which has only served to, intensify ,this rivalry. On Sunday, October 24, 2010 the Raiders beat the Broncos (59-14
  40. To silver halves that can either be fixed with thiosulfate or redeveloped to, intensify ,the original image. Silver forms cyanide complexes (silver cyanide) that are
  41. Purpose: some practitioners do so to avoid criticism; some opponents do so to, intensify ,criticism. Proponents of the distinction, however,state that deprogramming
  42. Newspaper New Light of Myanmar as saying that the incident" was trumped-up to, intensify ,international pressure on Burma by internal and external anti-government
  43. The hips. It is thought many fighters use a counter rotation of the arms to, intensify ,the power of this kick, but in actuality the power is from the hips and the
  44. The war was turning against the Axis powers, but this only spurred Goebbels to, intensify ,the propaganda by urging the Germans to accept the idea of total war and
  45. Empress Dowager CII had decided to remotely control and, at the same time, intensify ,the Boxer movement through her ministers. Not long after, the Boxers' banner
  46. The two chambers pledged to try to break this habit, but wrangling appeared to, intensify ,in the months that followed. The State Dump confirms the appointment of the
  47. Can be taken with or without food as desired. When taken with alcohol, it can, intensify ,drowsiness. It may interact with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as well as other
  48. In the lining of blood vessels. Another example is the release of oxytocin to, intensify ,the contractions that take place during childbirth. Examples include when an
  49. That the effect of his encounter with Picasso was more to accelerate and, intensify ,Braque’s exploration of Cézanne’s ideas, rather than to divert his thinking in
  50. The Soviet Union in 1941,Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to, intensify ,patriotic support for the war effort. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox

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