Examples of the the word, cumulative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cumulative ), is the 6505 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Kolmogorov–Smirnoff and Kuiper's tests The Kolmogorov–Smirnoff test is based on, cumulative ,distribution functions and can be used to test to see whether two empirical
  2. English, Italian,French, Japanese ) In probability theory and statistics,the, cumulative ,distribution function (CDF),or just distribution function, describes the
  3. In the form of equity or subsidies. The airline industry as a whole has made a, cumulative ,loss during its 100-year history, once the costs include subsidies for aircraft
  4. Rather than utilitarian, claiming that inventions are mostly a collective, cumulative , path dependent, social creation and therefore, no one person or firm should be
  5. Which do not contain themselves is not a set but a proper class. Regularity and, cumulative ,hierarchy In ZF it can be proven that the class \big cup_ V_\alpha \! (see
  6. In stimulating the Renaissance, and the transition to the modern world. The, cumulative ,influence of the city on the west, over the many centuries of its existence, is
  7. Of response as a dependent variable in psychological research. He invented the, cumulative ,recorder to measure rate of responding as part of his highly influential work
  8. Blutspendedienst SRK precludes potential donors who have spent a, cumulative ,time of at least six months in the United Kingdom between 1 January 1980 and 31
  9. Including a time-phased spend plan for all elements of work. Figure 1 shows the, cumulative ,budget (cost) for this project as a function of time (the blue line, labeled
  10. Serious issues such as the evolving terms describing the medical problem of the, cumulative ,mental trauma of soldiers in high stress situations:: shell shock (World War I
  11. 2 capital consists of subordinated debt, intermediate-term preferred stock, cumulative ,and long-term preferred stock, and a portion of a bank’s allowance for loan and
  12. Levels above 50 ppm. Within short time scales, carbon monoxide absorption is, cumulative , since the half-life is about 5 h in fresh air (see main article). The most
  13. Only one, the subscript is omitted. It is conventional to use a capital F for a, cumulative ,distribution function, in contrast to the lower-case f used for probability
  14. But higher than the Latin American average rate of growth. Accordingly,the, cumulative ,growth in GDP since 2004 stood at 42.5 %. Post-Fidel reforms In 2007,Raúl
  15. Of Blood Donors of Denmark precludes potential donors who have spent a, cumulative ,time of at least 12 months in the United Kingdom between 1 January 1980 and 31
  16. Over 100 astronaut-days of spacewalks. As of 2008,the man with the longest, cumulative ,time in space is Sergei K. Rivaled, who has spent 803 days,9 hours and 39
  17. Hierarchy In ZF it can be proven that the class \big cup_ V_\alpha \! (see, cumulative ,hierarchy) is equal to the class of all sets. This statement is even
  18. Triggered- a chain reaction. And economic collapse often has the character of a, cumulative ,process. Let it go beyond a certain point, and it will tend for a time to gain
  19. Placed in the team rows represents the end in which that team achieved that, cumulative ,score. If the red team scores three points in the first end (called a
  20. X |) = \int_^ \brace 1-F (t) \brace \, \operatornamet, if,where F is the, cumulative ,distribution function of X. Conventional terminology * When one speaks of the "
  21. Invent useful devices, which included whimsical devices in his childhood to the, cumulative ,recorder to measure the rate of response of organisms in an operant chamber.
  22. E (X) - \int_0^c x f (x)DX \to 0 \text c \to \nifty as claimed. Folded, cumulative ,distribution While the plot of a cumulative distribution often has an S-like
  23. And 1996. The Singapore Red Cross precludes potential donors who have spent a, cumulative ,time of three months or more in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996. In
  24. C \to \nifty as claimed. Folded cumulative distribution While the plot of a, cumulative ,distribution often has an S-like shape, an alternative illustration is the
  25. In determining how good a player is at stealing bases is whether to judge the, cumulative ,number of steals or the success ratio of steals to caught stealing. Noted
  26. Case When dealing simultaneously with more than one random variable the joint, cumulative ,distribution function can also be defined. For example, for a pair of random
  27. Resulted in disfranchising poor whites as well, due mostly to imposition of a, cumulative ,poll tax. In 1900,14 Black Belt counties had more than 79,000 voters on the
  28. With two nitrogen atoms, five carbon atom and the maximum possible number of, cumulative ,double bonds. The" Benz" prefix indicates the benzene ring fused onto the
  29. And Joseph Sass. The various groupings of Bible Students currently have a, cumulative ,membership of less than 20,000 worldwide. Although the Jehovah's Witnesses (
  30. Resting in this way uses" mechanical advantage" as a means of releasing, cumulative ,muscular tension. It's also a specific time to practice Alexander's principle
  31. Random variable is above a particular level. This is called the complementary, cumulative ,distribution function (CCD) or simply the tail distribution or exceedance
  32. Right, where I is the height of the peak. Cumulative distribution function The, cumulative ,distribution function (CDF) is:: F (x; x_0,\gamma)=\franc \arc tan\left (
  33. In the number of colonies maintained by beekeepers. This decline includes the, cumulative ,losses from all factors, such as urbanization, pesticide use, tracheal and
  34. Of multivariate random variables. Definition For every real number x,the, cumulative ,distribution function of a real-valued random variable X is given by: F_X (x)
  35. Then in turn wrote a vehement riposte in The Guardian. Cumulative recorder The, cumulative ,recorder is an instrument used to automatically record behavior graphically.
  36. Of it occurring can be fairly small. Cumulative distribution function The, cumulative ,distribution function can be expressed as:: F (x; n, p ) \Pr (X \LE x)
  37. The mean functions, Julian Easter always follows the start of Passover. This, cumulative ,effect of the errors in the Julian calendar's solar year and lunar age has led
  38. For its orbit to be affected by the planet's gravity. Over many orbits,the, cumulative ,effect of gravitational perturbations on comets with high orbital inclinations
  39. Show that the top of the Moon are extremely dry. The Apollo 17 LRV traveled a, cumulative ,distance of approximately in a total drive time of about four hours and
  40. 481.84 mas/yr or 0.48184 arc sec per year in declination. As proper motions are, cumulative , the motion of Alpha Centauri is about 6.1 arc min each century, and 61.3 arc min
  41. Often has an S-like shape, an alternative illustration is the folded, cumulative ,distribution or mountain plot, which folds the top half of the graph over, thus
  42. Area. By the end of the 1980s,Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a, cumulative ,government debt of about 120 % of GDP. As of 2006,the budget was balanced and
  43. To the policy. Later changes to this policy have relaxed the restriction to a, cumulative ,total of five years or more of civilian travel in European countries (six
  44. For second; Billboard has him third with 17. Presley retains the record for, cumulative ,weeks at number one: alone at 80,according to Whit burn and the Rock and Roll
  45. Sales of a product vary by day of the week or day of the month. Complementary, cumulative ,distribution function (tail distribution) Sometimes, it is useful to study
  46. Proportionally to the action along each path. The differences in the, cumulative ,action along the different paths (and thus the relative phases of the
  47. The Attlee Government, which did much to reduce acute social deprivation. The, cumulative ,impact of the Attlee’s Government’s health and welfare policies was such that
  48. To the Australian Red Cross' Blood Service, precluding people who have spent a, cumulative ,time of six months or more in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996. The
  49. Which effectively destroyed Lee's offensive capacity," implying that these, cumulative ,losses were not the result of a single battle. Thomas Loss, writing in the U.
  50. Left of F at x0: i.e. LIM F (y) as y increases towards x0. Properties Every, cumulative ,distribution function F is (not necessarily strictly) monotone non-decreasing

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