Examples of the the word, frustrating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frustrating ), is the 7705 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Marble quarry at Pietrasanta specifically for the project, were among the most, frustrating ,in his career, as work was abruptly canceled by his financially strapped
  2. Of failed recall, forgetting. The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is particularly, frustrating ,because the person trying to remember feels that the memory is available.
  3. To escape. Albuquerque regained the support of the Hindu population, although, frustrating , the initial expectations of Timor, who aspired to become governor. Albuquerque
  4. A game that took place in Tiger Stadium due to Hurricane Katrina. After a, frustrating ,two months, however,the Dolphins would rally late in the season, as they won
  5. And bassist Geezer Butler would write lyrics. The process was sometimes, frustrating ,for Commit, who often felt pressured to come up with new material. " If I did
  6. Concerning their short-distance/high-energy behavior was much slower and more, frustrating , For strong interactions with the electroweak fields, there were difficult
  7. The Athenian side. The Persians were slow to furnish promised funds and ships, frustrating ,battle plans. Perhaps most importantly, Spartan officers were not trained to be
  8. Of time between album releases is extremely stressful noting:" It's very, frustrating ,the albums take as long as they do ... I wish there weren't such big gaps
  9. Could be, at least in computing, ironic praise, for a quick fix solution to a, frustrating ,problem. A kludge is often used to fix an unanticipated problem in an earlier
  10. Nearly winning the series single-handedly. The Giants then had several, frustrating ,years. In 1908,they finished in a tie with the Chicago Cubs and had a one-game
  11. I haven't spoken to you before now is this: You deserve the truth. And as, frustrating ,as the waiting has been, I felt it was improper to come to you with sketchy
  12. On 10 May 1793. The goal of the club was" to deliberate on the means of, frustrating ,the projects of the enemies of the Republic. " Up to 180 women attended the
  13. Of causing the" accident," and spends three months repairing it, including a, frustrating ,wait for spare parts. His first assignment is a voyage up-river to Kurtz's
  14. Missing, notably inheritance, and the language is also hindered by a sometimes, frustrating ,if elegant syntax. Clusters The syntax of CLU was based on ALGOL, then the
  15. In December 1936. Patent office After graduating, Einstein spent almost two, frustrating ,years searching for a teaching post, but a former classmate's father helped
  16. And simple as it sounds. No doubt, but what makes it complex, difficult and, frustrating ,are the barriers that come in its way. Some of these barriers are mentioned
  17. Moved to the Conservative group. Mr Rich gave as his reason;" I found it very, frustrating ,being at a party that, along with the opposition parties, seemed to be in
  18. Experience mixed results with handwriting recognition systems. Some find it, frustrating ,and inaccurate, while others are satisfied with the quality of the recognition.
  19. Began to be used in symphonic music by Hector Berlioz, but he found performances, frustrating ,in such countries as Germany where qualified harpists and harps were few to be
  20. To active service. The Nine Years' War was professionally and personally, frustrating ,for the Prince. Initially fighting on the Rhine with Max Emmanuel – receiving a
  21. Delhi's days. Personal correspondence between the two reveals a satisfying yet, frustrating ,relationship. Edwina states in one of her letters" Nothing that we did or felt
  22. He had no one he could discuss philosophy with, which was particularly, frustrating ,given that the Tracts was now the subject of much debate in Cambridge and
  23. To Spain to meet Manuel's family. He gets to Heathrow and then spends about 14, frustrating , hours waiting for the flight. Finally, on the plane, a terrorist pulls a gun
  24. Of parts (such as the key caps) are removed. This type of keyboard can be, frustrating ,to use since it is susceptible to errors, even in the course of normal typing
  25. To the superior numbers of the British 22nd Armored and 4th Armored Brigades, frustrating ,Rommel's attempts to resume his advance. The RAF once again played its part
  26. And a 67-yard touchdown run by Dock Walker combined to help the Lions win 17–7, frustrating , the Browns for the second consecutive year. On the upside, Ray Reno became a
  27. Again with 1.98 () and finally Joe Horse,2.06 (). The season was especially, frustrating , as the team won 98 games, four more than 1959,including their last nine in a
  28. Soundtrack. These new dungeons met with mixed reviews; GameS pot called them ", frustrating ," and" repetitive ", while IGN noted that" the extra quests in the game
  29. Life. The hotel has difficulty possessing Danny, so it begins to possess Jack, frustrating ,his need and desire to work. Jack becomes increasingly unstable, and the
  30. New Full" Talkie" Soundtrack, which entirely replaced the original subtitles, frustrating ,some players, including those with hearing disabilities. The CD-ROM version of
  31. Need an accurate understanding of what a meter can and cannot do to avoid, frustrating ,and inconclusive results. In cases of recurrent hypoglycemia with severe
  32. DES function was iterated to make the hash function equivalent slow, further, frustrating , automated guessing attacks, and used the password candidate as a key to encrypt
  33. Not able to let go of MY family picture ... it's been sad and lonely and, frustrating ,... I've raised my kids alone in hope of a miracle. Well my miracle came and
  34. Of political dissidence; when he found its observance of the rule of law too, frustrating , he established a Ministerial Commission to interfere with its processes. The
  35. Exercises. Bulgakov's cutting portrait of Ivan Vasilievich likely reflects his, frustrating ,experiences with Stanislavsky during the latter's eventually aborted
  36. Internationale son 15 May 1969,he criticized the Pope’s decision again as, frustrating ,the collegiality defined by the Council, calling it a non-collegial or even an
  37. From different genres a success, he said that Kid Icarus suffered from ", frustrating ," design flaws, such as its high difficulty level. Jeremy Parish of 1UP. Com
  38. Released a statement in which he called reports of a Led Zeppelin reunion ", frustrating ,and ridiculous ". He said he would not be recording or touring with the band
  39. And losses. " Film career Laurent's' first Hollywood experience proved to be a, frustrating ,disappointment. Unhappy with the script for The Snake Pit (1948),submitted
  40. Is a formation used by football teams at all levels. In 1962 the 49ers had a, frustrating ,season as they won only 6 games that year. They won only 1 game at Year
  41. Released Tod Browning's Dracula starring Bela Lugosi. Because of the Stokers ', frustrating ,history with Dracula's copyright, a great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker, Canadian
  42. The difficulty in getting work accepted by the official GCC project was greatly, frustrating ,for many. The FSF kept such close control on what was added to the official
  43. Find the variable quality of his work and the often simplistic interpretations, frustrating , Late antiquity and Middle Ages Even as the Western Roman Empire collapsed
  44. Converted to stereo. Ronnie Hunt said he was paid £6,and found the experience, frustrating ,as Eric Spear insisted on many takes before obtaining the sound that he wanted.
  45. Raised. From this point Fram's drift began. The first weeks in the ice were, frustrating , as the drift moved unpredictably, sometimes north, sometimes south; by 19
  46. Of drafted personnel, the unpopularity of the war with the American public, and, frustrating , restrictions placed on the army by US political leaders. While American forces
  47. Tracks; the song" Gypsy Eyes" was reportedly recorded 43 times. This was also, frustrating ,for bassist Noel Redding, who would often leave the studio to calm himself
  48. Identified. The primary meaning of 古 GU is" old" (" Old Seal Script" ), frustrating ,philologists because Hangul bears no functional similarity to Chinese 篆字 seal
  49. Idris had also tried to reform the military, but only half-heartedly, further, frustrating , young Libyan officers. Immediately after the coup, Gaddafi began to dismiss
  50. Parts of Virus were ceded to Greece as part of the Treaty of Berlin, while, frustrating , Greek hopes of receiving Crete. Greeks in Crete continued to stage regular

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