Examples of the the word, renovation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renovation ), is the 7709 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Connections with East Midlands Trains, changing at St Pancreas. The planned, renovation ,of the adjacent King's Cross will see a new concourse built to improve
  2. Must preserve the main facade and aesthetics of the buildings even during, renovation , Most parts of Greenwich Village comprise mid-rise apartments,19th-century row
  3. Fans. Baseball games are played at UCU Disc–Fall Field which underwent, renovation ,in 1996 with an increased capacity to 6,756 seats plus 11 stadium suites.
  4. Damascus. JPG|Bad Tum agate File: Khan Assad Sasha. JPG|Khan As'ad Pasha after, renovation ,File: Soul Med hat Pasha 02. JPG|Med hat Pasha Soul after renovation File:
  5. Was built inside the fortress sometime between 55 and 60 and underwent, renovation ,shortly afterwards (c. 60-65) but by c. 68 (perhaps even 66) the legion had
  6. Popularly known as" the nation's oldest par three course. " A full-scale, renovation ,was completed in mid-2010. In addition to Brightest, named for the late
  7. As providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual, renovation , education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and
  8. Race Street Dormitory housed Kelly Hall residents, while Kelly Hall underwent, renovation , It was recently announced that for 2010-2011 the Honors Living Learning
  9. Mall, a giant shopping and entertainment complex, and finally a complete, renovation ,of the coastal walkway to be finished in June 2009. The Sindbad park is planned
  10. Of the rest of the terminal over the next ten years which will include the, renovation ,of aircraft piers and the arrivals' forecourt. A new baggage system connecting
  11. According to Circa Elide, the medieval" Gioacchinian myth ... of universal, renovation ,in a more or less imminent future" has influenced a number of modern theories
  12. Forms of abuse and improper treatment in Equatorial Guinea and commissioned the, renovation ,and modernization of Black Beach prison in 2007 to ensure the humane treatment
  13. The spending would be included in the public sector spending, or G. If the, renovation ,involves the purchase of a chandelier from abroad, that spending would be
  14. The Basis) by the knights of the First Crusade on 15 July 1099. After the, renovation ,of 1555,control of the church oscillated between the Franciscans and the
  15. Hilversum has put a great deal of effort into improvements, including a recent, renovation ,to its central train station, thorough renovation of the main shopping center (
  16. Campus construction, with the erection of two new housing complexes, full, renovation , of two dormitories, and a forthcoming dining hall, life sciences center, and
  17. Stadium violated the Americans with Disabilities Act in its $226-million, renovation , by failing to add enough seats for disabled fans or accommodate the needs for
  18. House, and during the 1990s,Avery House. The four south houses closed for, renovation ,in 2005 and reopened in 2006. All first year students live in the house system
  19. Little historical remains and the post-war reconstruction period saw drastic, renovation ,plans in high rise style, some of which were implemented. At the time, there was
  20. Assignment was as liaison to the Berlin building trades for Paul Troost's, renovation ,of the Chancellery. As Chancellor, Hitler had a residence in the building and
  21. Reichstag building, which dates from the 1890s and underwent a significant, renovation ,under the lead of British architect Sir Norman Foster. Parliamentary committees
  22. Then a part of the Ottoman Empire. Motivated by the surrounding ideals of, renovation ,and rejection of the diaspora" steel" lifestyle, Ben-Yehuda set out to
  23. Installed by the British Mandate. No plans have been agreed upon for its, renovation , The current dome dates from 1870,although it was restored during 1994–1997
  24. Center, in effect being Diseased following the company's purchase and, renovation ,of the New Amsterdam Theatre on 42nd Street in 1993. Until June 2007,The New
  25. Deck. The building's lobbies and common areas received a $550 million, renovation ,in 2009,which included new air conditioning, waterproofing,and renovating the
  26. The Americas. The Empire State Building is currently undergoing a $550 million, renovation , with $120 million utilized in an effort to transform the building into a more
  27. Inductee. *Sacred Ground is the newest museum section, opened after the 2003–05, renovation , It is devoted entirely to ballparks and everything about them, especially the
  28. On whether a private individual, the government, or a business is doing the, renovation ,), but then counted again as an import and subtracted from the GDP so that GDP
  29. Dominic Subraces i Gas, Josep Canal eta y Joan Rubio also contributed to the, renovation ,project. The local name for the building is Casey deals losses (House of Bones)
  30. Latter is not. However, when the consortium conducted its own expenditure on, renovation , that expenditure would be included in GDP. If a hotel is a private home
  31. To pay for universal health insurance, free dental care for students, and, renovation , of aging urban infrastructure. The party was pledged to eliminate university
  32. Most of these houses are private residences closed to the public because of, renovation , including the George Surges House (Brentwood) and the Arch Bowler Gatehouse
  33. Soul after renovation File: Al-Hamidiyah Soul 02. JPG|Al-Hamidiyah Soul after, renovation ,File: October war panorama. JPG|October War Panorama Museum File: Sit Zayn.
  34. Forms of abuse and improper treatment in Equatorial Guinea and commissioned the, renovation ,and modernization of Black Beach prison in 2007 to ensure the humane treatment
  35. Shepherd's Bush (ground share with Queens Park Rangers during Craven Cottage, renovation ,) * 2004 –: Craven Cottage, Fulham (read the Craven Cottage article for future
  36. Radicalism, challenging the establishment position, but from a perspective of, renovation , not revolution; seeing themselves as trying to restore the traditional
  37. In 1946 by German prisoners of war and has survived since then without further, renovation ,or repairs; most of those who built it perished and were buried in unmarked
  38. Its 1000 m2 it has one of the largest stages in the Netherlands. With a major, renovation ,ending in 2007,the new Park theater will receive an estimated 300,000 visitors
  39. Not narrative, and included vignettes and exposés, showing for instance the, renovation ,of a trolley system, the organization of farmers into communes, and the trial
  40. About the final shape of a project. Just such a disagreement has delayed the, renovation ,of the edible, where the need is now dire, but also where any change in the
  41. Would be included in GDP. If a hotel is a private home, spending for, renovation ,would be measured as consumption, but if a government agency converts the hotel
  42. Private investment, but if he buys shares in a consortium to execute the, renovation , it is saving. The former is included when measuring GDP (in I),the latter
  43. Including a new athletics center, the Buckram Center for the Arts,the, renovation ,of the Robert Noyce '49 Science Center and the Joe Rosenfeld '25 Student
  44. The bullpens to provide more room for pitchers to warm up, but that part of the, renovation ,project was scrapped. Proposed (then canceled) new Fenway Park On May 15
  45. In 1762. After his accession to the throne in 1820,George IV continued the, renovation ,with the idea in mind of a small, comfortable home. While the work was in
  46. Pasha after renovation File: Soul Med hat Pasha 02. JPG|Med hat Pasha Soul after, renovation ,File: Al-Hamidiyah Soul 02. JPG|Al-Hamidiyah Soul after renovation File:
  47. Insult to Injury" in a dream sequence about Vila winning the consecutive home, renovation ,show appearance record; Vila wasn't played by himself, and instead played by a
  48. Transportation *The renovated and expanded (phase 1 out of 2 phases of, renovation ,) La Aurora International Airport lies in the southern part of the city and is
  49. Including a recent renovation to its central train station, thorough, renovation , of the main shopping center (Hilvertshof),and development of new dining and
  50. To the ceaseless wail of the Sphinx of our humanity, expounding agony into, renovation , Something of this has been perceived in art when its glory was at the fullest.

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