Examples of the the word, lords , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lords ), is the 7710 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And another lord named Placate hanged. Cortés wrote that the other, lords ,would be too frightened to plot against him again, as they believed he had
  2. In the process, the whole Church emerged freed from the grip of all lay, lords , This was known as the Gregorian Reform, which takes its name from Pope Gregory
  3. Abbots had lost much of their special religious character, and become great, lords , chiefly distinguished from lay lords by celibacy. Thus, we hear of abbots going
  4. Both from private proto-paramilitary organizations, increasingly powerful drug, lords ,and a number of would-be paramilitary-sympathizers within the armed forces.
  5. Religious character, and become great lords , chiefly distinguished from lay, lords ,by celibacy. Thus, we hear of abbots going out to hunt, with their men carrying
  6. 1247 he wrote also that" Certain of the clergy, and princes, nobles and great, lords ,of your cities and dioceses have falsely devised certain godless plans against
  7. Soldiers found it difficult to fight for a liege whom they distrusted, and some, lords ,believed that their situation might improve if Richard was dethroned. According
  8. Event which made the Betancourt administration begin to directly oppose the drug, lords , The first negotiated cease-fire with the M-19 ended when the guerrillas
  9. And Scotland. Power in Ireland fluxed between Gaelic kingdoms, Hiberno-Norman, lords ,and the English-dominated Lordship of Ireland. A similar situation existed in
  10. And folklore. Four-fifths of the cost for the venture was paid for by noble, lords , who were among the most powerful men in England: the Earl of Oxford, The Baron
  11. S personality and character have been used in fiction as a model for crime, lords ,and criminal masterminds ever since his death. The stereotypical image of a
  12. UP members (including presidential candidate Jaime Pardon) was blamed on drug, lords ,and also on members of the security forces (to a much lesser degree on the
  13. Entangled. People in the Middle Ages did not always know to which of the many, lords , the Church and the individual churches, the towns, princes,and kings, they
  14. Prince Froissart states as follows:" Now will I name some principal, lords ,and knights (men-at-arms) that were there with the prince: the earl of
  15. A Muhammadan in the reign of Fir oz Shah between A. H. 752 and 790. The Rapt, lords ,had, prior to Babur's intervention, succeeded in conquering some of the
  16. Overthrown in Aragon, duke Seguin of Bordeaux deposed, uprising of the Basque, lords , etc.) were to prove it ephemeral on his death. Roncesvalles campaign
  17. The Reconquista temporarily counteracted this tendency when the Christian, lords ,called on northern Iberian peoples – Basques, Asturians, and " Franks" – to
  18. Of their tendencies—perhaps support, at least initially, the pretender. These, lords ,also appear in the later legend of the Bell of Hues ca, which has no historical
  19. S times. Taranatha's account states that Canada, one of Bindusara's great, lords , destroyed the nobles and kings of 16 towns and made himself the master of all
  20. Reign, Abd Brahman took advantage of the rivalries between the Band Heyday, lords ,of Seville and Cardona to force them to submit. He initially sent a special
  21. Also inherited a particularly chaotic confrontation against the drug, lords , who were engaged in a campaign of terrorism and murder in response to
  22. Shot us at the altar. Changes Made in Scotland In 1557,the Scots Protestant, lords ,had adopted the English Prayer Book of 1552,for reformed worship in Scotland.
  23. On 11 August, but it took three to four days for his messengers to notify his, lords ,of their king's mobilization. On 16 August, the Yorkist army started to gather
  24. Council in the spring of 1414 to discuss going to war with France, but the, lords ,insisted that he should negotiate further and moderate his claims. In the
  25. Family, Angus Macdonald, and over the next two centuries the Macdonald, lords ,operated as if they were kings in their own right, frequently opposing the
  26. That almost finishes the war. Ajax is responsible for the death of many Trojans, lords , including Forces. Ajax often fought in tandem with his brother Teacher, known
  27. Modern historian Antonio Dubiety Art eta, has hypothesized that the Aragonite, lords ,of the tendencies of Zaragoza, Calatayud, and Dakota—Pedro de Luesia, Loferrench
  28. Count of Flanders and emperor of Constantinople, the duke of Burgundy, and six, lords , visited the abbey, the whole party, with their attendants, were lodged within
  29. While control in Ireland fluxed between Gaelic kingdoms, Hiberno-Norman, lords ,and the English-dominated Lordship of Ireland, soon restricted only to The Pale
  30. Where" Here" refers to Here Recorders van de star Amsterdam (ruling, lords ,of Amsterdam),and freight means canal, so the name can be roughly translated
  31. Jews by reason of their fault are sentenced to perpetual servitude and thus the, lords ,of the lands in which they dwell may take things from them as though they were
  32. III of England, son of Isabella of France,Philip's daughter. The French, lords ,were opposed to the succession of an English monarch, and produced an addition
  33. He suggests that these names were" not the true names of the Hun princes and, lords , What we have are Runic names in Germanic dress, modified to fit the Gothic
  34. Military protection. These lands would then be further divided between lesser, lords ,and commoners. This was the nature of European feudalism. Inheritance was an
  35. Of the Four Masters John Due Mac Costello, Lord of Sliabh-Lugha, died; and two, lords ,were set up in his place, namely,William, the son of Edmond of the Plain, his
  36. Come and do homage. The system of vassalage was not divided among great local, lords ,in England as it was in France, for by right of the Conquest the king was in
  37. All participants in the Colombian conflict. Guerrillas and newly wealthy drug, lords ,had mutually uneven relations and thus numerous incidents occurred between them
  38. 1485 Richard had been aware of Henry's impending invasion, and had ordered his, lords ,to maintain a high level of readiness. News of Henry's landing reached Richard
  39. Under Norman control in 1235AD. Norman control meant the eclipse of many Gaelic, lords ,and chieftains, chiefly the O'Connors of Contact. During the 15th and 16th
  40. S bluesy style and humorous lyrics were completely incompatible with the, lords ,of doom and gloom ". Although he performed on the album, drummer Bill Ward was
  41. Aberdeen. The city was strongly fortified to prevent attacks by neighboring, lords , but the gates were removed by 1770. During the Wars of the Three Kingdoms of
  42. And freight means canal, so the name can be roughly translated as" Canal of the, lords ,"),Keizersgracht (Emperor's Canal),and Prinsengracht (Prince's Canal).
  43. That they insisted on being in the first line. For example:" All the, lords ,wanted to be in the vanguard, against the opinion of the constable and the
  44. To inherit their land. This was a source of profit to both churches and, lords ,when the inheritors were charged a fee to inherit the land. Most bishops had a
  45. Papal dispensation to Agnes, sister of the Duke of Aquitaine; the Navarrete, lords , perhaps irked at the personal union of Aragon and Navarre signalled their
  46. Coalition led by SA'id in MAL, who had expelled the Arabs from Beja, and the, lords ,of Sonora, Yahya in Bar, and of Nicola, Ibn Ufa yr. The absence of royal
  47. Of lands owned by Fathers and their supporters. This not only angered the, lords ,of the south but also the French King, who was at least nominally the suzerain
  48. Which Christ taught, that for almost every misdeed at the first offense secular, lords ,might with their permission receive without sin the monetary compensation
  49. Against confiscation. Benefices were lands granted by the Church to faithful, lords , In exchange, the Church expected rent or other services, such as military
  50. Into the hands of those who did not have loyalty to the Church or the great, lords , The usual grant was in Pretoria, the granting of a life tenure, whereby the

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