Examples of the the word, leukemia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leukemia ), is the 12511 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ill for several years, but the nature of his disease was unclear, possibly, leukemia , or a form of porphyria. His death was hastened by the HIV he had acquired
  2. Seven years after Are had died. Although he was undergoing chemotherapy for, leukemia ,he was, according to caregiver Serene Nickle," funny up to the end. " Barks
  3. Four children in the French trial and one in the British trial have developed, leukemia ,as a result of insertion mutagenesis by the retroviral vector. All but one of
  4. Approved this compound for the treatment of patients with acute promyelocytic, leukemia ,that is resistant to AURA. It was also used as Fowler's solution in psoriasis.
  5. 256,000 children and adults around the world developed some form of, leukemia , and 209,000 died from it. Subtypes include precursor B acute lymphoblastic
  6. Was given a stem cell transplant as part of his treatment for acute exogenous, leukemia ,(AML). A second transplant was made a year later after a relapse. The donor
  7. Basic needs *Acute promyelocytic leukemia , a subtype of acute exogenous, leukemia ,*Aden Protectorate Levies, a militia force for local defense of the Aden
  8. In November 2009,Abdul-Jabbar announced that he was suffering from a form of, leukemia , Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia , a cancer of the
  9. Was not diagnosed in spite of medical examinations. Finally, in April 1944, leukemia , was diagnosed, but by this time, little could be done (Chalmers 1995,202–207
  10. Delivery combination was tested on mice and proved to be effective against, leukemia , lymphoma, breast,ovarian, neuroblastoma and prostate cancers. The medium
  11. And 209,000 died from it. Subtypes include precursor B acute lymphoblastic, leukemia , precursor T acute lymphoblastic leukemia ,Burkitt's leukemia , and acute
  12. Suitable. Sadly the engagement lasted only one month when Warner died of, leukemia ,at age thirty-seven. That same year Potter used some of her income and a bit of
  13. On Cancer. Dues berg rejects a role in cancer for numerous viruses, including, leukemia , viruses,Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Papilloma Virus, Hepatitis B, Feline
  14. British actress Patricia Medina after his first wife, Lenore IPP, died of, leukemia ,earlier in the year. After some time away from film, Cotten returned to the
  15. And occult orientations at the time. Hubbard similarly claims that the cause of, leukemia ,is traceable to" an engram containing the phrase 'It turns my blood to water.
  16. Lymphoblastic leukemia , precursor T acute lymphoblastic leukemia ,Burkitt's, leukemia , and acute phenotypic leukemia . * Chronic lymphocytes leukemia (CLL) most
  17. Observed. Similar trials were restricted or halted in the USA when, leukemia ,was reported in patients treated in the French X-SCID gene therapy trial. To
  18. And humans, Casper is expected to yield insight into human diseases such as, leukemia ,and other cancers. Balance or balancing may refer to: Equipment * Balancing
  19. Cell division, tumors with high growth fractions (such as acute exogenous, leukemia ,and the aggressive lymphomas, including Hodgkin's disease) are more sensitive
  20. The illness at the Stanford University Medical Center. Death Bill Walsh died of, leukemia ,at 10:45 am on July 30, 2007,at his home in Woodside, California. Additionally
  21. Bela Bartok died at age 64 in a hospital in New York City from complications of, leukemia ,(specifically, of secondary polycythemia) on September 26, 1945. His funeral
  22. And was placed in a private mental hospital for a time. She later fell ill from, leukemia , and died in 1951. In 1953,Diefenbaker married Olive Palmer (formerly Olive
  23. Approximately 30 % of patients. Malignancies Hematologic malignancies such as, leukemia ,are more common in children with DS. In particular, the risk for acute
  24. Can damage cells in the lung tissue. The death of Marie Curie at age 66 from, leukemia ,was probably caused by prolonged exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation
  25. Through effects on PBA levels. There may also be links to chronic lymphocytes, leukemia ,(CLL) through folic acid" depletion" and resultant high levels of folic
  26. To life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, and died in jail in Lyon of, leukemia ,four years later, at the age of 77. Kashmir (Baltic, Gojri, Poonchi/Chili
  27. Of the crew; Rosa died in 1994 from pancreatitis and Shepard in 1998 from, leukemia , Backup crew James Activity, the commander of Apollo 9,who would have been
  28. Can occur. The most common secondary neoplasm is secondary acute myeloid, leukemia , which develops primarily after treatment with alkylating agents or
  29. Without DS but affects up to 20 percent of newborns with DS. This form of, leukemia ,is typically benign and resolves on its own over several months, though it can
  30. Was halted in 1990,radiation poisoning, birth defects, severe anemia, and, leukemia , are very common in the area. With some conspicuous exceptions, lip service has
  31. Had two daughters, Julie (m. Vargas) and Deborah (m. Began). He died of, leukemia ,on August 18, 1990,and is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge
  32. Where the cats are trapped, neutered,immunized against rabies and the feline, leukemia ,virus, and then released. Before releasing them back into their feral colonies
  33. Syndrome include greatly reduced incidence of many common malignancies except, leukemia ,and testicular cancer—although it is, as yet, unclear whether the reduced
  34. From a form of leukemia , Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid, leukemia , a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. The disease was diagnosed in December
  35. Block CD47 might be useful as a cancer treatment. In mice models of myeloid, leukemia ,and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,anti-CD47 were effective in clearing cancer cells
  36. In the first half of 1942,he learned that his mother had died, ostensibly from, leukemia , although everyone at the same hospital had supposedly died of the same disease
  37. Transgene using a retrovirus, and this led to the development of T cell, leukemia ,in 3 of 20 patients. Deaths have occurred due to gene therapy, including that
  38. Chess problem set up by his parents and proposed a solution. His father died of, leukemia ,when he was seven years old. At the age of twelve, he adopted his mother's
  39. Sleeve. In February 2011,Abdul-Jabbar announced via Twitter that his, leukemia ,was gone and was" 100 % cancer free ". A few days later, he clarified his
  40. To the herbicide. This list now includes B cell leukemia , such as hairy cell, leukemia , Parkinson's disease and ischemic heart disease, these last three having been
  41. A complete blood count should be done in order to identify pre-existing, leukemia , A hearing test using brain stem auditory evoked responses (BARS) testing
  42. Section of people who can fulfil their minimum basic needs *Acute promyelocytic, leukemia , a subtype of acute exogenous leukemia *Aden Protectorate Levies, a militia
  43. Precursor B acute lymphoblastic leukemia , precursor T acute lymphoblastic, leukemia , Burkitt's leukemia , and acute phenotypic leukemia . * Chronic lymphocytes
  44. At the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Illness Walsh was diagnosed with, leukemia ,in 2004. In November 2006,he confirmed that he was undergoing treatment for
  45. Common in children with DS. In particular, the risk for acute lymphoblastic, leukemia ,is at least 10 times more common in DS and for the megakaryoblastic form of
  46. Times more common in DS and for the megakaryoblastic form of acute exogenous, leukemia ,is at least 50 times more common in DS. Transient leukemia is a form of
  47. Is at least 50 times more common in DS. Transient leukemia is a form of, leukemia ,that is rare in individuals without DS but affects up to 20 percent of newborns
  48. Sarcoma,non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytes, leukemia ,(CLL). While the two herbicides that make up Agent Orange,2,4-D and 2,4,5-T
  49. Chloracne, porphyria butane tardy, peripheral neuropathy, chronic lymphocytes, leukemia , and spina bifida in children of veterans exposed to Agent Orange as conditions
  50. Of acute exogenous leukemia is at least 50 times more common in DS. Transient, leukemia ,is a form of leukemia that is rare in individuals without DS but affects up to

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