Examples of the the word, morse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( morse ), is the 12379 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A papal vestment consisting of a very long red cope fastened with an elaborate, morse , ) on the newly elected pope was regarded as especially symbolic of investiture
  2. Obverse and reverse, as well as the rim, are drawn full size, and moreover the, morse , with the precious stones set therein, including a diamond then considered the
  3. Slavic. Thus, морж (more) in Russian, mursu in Finnish, moršâ in Saami, and,Morse, in French. Claus Magnus, who depicted the walrus in the CARTA marina in 1539
  4. Also, the flashing of the letters when ALIAS is spelled out is actually in, morse , code. The flashing translates to AGENT KANE (who was a character in the 2nd
  5. The way to express laughter in Morse code is" hi, hi ". The sound of this in, morse , 'di-di-di-dit digit, di-di-di-dit digit ', is thought to represent chuckling
  6. That they would be interoperable. Type Mark VIII was a Mark II fitted with a, morse , perforator. Type 22 (BID/08/2) and Type 23 (BID/08/3) were late models
  7. And binaural presentation). Uses include every common amateur modulation:, morse , code,single side band modulation, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation
  8. Of Q codes is fairly rare and now mainly limited to amateur radio and military, morse , code (CW) traffic networks. Breakdown by service *CAA to QNZ - Assigned by
  9. 202 people, including 88 Australians *Used to say" kisses and hugs" among, morse , code and amateur radio users, as it resembles an image of two lips kissing
  10. Fruits. It could be used as a synonym for dot in most situations, for example, morse , code. Playing cards In playing cards, pips are small symbols on the front side
  11. Date back to the 1800s. It was made by Samuel F. B. Morse (the coinventor of, morse , code ). A diplomatic telegram, also known as a diplomatic cable, is the term
  12. These sent 5-bit Ballot codes for mechanical teletypewriters, and replaced, morse , code. Later, ASCII required a seven bit code. When IBM built computers in the
  13. In St Vincent's Hall Grant ham, Lincolnshire. The mission codes (transmitted in, morse , ) were: Goner, meaning " bomb dropped "; Nigger, meaning that the One was
  14. Second and most important, Identify the correct VOR station by verifying the, morse , code heard with the sectional chart. Third, twist the VOR OBS knob to the
  15. This relies on the reflexive response due to" over learning" the skill of, morse , code reception/detection/transcription so that it is an autonomous function
  16. On the keys. Codes were sung by users, see the voice typewriter employing, morse , or vote, Newell and Navarro,1968. Morse code can also be translated by
  17. Link the various elements. During the 20th century communications used flags, morse , code by radio, line and lights, voice and teleprinter by line. Radio has
  18. Available to this day; the company presently markets and sells 27 variations of, morse , code keys, including the Original Bug, iambic paddles, the Microlayer and
  19. An enemy target the pilot was able to transmit messages such as A5,B3,etc. in, morse , code to the RFC land station attached to an artillery battery. The transmitter
  20. Tale claims albino horses inhabited the cave and used a form of hoof, morse , code to communicate. Another, more likely, reason for the name is that the word
  21. NASA to let them try for a landing there. In Ground Control, Jinx brings the, morse , code signal to Zach's attention, and they begin preparations for the White
  22. SF" stands for telegraphic sans film or" wireless" - a very apt name, as,Morse, code was to be used only; no armament, three-men crew,300 ordered, at least
  23. Was not responded to by the Germans because they did not understand the coded, morse , signal. Sydney repeated the signal for half an hour, but then began to send the
  24. Powell's dance skills were put to practical use when she manages to tap out a, morse , code message to a secret agent in the middle of a dance routine. She was signed
  25. For use when reception was good. During poorer radio propagation periods, morse , code radiotelegraphy had to be used. After the war the Colonel station became
  26. Process of identifying long and short presses of the key to send characters in, morse , code. It is important that one does not confuse this with CW The default
  27. Was accompanied by a five note electronic fanfare, accheived by tapping out the, morse , code for 'A-R '. To accompany the dent, a timepiece was created based on a
  28. Using a discriminator, ratio detector, or phase-locked loop. Continuous wave (, morse , code ) and single side band signals require a product detector using a so-called
  29. No Code International, an organization whose primary purpose was to eliminate, morse , code proficiency as a requirement to obtain an amateur radio license. This goal
  30. And land at White Sands, New Mexico. Armed with this news, Tish then uses, morse , code to signal NASA to let them try for a landing there. In Ground Control
  31. GPS-equipped IFR aircraft. Technical Specification The VOR signal encodes a, morse , code identifier, optional voice, and a pair of navigation tones. The radial
  32. Some. Wav files hidden within the game GCF's. The. Wav files actually contained, morse , code and SSTV encoded images, some including certain numbers and letters. When
  33. Message in Amateur (ham) Radio. It is used in spoken word (radiotelephone),Morse, code (radiotelegraphy) and in various digital modes. It is considered rather
  34. The Internet and phone texting by a century, the way to express laughter in, morse , code is" hi, hi ". The sound of this in Morse,'di-di-di-dit digit
  35. STL) radio links. Some modes of communication, such as continuous wave, morse , code transmissions (especially by amateur radio operators) and single
  36. That allows him to read Eddy's cards, and have Barry" The Baptist" send via, morse , code what he, Barry,learns by watching the video feed on a monitor in another
  37. Relevant information. Some people can process multiple stimuli,e.g. trained, morse , code operators have been able to copy 100 % of a message while carrying on a
  38. A silver cup for the cardinal of Ferrara. The magnificent gold" button ", or,Morse, ( a clasp for a cape),made by Cellini for the cape of Clement VII, the
  39. Ficus Benjamin and banyan trees. Myna birds would constantly recite a, morse , code ... - (V for victory). History Under British Rule The island was ceded
  40. Carriers would beat together to produce a 3 kHz tone thus in the headphones the, morse , signals would then be heard as a series of 3 kHz beeps. For this he coined the
  41. S identifier, voice (if equipped),and navigation signal. The identifier is, morse , code. The voice signal is usually station name, in-flight recorded advisories
  42. However, electronic layers (single paddle or iambic) will produce 'perfect ', morse , at a set speed, thus only inter-character and inter-word spacing can produce a
  43. Standard. * Morse code: Text files with a. MORSE extension get converted into, morse , code songs. * MP3: Most phones support ringtones that are mp3 format. * Nokia
  44. Began to send the message" You should hoist your signal letters" in plain, morse , accompanied by signal flags. After another delay, Kormoran raised flags
  45. A problem in the lower-frequency part of their band which was mostly used for, morse , transmissions. CB divers using SSB mode were the biggest problem but part of
  46. Aircraft, navigate,observe the fall of the shells and transmit the results by, morse , code by himself. Also, the radios in the aircraft could not receive so the
  47. Of every minute is marked with no carrier power reduction. There was also a, morse , code station identification, sent during minutes 19,39 and 59 of each hour
  48. Print room of the British Museum three watercolor drawings of this splendid, morse , by F. Brotli, done at the instance of an Englishman named Tasman in the first
  49. And starts at 1810 kHz outside the Americas). Amateur operators transmit CW, morse , code,digital signals and SSB voice signals on this band. There are a number of
  50. Graph generator (a static electricity generator),motion detectors, circuits,Morse, code,magnets, computers that simulate basic properties of physics, and musical

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