Examples of the the word, chin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chin ), is the 7712 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Being notoriously hard to hit. The key to a swarmer is aggression, endurance, chin , and bobbing-and-weaving. Notable in-fighters include Laszlo PPP, Mike Tyson
  2. With the rear hand. From the guard position, the rear hand is thrown from the, chin , crossing the body and traveling towards the target in a straight line. The
  3. Amounts of punishment. A brawler's the most important assets are power and, chin ,(the ability to absorb punishment while remaining able to continue boxing).
  4. Along its forward edge, changing abruptly to red on the side and rear. The, chin ,of an ivory-bill is black. When perched with the wings folded, ivory-bills of
  5. Believed that Cobain was asleep until he saw the shotgun pointing at his, chin , A suicide note was found, addressed to Cobain's childhood imaginary friend "
  6. Personal comeliness in inverse ratio to the term employed. " He possessed a, chin ," so short and retiring as positively to disfigure his otherwise fine
  7. Best suited to protect them. Boxers who use an upright stance protect their, chin ,with the rear hand in either the low or mixed guard styles depicted below.
  8. Insisted that Knight did nothing wrong and that he merely lifted Prince's, chin ,and told him" Hold your head up and don't worry about mistakes. Just play the
  9. The chin and the elbow tucked against the rib cage to protect the body. The, chin ,is tucked into the chest to avoid punches to the jaw which commonly cause
  10. Hook is a deadly combination employing the uppercut to lift the opponent's, chin ,into a vulnerable position, then the hook to knock the opponent out. These
  11. Different body movements for example, head-mounted devices attached to the, chin ,or nose, but ultimately the mouse won out because of its simplicity and
  12. Consistent from shot to shot and is usually at the corner of the mouth, on the, chin , to the cheek, or to the ear, depending upon one's preferred shooting style.
  13. Guns of the much harder-hitting brawler, so,unless the former has a very good, chin ,and the latter's stamina is poor, the brawler's superior power will carry the
  14. Rear shoulder is thrust forward and finishes just tou chin g the outside of the, chin , At the same time, the lead hand is retracted and tucked against the face to
  15. Original set of sensors also comprised an infrared sensor under the nose in a ", chin ,pod ": it was AN/ALR-23 with indium nationwide detectors, cooled by a
  16. Immediately afterwards an enemy shell explodes on his position blowing off his, chin , The same explosion also fatally wounds Leer. Himmelstoß Corporal Himmelstoß
  17. And many players make use of brush back pitches, or pitches aimed underneath the, chin , commonly referred to as ' chin music ', to keep players away from the plate. "
  18. Trousers tucked into high boots) and a twisted Rashly that covers their head, chin ,and neck. Abdallah Mustafa, composer of the 14th century work The
  19. The elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the, chin , The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the fist through a tight
  20. And instead had a pair of .50 in (12.7 mm) guns in each wing. The distinctive, chin ,air scoop grew larger in order to adequately cool the large Allison engine.
  21. 13, 2006,Knight was shown allegedly hitting player Michael Prince under the, chin ,to get him to make eye contact. Although Knight didn't comment on the incident
  22. Slightly up towards the nose or pull them down together slightly towards the, chin , and use the opposite motion to descend in pitch. Whether the player uses one
  23. Like. Most noticeable in the face is perhaps the full round strong, masculine, chin , with a high nose that has a high bridge as a natural extension of the forehead.
  24. Or body. Generally speaking, the hands are held high to protect the head and, chin ,and the forearms are tucked against the torso to impede body shots. When
  25. Or all of the following physical characteristics: Micronesia (abnormally small, chin ,), oblique eye fissures with epideictic skin folds on the inner corner of the
  26. The rear hand is thrust upwards in a rising arc towards the opponent's, chin ,or torso. At the same time, the knees push upwards quickly and the torso and
  27. In front of the face at eye level. The rear (right) fist is held beside the, chin ,and the elbow tucked against the rib cage to protect the body. The chin is
  28. Somewhat from his forehead. A comely and very full beard covered his cheeks and, chin , He had a way of laughing immoderately so that his entire body shook. " He did
  29. By Martin Martini, is that" China" is derived from" Qin" ( 秦, pronounced, chin , ),the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty, or from the
  30. The respective words are Base and Circle. Contrarily, this did not happen for, chin ,and (to)choose, which are kin and maize. One rhyme demonstrates the palpable
  31. These mutants, who share the common mutation of an overly large, exaggerated, chin , are thus genetic relatives of Judge Dread himself, and consider him a" cousin
  32. Punch arrives, the boxer sharply rotates the hips and shoulders. This turns the, chin ,sideways and allows the punch to" slip" past. Muhammad Ali was famous for
  33. Is normally black. Pleated juveniles and adults have a red crest and a white, chin , Pleated normally have no white on the trailing edges of their wings and when
  34. Or back foot. It makes an explosive snap upwards to strike an opponent’s face, chin , throat or chest. * Hooking Knee Strike – can be delivered with the front or
  35. Of this sign is produced with the initial posture of the index finger on the, chin , followed by a movement of the hand and fingertip toward the indirect object (
  36. Injuring their opponents. Grappling is called dog in Eskimo. The term, chin ,Na in Chinese martial arts deals with the use of grappling to achieve
  37. Coming off the mouthpiece to create leverage that applies pressure to the poll, chin ,groove and mouth of the horse are in the category of curb bits. Any bit with
  38. For throwing devastating uppercuts. Julio César Chávez was known for his hard ", chin ,", pun chin g power, body attack and the stalking of his opponents. Some
  39. It as" always dull of eye ". He also says:" From either end protrudes a blunt, chin ,; each is far from each other. " Nicander's account seems to be referring to
  40. On its offensive capabilities and better support the Phalanx. It spanned from, chin ,to knee and was very heavy. It weighed 8–15 kg (17.6 - 33 pounds) The primary
  41. Arc to the initial posture of the base sign (i.e. index finger tou chin g the, chin ,) while inhaling through the mouth, dropping of the jaw, directing eye gaze
  42. Lead hand is retracted and tucked against the face to protect the inside of the, chin , For additional power, the torso and hips are rotated counter-clockwise as the
  43. Punch reaches full extension, the lead shoulder can be brought up to guard the, chin , The rear hand remains next to the face to guard the jaw. After making contact
  44. The B-1 fleet. The pod is mounted on an external hard point at the aircraft's, chin ,near the forward bomb bay. Following accelerated testing, the Sniper pod was
  45. Commented," He was trying to teach me and I had my head down, so he raised my, chin ,up. He was telling me to go out there and don't be afraid to make mistakes. He
  46. On the data obtained, Curtiss moved the glycol coolant radiator forward to the, chin ,; its new air scoop also accommodated the oil cooler air intake. Other
  47. The origin of his fear of snakes, his use of a bullwhip, the scar on his, chin , and his hat; the film's epilogue also reveals that" Indiana" is not Jones
  48. Were" rather too largely and strongly limned. " He had a broad face, a cleft, chin , and the bridge of his nose was slightly dented; his skin was scarred by
  49. Of hooks and uppercuts. A successful in-fighter often needs a good ", chin ," because swarming usually involves being hit with many jabs before they can
  50. Er on TH' checks.; Modern Scots: The laddie straight the lassie about the, chin ,a kiss her on the chow. French (, ) is a Romance language spoken as a first

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