Examples of the the word, pilgrimage , in a Sentence Context
The word ( pilgrimage ), is the 12378 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Fluent French and Latin. He is also described as having taken his nephew on, pilgrimage ,to the Holy See. * James Robinson as young William Wallace. The 10-year-old
- Early 15th-century Book of Margery Tempe, describing among other things her, pilgrimage ,to the Holy Land and visit to Rome. The book remained in manuscript and was not
- Characters in the Tales are religious figures, and the very setting of the, pilgrimage ,to Canterbury is religious (although the prologue comments ironically on its
- His remains sprang up soon after his death, and the cathedral became a popular, pilgrimage ,destination. The pilgrimage in the work ties all the stories together, and
- S name is derived from the Hebrew verbal root egg, which means" to make a, pilgrimage , " W. Bible Towner suggests that Haggai's name might come" from his
- It may also have been to secure the release of the king from a vow to go on, pilgrimage , if sources from after the Norman Conquest of England are to be believed. That
- Beau would discover that her French heritage would serve her well during her, pilgrimage ,and training in France. In Philadelphia,Beaux's aunt Emily married mining
- Winner of the Canterbury Tales, a free dinner. It was common for pilgrims on a, pilgrimage ,to have a chosen" master of ceremonies" to guide them and organize the
- And the story of Hagar and Ishmael, which Muslims commemorate when performing, pilgrimage ,in Mecca. Some believe in some cases, these legends in Islamic text may have
- Mountains, Ajmer is an oasis wrapped in the green hills. Ajmer is a popular, pilgrimage ,center for the Muslims. Especially famous is the Sarah Sharif-Tomb of the Sufi
- The event Death of Muhammad A short time after returning from the farewell, pilgrimage , Muhammad became ill. In his fatal illness, Muhammad came out with a piece of
- Of the story seems focused primarily on the stories being told, and not on the, pilgrimage ,itself. Style The variety of Chaucer's tales shows the breadth of his skill
- The Hindu creator of the universe. There is general belief among Hindus that no, pilgrimage ,to the four principal pilgrim centers (Char Dam),namely Marinate
- Scholars have also identified this date (in 1387) the start of the book's, pilgrimage ,to Canterbury. *1492 – Spain and Christopher Columbus sign the Capitulations of
- And the boy was canonized in 1820. His relics are still the object of, pilgrimage , On All Saints' Day, July 27, 1997,the Belorussian state TV showed a film
- To the east of Natalia is the world-famous location of Fatima and a point of, pilgrimage ,for the Roman Catholic religion due to the vision of the Virgin Mary in 1917 by
- Are encouraged to stick to the theme decided on for the day. The idea of a, pilgrimage ,appears to have been a useful device to get such a diverse collection of people
- And Asia Minor in his old age. Also, he was in the process of setting out on a, pilgrimage ,to Mecca when he died at Baghdad. Account of Egypt Abdallah was undoubtedly a
- A feud with Henry's son, Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, was interrupted by a, pilgrimage ,to the Holy Land. In 1162 Albert accompanied Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to
- A messenger to request permission of the monarch to go to Mecca for the hajj, pilgrimage , Permission was given, and Hasan Ali Shah's mother and a few relatives were
- Pilgrimage was a very prominent feature of medieval society. The ultimate, pilgrimage ,destination was Jerusalem, but within England Canterbury was a popular
- District. *Vemulavada in Srinagar district is another popular place of, pilgrimage , It is best known for the Sri Raja Rajeshwara temple. *Venkateswara Temple in
- These temples are made from a single Rivaling. Simhachalam is another popular, pilgrimage ,site of national importance located on a hill north of the Visakhapatnam city
- Hodgson, it seems that in the pre-Islamic times, some Arab Christians made, pilgrimage ,to the Kaaba, a pagan temple at that time, honoring Allah there as God the
- During the years 1106-1107 A. D., a Russian Orthodox Abbot named Daniel made a, pilgrimage ,to the Holy Land and recorded his experiences. His diary was much-read
- As a major European center of learning,Columba's Iowa became a place of, pilgrimage , A network of Celtic high crosses marking processional routes developed around
- Together in a gruesome package and sent to the Abbasid caliph who was on, pilgrimage ,at Mecca. Upon receiving the evidence of al-Ala's defeat in landaus
- Americans towards mainstream Islam, after he left the Nation and made the, pilgrimage ,to Mecca. In 1975,Warmth Been Mohammed, the son of Elijah Muhammad who took
- Secular orientalists as the third-holiest site in Sunni Islam and an object of, pilgrimage ,for both Muslims and Christians. The current leader of the Greek Orthodox
- And Ishmael were the reformers who set up the Kaaba in Mecca as a center of, pilgrimage ,for monotheism (2: 124-141; 3: 65-68,95-97). The Qur'an consistently refers
- Known to have set a collection of tales within the framework of pilgrims on a, pilgrimage , It is obvious, however,that Chaucer borrowed portions, sometimes very large
- To point to a specific direction. It has been proposed that these were part of, pilgrimage ,paths followed during ritual ceremonies. Archaeologists agree that the purpose
- Fourteenth-century Chronic de los Estates Peninsular, the Battler went on a, pilgrimage ,to Jerusalem, where he lived for many years. The Chronic de San Juan de la Peña
- 1040 (or a little earlier) one of their chiefs, Yahya in Ibrahim, made the, pilgrimage ,to Hakka. On his way home, he attended the teachers of the mosque at
- Hi, how are you? Frog mural. Austenite often start tours for visitors with a, pilgrimage ,to the statue of Texas blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan on the south shore of
- It may also be based on Alfred's later having accompanied his father on a, pilgrimage ,to Rome where he spent some time at the court of Charles the Bald, King of the
- Om gang—a silent procession in civil attire—is today a remnant of the rich, pilgrimage ,history. In the 16th century, the Dutch rebelled against Philip II of Spain and
- Temple in the town of Truman in Whittier district is a very important, pilgrimage ,site for Hindus throughout India. It is the richest pilgrimage city of any
- His family during a military coup. * 1975 – Mike Take makes the first official, pilgrimage ,to Yasukuni Shrine by an incumbent prime minister on the anniversary of the end
- Or the acts of dharma, is known as a bodhimanda, and may be a site of, pilgrimage , Many temples and monasteries are famous as bodhimandas; for instance, the
- Italian explorer Pietro Della Value visited the inscription in the course of a, pilgrimage ,in around 1621. Translation German surveyor Carsten Niebuhr visited in around
- From Hungary to secure an heir for the childless king. In 1058, he undertook a, pilgrimage ,to Jerusalem, the first bishop from England to do so. As administrator of the
- Brothers showed impatience at Mariah (Keynes) in the last year of the desert, pilgrimage ,(Numbers 20:12-13),when Moses brought water out of a rock to quench the
- It is evidently founded upon notes which he had taken in the course of his, pilgrimage , He shows no greater political insight than we should expect from his position;
- The domed tomb of the saint. Akbar and his queen used to come here by foot on, pilgrimage ,from Agra every year in observance of a vow he had made when praying for a son.
- Most distinct events is the gypsy Romania del Rocco in May. It consists of a, pilgrimage ,to a statue of the Virgin Mary, which was supposedly hidden from the Muslims.
- Sadiqabad district 50 kilometers from Normal. *YAGNI Caves and Maharani are, pilgrimage ,centers in Kernel District. *Chiller Balaji Temple, on the banks of Osman
- Eucharistic miracle in the Kalverstraat rendered the city an important place of, pilgrimage ,until the adoption of the Protestant faith. The Still Om gang—a silent
- After it was moved back a hermitage was build and many believers join this, pilgrimage ,around Easter time every year. In Jaén, the Santa is a type of expression
- Adviser, but had no prominent public functions except that he conducted the, pilgrimage ,to Mecca in 631,and led the public prayers in Medina during Mohammed's last
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