Examples of the the word, devoid , in a Sentence Context
The word ( devoid ), is the 12380 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Same word rather than rhyming. For the most part they are truly nonsensical and, devoid ,of any punch line or point. They are completely free of the off-colour humor
- Or gateways while the back has bridges. While the designs are supposed to be, devoid ,of any identifiable characteristics, the initial designs by Robert Karina were
- The last breeding lagoon. Within only a couple of seasons the lagoon was nearly, devoid ,of whales. A whaling station in Richmond, California caught 311 gray whales for
- Leni Riefenstahl was a Nazi, so her film The Triumph of the Will is, devoid ,of merit. * Sylvia Plath was a depressive who eventually committed suicide, so
- Behalf and Zero in Basque; Labor, Basse-Navarre and Sole in French), devoid , of official status within France's present-day political and administrative
- The Gibbon communication system and human language by noting that gibbons are, devoid ,of the last four design features. Gibbons possess the first nine design
- All I perceived was perception itself, the hell of forms and figures, devoid ,of human emotion and detached from the reality of my unreal environment. I was
- The great desert though considered to be colorless and drab, is not wholly, devoid ,of color. Its green portion plays the role of" color belt" especially after
- A contrast between the morally upright Protestants of England and the morally, devoid ,Catholics. Shakespeare and the Gothic Introduction The connections between
- Was one of the last silent film hold-outs, and his films during the 1930s were, devoid ,of dialogue, although they did employ sound effects. Screwball comedies, such
- Where cool gas is not so depleted. Elliptical galaxies are already largely, devoid ,of this gas, and so form no new stars. The supply of star-forming material is
- Thus secured ordination or promotion in the Church, the rank acquired shall be, devoid ,of every dignity. CANON 2 Summary. Only a priest may be made provost
- And Catholics. Temuco, being a Sicilian, is no doubt a Catholic. Temuco is, devoid ,of morals. He only cares about his own interests. He abandons Countess
- The general position of the ethnologist" called" an entirely barbarous race, devoid ,of any spiritual pursuit," and" polytheists" to boot. Crowley repeated his
- Convention contains both plagioclase and alkali feldspar. When a granitoid is, devoid ,or nearly devoid of plagioclase, the rock is referred to as alkali granite.
- Since Mahayana Buddhists recognize the consumption of meat to be cruel and, devoid ,of compassion, some Mahayana Buddhists are vegetarians. Numbers of Mahayana
- However, is notable for having no eyes and being albino, that is, completely, devoid , of pigmentation; it has a pinkish-white color to its body. This fish
- To a perception of knowledge as being composed of factoids, partial information, devoid ,of context. François Truffaut wrote and directed a film adaptation of the novel
- On this metaphysical system are that all mathematical concepts must be, devoid ,of internal contradiction, and that they follow from existing definitions
- Unchained and the Racist series. Otherwise, the 1960s were almost entirely, devoid ,of fantasy films. The fantasy picture 7 Faces of Dr. Lao, in which Tony Randall
- Chose names mostly from scientific instruments. Notable features Anglia is, devoid ,of bright stars. The brightest star is α Antoine, a magnitude 4.25 m orange
- The anchorites it had lost at Caesar's time ". The Senate as a body remained, devoid ,of any significant power; nevertheless, the senators, who had been marginalized
- Of formal speech and colorful slang, almost always in present tense, and always, devoid ,of contractions. A passage from" Tobias the Terrible ", collected in More than
- And sensual overtones" that can be compared" to marijuana, and to psilocybin, devoid ,of the hallucinatory component ". Stalin took to occasionally using MDMA for
- And narrow. He seemingly has no clue about dealing with young people, and is, devoid ,of empathy or understanding for his troublesome charge. Indeed, when Alex is
- Computer technology enable to create a unique and accurate production plan, devoid ,of defects that afflict the market economy Disadvantages of economic planning
- Of the extent to which we realize that we are trapped in a world almost totally, devoid ,of reason. Laughter is how we express the anxiety we feel at this knowledge. "
- Nuclear war. Regarding Vietnam, Goldwater charged that Johnson's policy was, devoid ,of" goal, course,or purpose," leaving" only sudden death in the jungles and
- Full-length portraits of high quality of friends and patrons—honest portrayals, devoid ,of flattery. He also created landscapes and scenes of people at work and play
- On the Internet show large cities such as BAVU, Butembo and Liquid virtually, devoid ,of traffic, compared to similar photos of towns in neighboring countries. Air
- Relaxant properties. It has no anticholinergic properties and is believed be, devoid ,of any activity on dopamine, serotonin or histamine receptors. It is not
- Herschel on May 17, 1784. *The Boötes void, a large section of the universe, devoid ,of galaxies, is located in the area of Boötes. *The Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I
- Field theory of gravity. At very high energies, however,the result are models, devoid ,of all predictive power (" non-renormalizability" ). One attempt to overcome
- And Want, whose mountainous landscapes retain water poorly, are almost, devoid ,of naturally occurring running water. Cyclones, occurring during the hot and
- Coral island surrounded by a narrow fringing reef with a depressed central area, devoid ,of any lagoon with its highest point being above sea level. The island now
- Of dyslexia. The surface/phonological distinction is only descriptive, and, devoid , of any etiological assumption as to the underlying brain mechanisms (
- Does not occur to one. Another closely related explanation is that reality is, devoid ,of designations, or empty, and therefore language itself is a priori inadequate
- Century modernism and existentialism that modern life is increasingly empty and, devoid ,of meaning. " All the sculptures of today, like those of the past, will end one
- Both plagioclase and alkali feldspar. When a granitoid is devoid or nearly, devoid ,of plagioclase, the rock is referred to as alkali granite. When a granitic
- Advanced by Spencer and Darwin) portrayed an objective world process, devoid ,of ethics, entirely an expression of the will-to-live. Schweitzer wrote:" True
- The electric rays, which have a thick and flabby body, with soft, loose skin, devoid ,of dermal denticles and thorns. Originally the pectoral and pelvic girdles
- Be replaced with sound public sanitation, good personal hygiene and diets, devoid ,of meat. Shaw became a vegetarian while he was twenty-five, after hearing a
- That were instigated by Alkaloid influence and Islamic pressures, but, devoid , of any military conversion and conquest. Southern Iberia In 1086 Yusuf in
- His works. Even his version of Claudius' Lyons tablet speech is edited to be, devoid ,of the Emperor's personality. Did was less biased, but seems to have used
- I Summary. Ordinations and promotions made for pecuniary considerations are, devoid ,of every dignity. Text. Following the example of the holy fathers and
- A Mask ", which bore all the markings of an insular Buckingham studio creation, devoid ,of input from other band members. Mick Fleetwood also released a deluxe
- Condemning such praise in an article on 14 September 1976,who called it:" ..., devoid ,of everything that makes good modern comedy. The program is reminiscent of
- Principle. Any sentence that is not purely logical, or is unverifiable is, devoid ,of meaning. As a result, most metaphysical, ethical,aesthetic and other
- But rather a moral stance by the three governments. Recommendations are not, devoid ,of any binding effect in that their approval implies an undertaking in view of
- The reef surrounding Clipper ton is exposed at low tide. Clipperton's lagoon is, devoid ,of fish, and contains some deep basins with depths of, including a spot known
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