Examples of the the word, feasibility , in a Sentence Context

The word ( feasibility ), is the 7706 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Central Indiana. The next year, Mayor Hunt appointed a committee to study the, feasibility ,of building a new stadium that could serve primarily as a boon to the city's
  2. Signed with the Strategic Air Command in July 1984. Intended to evaluate the, feasibility ,of using airborne optical sensors to detect and track hostile intercontinental
  3. Intensively monitored, long-term project in the United States studying the, feasibility ,of injecting a large volume of CO2 for underground storage. The project is a
  4. Smolensk and the pilot. In the 1950s,Ford Motor Company performed a serious, feasibility ,study for a flying car product. They concluded that such a product was
  5. Government in the CBG mining in north-western Guinea, have announced the, feasibility ,study for the construction of a 1 million TPA alumina smelter. This comes with
  6. Of the Voyager missions to deep space, the invention of the Compact Disc,the, feasibility ,of mobile phones, the development of the Internet, the study of linguistics and
  7. Possible, however,that present scientific knowledge cannot properly gauge the, feasibility ,and costs of such interstellar colonization. Theoretical barriers may not yet
  8. Szilard): nuclear chain reaction (therefore he was the first who realized the, feasibility ,of an" atomic bomb ". *Prezi, a web-based presentation application and
  9. Photographs of Earth were taken at precisely recorded times, to study the, feasibility ,of using geosynchronous satellites to study cloud height. * Apollo 13's S-IVB
  10. Project consisting of researchers from inside and outside NASA preparing for, feasibility ,tests to begin by summer 2011. Claims of commercialization Several
  11. To it as Sentinel. McNamara, a private ABM opponent because of cost and, feasibility ,(see cost-exchange ratio),claimed that Sentinel would be directed not
  12. Several hundred kilometers (miles) to the south. The idea was abandoned after, feasibility ,studies failed to prove it was possible. Greenland now has 18 airstrips,14 of
  13. Science of designing buildings. Architectural design usually must address both, feasibility ,and cost for the builder, as well as function and aesthetics for the. Articles
  14. Since one DSL termination point can support multiple ISPs, the economic, feasibility ,of DSL is substantially improved. Why virtual circuits? ATM operates as a
  15. Through Offal and More. The construction of this missing link, as per the, feasibility ,study conducted by the Ministry of External Affairs through RITES Ltd, is
  16. Stated that the Mayor, through Transport for London, would investigate the, feasibility ,of the extension to Dagenham Dock as part of the housing proposals for Barking
  17. To have been wrong on the central economic question of the 20th century—the, feasibility ,of socialist economic planning in a production goods dominated economy. Hayek
  18. Announced the High Speed 2 project, establishing a company to produce a, feasibility ,study to examine route options and financing for a new high speed railway in
  19. Into bloody dictatorship. Freedom of thought is the only guarantee of the, feasibility ,of a scientific democratic approach to politics, economics and culture. " (
  20. Early in the DLR operation, Lewisham London Borough Council commissioned a, feasibility ,study into extending the DLR under the River Thames. This led the council to
  21. And a controlled targeted orbit to a remote ocean area. The technical, feasibility ,of a controlled targeted orbit into a remote ocean was found to be possible
  22. Conducted among Canada's six largest banks to gauge security, accuracy and, feasibility ,of the Interact system. Slowly in the later half of the 1990s,it was estimated
  23. Dose, using idle cycles of thousands of computers across the Internet. The, feasibility ,of cracking DES quickly was demonstrated in 1998 when a custom DES-cracker was
  24. Accepts a commission from a client. The commission might involve preparing, feasibility ,reports, building audits, the design of a building or of several buildings
  25. The length of the key determines the number of possible keys, and hence the, feasibility ,of this approach. For DES, questions were raised about the adequacy of its key
  26. Corresponded with Columbus before his death in 1482 and who also defended the, feasibility ,of a westward route to Asia. Columbus therefore estimated the distance from the
  27. Currents back into sound. But he had no working model to demonstrate the, feasibility ,of these ideas. In 1874,telegraph message traffic was rapidly expanding and in
  28. Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved an allocation of $250,000 for a, feasibility ,study of DMS for" future transportation options for the region" on July 5
  29. Time as High Speed 2 has been completed. Has been set up to investigate the, feasibility ,and viability of a new line likely serving a similar route to the West Coast
  30. Incorporates entropy considerations, is a very useful means for predicting the, feasibility ,of a reaction and determining the state of equilibrium of a chemical reaction
  31. For successful growth under hypergravity. The research has implications on the, feasibility ,of pandemia. Examples Microbial life lives in the liquid asphalt lake Pitch
  32. The team. The architect made three secretive trips to Paris, to determine the, feasibility ,of the project; only one museum employee knew why he was there. Pei finally
  33. Minister for Regional Development, announced that a study looking into the, feasibility ,of connecting the A5 and A6 will occur. Education Derry is home to the McGee
  34. Commercial airports to define noise pollution contours and investigate the, feasibility ,of noise mitigation by residential retrofit programs. Throughout the 1980s
  35. Report, Williams has recently established a working group to examine the, feasibility ,of an Anglican covenant which would articulate the conditions for communion in
  36. To Outside. In 2000,the U. S. Congress authorized $6 million to study the, feasibility ,of a rail link between Alaska, Canada,and the lower 48. Alaska Rail Marine
  37. The airborne version using a novel form of muzzle brake. Developed to prove the, feasibility ,of using such a large weapon in the Mosquito, this installation was not
  38. Accompanied the Peruvian author on a journey to the Yucatán to assess the, feasibility ,of a film. After first meeting Castaneda in Rome in October 1984,Fellini
  39. Water and possibly sinking it. There have been modern experiments to test the, feasibility ,of the claw, and in 2005 a television documentary entitled Super weapons of the
  40. Agency Sound Transit, along with the Puget Sound Regional Council evaluated the, feasibility ,of both DM and diesel locomotive technology for operation in the Eastside BNSF
  41. Range. United States In several tests, the U. S. military have demonstrated the, feasibility ,of destroying long and short range ballistic missiles. Combat effectiveness of
  42. The necessary infrastructure in these waterways, surveying the economic, feasibility ,of new projects and also administration and regulation. The following waterways
  43. All of these materials are selected for a variety of reasons, including design, feasibility , material strength, cost,and corrosion resistance. Recently, copper alloys
  44. Westmoreland of Kansas State University published a paper investigating the, feasibility ,of this idea. Their conclusion was that it was on the edge of possibility, but
  45. Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model focuses on decision-making with respect to a, feasibility ,set Unlike I–O psychology, the primary emphasis in HP is on the physical and
  46. Aircraft named Medium Combat Aircraft. Japan is exploring its technical, feasibility ,to produce fifth-generation fighters. Sixth generation jet fighters A sixth
  47. Of the Earth, the objective of this experiment was to determine the, feasibility ,of using the same techniques on the Moon to learn about its internal structure.
  48. Meet all their strict criteria. The Boundary Committee was asked to look at the, feasibility ,of a unitary Peter in the context of examining options for unitary
  49. The Baghdad Metro began service. Local government in Baghdad is arranging, feasibility ,studies for the construction of two new underground lines A 37 km monorail is
  50. Quasi and Bianka in Ghana, has been discussed with Ghanaian officials, and, feasibility , studies are being undertaken to explore this possibility, which would provide

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