Examples of the the word, cereal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cereal ), is the 7708 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adverts for Wall's" Sky Ray" ice lollies (1966),Weetabix breakfast, cereal ,(1977),Kit Kat chocolate bars (2001),and the ANZ Bank (2005). In 2003
  2. The Finns had specialized in milk and butter production. The cessation of the, cereal ,imports from disintegrating Russia led to food shortages in the country. The
  3. Or maize constitutes a majority of daily sustenance. In developed nations, cereal ,consumption is moderate and varied but still substantial. The word cereal
  4. 1999 and 2001. Overall, the agricultural sector has dwindled since 1990,with, cereal ,and vegetable yields dropping nearly 40 % by 1999. A five-year modernization
  5. Growth needs of the plant. For example, endosperm cell walls in the seeds of, cereal ,grasses, nasturtium,and other species, are rich in Lucas and other
  6. Fresh fruit and vegetables (vitamin C),carrots, liver (vitamin A), cereal , bran,bread, liver e (B vitamins),fish liver oil (vitamin D) and fresh
  7. The University of Chicago to study the effects of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T on, cereal ,grains (including rice) and broadleaf crops. From these studies arose the
  8. Dishes, potatoes and corn or wheat are almost always used, including quinoa (a, cereal ,typically used in Incan cuisine),peppers, squashes and tomatoes. The most
  9. 5 % or 6 % fat. Another form of cream available in Canada is ", cereal ,cream ", which is approximately midway between 5 % cream and coffee cream in
  10. S public performances were of the same quality as those found on the backs of, cereal ,boxes. Geller sued both Randi and CSICOP. CSICOP argued that the organization
  11. Chen Quest was released in 1996 by Alston Foods as a promotion to increase, cereal ,sales, and the United States Marine Corps released Marine Doom, designed to "
  12. Later use. The ancient Egyptians cultivated Elmer and barley, and several other, cereal ,grains, all of which were used to make the two main food staples of bread and
  13. Grains produced by broadleaf plants; used like true cereal s **Whole grains,the, cereal ,grains that contain bran and germ as well as the endosperm *Film grain, the
  14. Two plebeian exiles, called Cereals, whose special duty was the care of the, cereal ,(corn) supply. Under Augustus the office lost much of its importance, its
  15. Kazakh grazing land were put to the plow for the cultivation of wheat and other, cereal ,grains. Still more settlers came in the late 1960s and 1970s,when the
  16. Seed kernels are reasonably dry, harvest can begin. In developed countries, cereal ,crops are universally machine-harvested, typically using a combine harvester
  17. Cereal consumption is moderate and varied but still substantial. The word, cereal ,derives from Ceres, the name of the Roman goddess of harvest and agriculture.
  18. Father of American Football" ( d. 1925) *1860 – Will Keith Kellogg, American, cereal , manufacturer (d. 1951) *1867 – Holder Pedersen, Danish linguist (d. 1953)
  19. Feebler, uses the elves of Snap, Crackle,and Pop as mascots of Rice Kris pies, cereal , and the role of elves as Santa's helpers has continued to be popular, as
  20. Product, and a nut is any hard, oily,and shelled plant product. Technically,a, cereal ,grain is also a kind of fruit, a kind which is termed a calypsos. However, the
  21. Simpsons episode, where a carbonized version of her was featured on a Wheaties, cereal ,box. In January 2007,Molly Shannon performed a Saturday Night Live comedy
  22. Beverage Control (ABC) was created to enforce the act. The power to regulate, cereal ,malt beverage remains with the cities and counties. Liquor-by-the-drink did not
  23. Negative public opinion, Monsanto announced its decision to remove their seed, cereal ,business from Europe, and environmentalists crashed a World Trade Organization
  24. By local architect Pablo Naff, in 1926. Bulge & Born's near-monopoly on, cereal ,and flour exports ended with populist President Juan Perón's 1946
  25. To fruit cultivation and agriculture in general. Vast expanses of wheat, other, cereal , crops,vegetable crops, cotton,and nut and fruit trees were grown (including
  26. The Castle of the Valley of the Duchess. It achieved agreement on a contentious, cereal ,price accord as well as making a positive impression upon third countries when
  27. The canton of Aargau is some of the most fertile in Switzerland. Dairy farming, cereal ,and fruit farming are among the canton's main economic activities. The canton
  28. The end of the decade, Gumby and Pokey had appeared in commercials for Cheerios, cereal , most notably Frosted Cheerios. Although no new animated Gumbo material is
  29. Brewing is the production of beer through steeping a starch source (commonly, cereal ,grains) in water and then fermenting with yeast. Brewing has taken place since
  30. The Athenian rhetorician Socrates, the greatest gifts which Demeter gave were, cereal ,(also known as, Panegyricushttp://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?
  31. Liquor Enforcement Tax is collected on retail purchases. Although the sale of, cereal ,malt beverage (also known as 3.2 beer) was legalized in 1937,the first
  32. A tendency to order items marketed in comic books or on boxes of his favorite, cereal , Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. Watterson described Calvin: Calvin also has a
  33. Require more irrigation and yield less than winter cereal s. Period Once the, cereal ,plants have grown their seeds, they have completed their life cycle. The plants
  34. With no food sales requirement. Today there are more than 2600 liquor and 4000, cereal , malt beverage licensees in the state. Important cities and towns Kansas has 627
  35. Facilities for pistachios since receiving bumper crops in 2010. Wheat and, cereal ,production is Afghanistan's traditional agricultural mainstay. The overall
  36. Human history including the invention of the wheel, the planting of the first, cereal ,crops and the development of cursive script. " Summer and Akkad Summer was a
  37. And bananas) in the Jordan Valley. The rest of crop production, especially, cereal , production,remains volatile because of the lack of consistent rainfall.
  38. He took a job for salary plus profit-sharing, as a food technologist (a, cereal ,chemist) at the http://www.dawnfoods.com Dawn Doughnut Company of Jackson
  39. Beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC, when, cereal , was first farmed, and is recorded in the written history of Ancient Egypt and
  40. Of table sugar) and fructose (from fruit),and starches from sources such as, cereal ,flour, rice,arrowroot, and potato. The interaction of heat and carbohydrate is
  41. Standardization ISO has published a series of standards regarding, cereal ,products and these standards are covered by ICS 67.060. Christina may refer to:
  42. Repeal of Prohibition in 1933,the major breweries continued to use unsalted, cereal ,grains to provide the full body and mouthfeel of a" real" beer while keeping
  43. A mash tun. In this vessel, the grain and water are mixed together to create a, cereal ,mash. During the mash, naturally occurring enzymes present in the malt convert
  44. Produced by the brewing and fermentation of sugars, mainly derived from malted, cereal ,grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat. Sugars derived from maize
  45. During Prohibition that had the resources and wherewithal to convert to ", cereal ,beer" production—malt beverage made with non-fermentables such as rice and
  46. Of hourly ingestion of milk and cream, the gradual addition of eggs and cooked, cereal , for 10 days, combined with alkaline powders, which provided symptomatic relief
  47. The seed coat, so almost all the edible grain is actually a seed. Therefore, cereal ,grains, such as corn, wheat and rice are better considered as edible seeds
  48. The name of the Roman goddess of harvest and agriculture. History The first, cereal ,grains were domesticated about 12,000 years ago by ancient farming communities
  49. In Brazil in 1905,and by 1910,they reportedly controlled 80 % of Argentine, cereal ,exports (Argentina was, by then, the world's third-largest grain exporter).
  50. One letter, a request for money to buy 5,000 mod ii (measures) of braces (a, cereal ,used in brewing) shows that the fort bought provisions for a considerable

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