Examples of the the word, anguish , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Family vault in Mount Jerome Cemetery beside her father and brothers. The, anguish ,of Le Fanu's diaries suggests that he felt guilt as well as loss. From then on
  2. Holds her two daughters, and the grandmother is seen on the far right, in, anguish , Brutus sits on the left, alone,brooding, seemingly dismissing the dead bodies
  3. Other fruits of the earth; that they afflict and torture with dire pains and, anguish , both internal and external, these men, women,cattle, flocks,herds, and
  4. Still. For when the sight came home to him, Aeneas raged at the relic of his, anguish ,worn by this man as trophy. Blazing up and terrible in his anger, he called out
  5. 1912,only to find that Amundsen had preceded them by five weeks. Scott's, anguish ,is indicated in his diary:" The worst has happened ";" All the daydreams
  6. It would be a good story for them to film together. He tried to explain his, anguish ,after the murder of his wife and unborn son in his 1984 autobiography Roman by
  7. Of stable treatment of the symptoms associated with withdrawal and mental, anguish , and, with a proper slow taper, can be discontinued after the patient feels he
  8. Mimi dies. Cunard discovers Mimi lifeless. Rodolfo cries Mimì's name in, anguish , and weeps helplessly. Instrumentation La scheme is scored for: *woodwind: 2
  9. Troubles, and his emotional nature. It was written, he tells us, in bitter, anguish , 'out of much affliction and pressure of heart... and with streaming eyes' ( 2
  10. Since Timur is blind, he must be told about Liù's death, and he cries out in, anguish , Timur warns that the gods will be offended by this outrage, and the crowd is
  11. Of in a nearby hospital. In his autobiography, Olivier described his" grievous, anguish ," as he immediately travelled to Leigh's residence, to find that Derivable had
  12. And ultimately marrying her true love, the Count de Bouville. Though reduced to, anguish ,in the end, Carathis, like Lady Macbeth and other Gothic heroines, still
  13. They need Westley's help to get into the castle, and when he hears cries of, anguish , he realizes they must be from Westley. Iñigo and Fezzes find Westley dead, but
  14. Angst" Existential" Angst, sometimes called dread, anxiety or even, anguish ,is a term that is common to many existentialist thinkers. It is generally held
  15. Song" Knock Me Down" which was dedicated to Slovak. He began to write about, anguish , and the self mutilating thoughts he would experience as a result of his heroin
  16. With Kierkegaard's analysis of Abraham undergoing anxiety (Sartre calls it, anguish ,), but Sartre doesn't agree that God told him to do it. In his lecture
  17. Of a long process of inner turmoil, followed by spiritual and psychological, anguish ,.: Being exceedingly alarmed at the misery into which I had fallen, and much
  18. Aurelia nus, including the Greek word ‘ ANIA ’, meaning to produce great mental, anguish , and ‘ manor ’, meaning relaxed or loose, which would contextually approximate
  19. Or chronic unipolar depression, and battled a deep sense of melancholic, anguish , However, on his deathbed his last words were" I am so happy, I am so happy.
  20. Sorrow, affliction,social alienation, anxiety,dissatisfaction, discomfort, anguish , stress, misery,and frustration. In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths on Gurkha
  21. To which McLuhan asks," Why laugh and grow fat when you can experience, anguish ,and success in a straitjacket? " The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) McLuhan's The
  22. To century hammered out on the anvil of controversy, affliction and even, anguish ,'. Although noting in the introduction to 'The Protestors' that 'Some recorded
  23. While suffering from GAD are difficult to control and can cause serious mental, anguish ,that interferes with normal, daily functioning. The Diagnostic and Statistical
  24. And Nick walk upstairs, George throws his book against the door chimes in, anguish ,; Honey returns, wondering who rang the doorbell and George comes up with an
  25. Themes in his works. In his short story, The Slaughterer, he described the, anguish ,of an appointed slaughterer trying to reconcile his compassion for animals with
  26. By humans, but he also had a father he would actually mourn rather than the, anguish ,Author endured in his own relationship with his father. As Author becomes one
  27. Was much more to Kafka than the stereotype of a lonely figure writing out of, anguish , and that his work was more deliberate, subversive and more" joyful" than it
  28. Variety of flamenco or Spanish gypsy song, often dealing with themes of death, anguish , or religion. 3. The use of exotic scales also associated with flamenco music.
  29. Of this, he tore his clothes (as was the custom of the day for displaying deep, anguish ,) and prayed to Jehovah in the Temple. Isaiah the prophet told the king that
  30. Including one in India that nearly claimed his life). Furthermore,the, anguish ,that Alexander felt after Hephaestion's death may have contributed to his
  31. It is likely that he lived with his parents. He experienced bouts of mental, anguish ,and physical pain during years of illness; his tics and gesticulations
  32. Of the centenary of Goethe's play. The somber first half represents his, anguish ,in the asylum, and the glorious second half charts the acknowledgement he and
  33. The enormous, infinite scream of nature. " He later described the personal, anguish ,behind the painting,“ for several years I was almost mad… You know my picture
  34. In his own home. Around this time, he wrote," Sometimes moods of indescribable, anguish , sometimes moments when the veil of time and fatality of circumstances seemed
  35. Earned the ire of Athena. Athena temporarily made Ajax so mad with grief and, anguish ,that he began killing sheep, thinking them his comrades. After a while, when
  36. Locked files and, Novinha fears, will share the same fate as his father. In, anguish , Novena calls for a Speaker for the Dead, hoping beyond hope that perhaps the
  37. National tragedy. No words can describe the depth of my regret and pain at the, anguish ,my mistakes over Watergate have caused the nation and the presidency, a nation
  38. On his frustrations and the absurdity of the human condition; his personal, anguish ,at the meaninglessness of his existence without respite. That at the beginning
  39. With A Grief Observed, Lewis ' reflections on his own experiences of grief and, anguish ,upon the death of his wife. In addition to dealing with human pain, however
  40. Capacity to suffer more than mortal man could suffer; thus he could endure the, anguish ,and incomprehensible pain of the atonement. The LDS belief is that Christ's
  41. Mercilessly by Kartavirya Arjuna. She beat her chest 21 times in sorrow and, anguish ,at her husband's death. In a rage, Parashurama vowed to exterminate the world
  42. Is an English, German,Danish, Norwegian and Dutch word for fear or anxiety (, anguish ,is its Laminate equivalent, and anxious, anxiety are of similar origin). It is
  43. Century as we know it crashing down. In the final scene he cries out in, anguish ,:" Not even the gods can defy the Horns! " — giving a new twist to this central
  44. As the 45-second Silent Mountain (2001),which shows two actors in states of, anguish , If Viola's depictions of emotional states with no objective correlative --
  45. He is the more resilient of the pair. " Vladimir's pain is primarily mental, anguish , which would thus account for his voluntary exchange of his hat for Lucky's
  46. S vocals reached their peak ... it hurt too much to hear him scream with such, anguish ,and emotion. But it was my emotions I heard in his voice. Just like I always
  47. Faith in God and strengthens against temptations to discouragement, despair and, anguish ,at the thought of death and the struggle of death; it prevents from losing
  48. Could convey the whole range of human experience, culminating in the desperate, anguish ,and pathos of Laocoon and his Sons (1st century AD) in the Hellenistic period
  49. In fact, he had always been a man of modest means, and it caused him great, anguish ,that many believed he was taking taxpayer money he did not need. Another blow
  50. Not Be Aware offers a different angle on the sources of Kafka's psychological, anguish ,and his expression of his painful early life in his writings. Later years In

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