Examples of the the word, palo , in a Sentence Context
The word ( palo ), is the 12510 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Wikipedia's entry on Pale (flamenco). There are traditions associated with each, palo , Some forms are sung unaccompanied, while others usually have guitar or
- They can often be seen in large numbers on desert-willow (Chlorosis) and, palo , verde (Parkinson) blossoms. Bees of this genus are of some economical
- At special occasions. With roots in the Congo region of central-west Africa, palo , shares much the same pantheon of deities/saints as the Afro-American religious
- Primroses. Ascending from the valley up bajadas, various subtrees such as, palo , verde, ironwood,desert willow, and crucifixion thorn are common, as well as
- Is a Cairo POR Burial, a very festive pale flamenco Algeria is a flamenco, palo , or musical form, which has a rhythm consisting of 12 beats. It is similar to
- Music in Santo Domingo and Haiti. The drums are called palms (Albacete, palo , mayor and eidolon); the Basie is another drum which is played with both the
- Thorny trees, carrob trees, faique trees, huayacan trees, hualtaco trees, palo , santo trees, ceibo trees and on the coast mangrove forests. It is also a
- The majority of its business activity was the production and export gum and “, palo , de tinge ”. They transported it to Puerto Morelos for the translation to
- Cuba, Brazil,Haiti and elsewhere in Latin America. The instruments played in a, palo , are the same as salves but without the panders. Popular music Bachata
- Lagrimas sing Sanger.:: (’ I do not cry tears but blood ’. ): Ta cargo yo, palo , .:: (’ I am carrying wood’ ). Proper names of persons are preceded by the
- Their wrapped forearm. Women often play this game. *Lama de Mao or Lama de, palo , in which a heavy (6-7 kg or 13-15 lb) two-handed wooden paddle strikes a 500
- Administrative history Congressional authorizations: Palo Alto (; Spanish:, palo , : " stick" and alto:" tall" ) is a California charter city located in the
- Film de LE put, traite! Goswami, Albertel, traite! Halite dart Colo, palo , Carbonell! ", which,translated into English means:" Come on, you sons of
- Aries or Mesh rash. It generally falls on 13/14 April. Tangos is a flamenco, palo , closely related in form and feeling to the Rumba. It is often performed as a
- For tyrants, B for granting, A flat for the mineral, and he also created a new, palo , as solo piece for the guitar, the rodent, in C sharp with scordatura. Later
- The Ecuadorian boleros, and rockers, the Mexican ranchers, the Nicaraguan, palo , de Mayo, the Peruvian mariners and tender, the Uruguayan Candomblé, the French
- To his advantage. A phrase used to describe the order of his rule was" Pan, o,pale,"," Bread or a beating," (literally" Bread, or stick" ), meaning that one
- V=g-YDnQGMKFU This is a Cairo POR Burial, a very festive, palo , flamenco Algeria is a flamenco pale or musical form, which has a rhythm
- The crude'y, white and red Auerbach, samu'u also known as pale barracks and, palo , santo. Climate The average temperature is 25 °C. The average precipitation is
- The bay was too wide to cross, the group decided to turn around near El, palo , alto. About 1827 Rafael Soto, tenth child and son of De Anza Expedition settler
- Farm, referring to the North American tree species Parkinson Florida (blue, palo , verde). Rancho Palos Verdes is an affluent suburb of Los Angeles. Sitting atop
- Which are trees such as Aleppo pine, Italian cypress, fan palm, ailanthus, ash,pale, verde and redbud. Demographics 2010 The 2010 United States Census reported that
- Creosote bush-bur sage with Creosote bush (Area Trident) and the, palo , verde-cactus shrub ecosystems with the Pale Verde tree (Parkinson
- Tree," Prime Vera ", Cortez Blanco (El Salvador),San Juan (Honduras),pale, blanco (Guatemala),Durango (Mexico): A native of Mexico and Central
- Salads served at Asides. Variations In Chile, the local version Cordero all, palo , ( Whole Roast Lamb) is usually accompanied by père, a local condiment made
- Is very arid, and vegetation consists of salt bushes, prickly pear cacti and, palo , santo trees. Until 1986,Altar Airport was the only airport serving the
- Was buried in Brazil under the name Wolfgang Gerhard. *In 1992,DNA from a, palo , verde tree was used to convict Mark Alan Began of murder. DNA from seed pods of
- And woody creepers. In the lava rocky region there are endemic plants such as:, palo , loco,pale dunce, tabaquillo, tepozán and coal; species that have been
- Five Luca note, ten thousand as ten Luca note,1 million pesos as a button or, palo , and so on. Value of the peso used to be in constant devaluation year
- Music, this rhythm is written as a regular 3/4. The Burial is the emblematic, palo , of flamenco: today its 12 beat cycle is most often played with accents on the 3
- Or selfless nannies on Spanish TV soaps. * Mono same pale Que crêpey y no crêpey, palo , de Limoges" - Literally means," Monkey knows what tree to climb and does not
- West of the nearby Colorado River. Its name comes from the Spanish for stick (, palo , ) and green (Verde). Therefore, its name literally means" green stick. " The
- Classical music theory. It also refers to the rhythmic cycle, or layout, of a, palo , The compass is fundamental to flamenco. Without it, there is no flamenco.
- Creepers. In the lava rocky region there are endemic plants such as: pale loco, palo , dulce, tabaquillo, tepozán and coal; species that have been preserved in the
- Chico. Other considerations factor into classification, such as whether the, palo , is considered to be of gypsy origin or not. Forms which do not fit either
- The wood can also be used to brew a tea. Other names for Linux vitae include, palo , santo (Spanish for" holy wood" ) and green heart; Linux vitae is also one of
- Those are the crude'y, white and red Auerbach, samu'u also known as, palo , borracho and pale Santa. Climate The average temperature is 25 °C. The average
- Against each other, and one of them has a handle. In the Gaga they also use, palo , drums and in the rhythm called Pal ode Muerto, which is played when a member of
- Hunahpu such, hunahpu via, zaqui him ac TZ z, tepeu, qucumatz, v quo CHO, vqux, palo , ah taxa lac, ah Rabat Del chuqhaxic. Spanish ESTER ES EL PRINCIPAL DE LAS
- Here consists of mesquite trees as well as trees such as the desert ironwood, palo , verde and the huarache. Dune vegetation exists at Bahia de King. Desert animals
- Are used in pilgrimages and at parties dedicated to saints. Salve is related to, palo , that is played in a lot of the same contexts, but with different instruments
- In Spanish markets was Campinas (" Nonsense" ), and his nickname was Cara de, palo , ( " Wooden face" ). Behind the scenes,Keaton's world was in chaos, with
- Together with other types of cantinas. Recommended listening for this, palo , include most singers from Cádiz, like Chant Lovato, La Perl de Cádiz, Aurelio
- Other scholars maintain that while some caste forms are unaccompanied (a, palo , seco),it is likely other forms were accompanied if and when instruments were
- Each of the three tam bores is played with an open hand (many) and a stick (, palo , ) in the other. At a minimum, one of each of the three tam bores must be present
- 10 AM, festivities begin with the first event of the Sonatina. It is the ", palo , jabón ", similar to the greasy pole. The goal is to climb a greased pole with a
- Nailed in the ground and exposed to the heat of live coals, called Amado all, palo , The meat for an Amado is not marinated, the only preparation being the
- To do with Actors/Actresses, Teatre etc. * En lo Que el dacha VA y vain, el, palo , descansa - a rest period between bad situations. * Machismo - Contraction of
- Local slang terms consisting in four letters for that organ. Examples: PICO, palo , Mao, pito, walo, ñaño, copi, nepe, niño, falo, etc. * French: the word mere
- And, suffering or selfless nannies on Spanish TV soaps. * Mono same, palo , que crêpey y no crêpey pal ode Limoges" - Literally means," Monkey knows what
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