Examples of the the word, outrage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outrage ), is the 6453 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the Confederation would pay Peruvian debt to Chile. In Chile, public, outrage , over the treaty forced the government to reject it. Chile organized a second
  2. Out of over 450,000 in Webster's Third in 1961,was enough to provoke, outrage ,among many with prescriptivism leanings, who branded the dictionary as "
  3. Or some combination of the three, to Elegiacal as a wife. He provoked further, outrage ,when he himself married the Vestal Virgin Aquila Several, claiming the marriage
  4. On the company's land have grown to become the city of Burlington. The, outrage ,of the Wentworth proprietors was renewed in 1774 when Governor Bryon passed a
  5. We have repaid these cannibals, war for war, crime for crime, outrage for, outrage , " One exception was a military force of Poles from the Polish Legions that had
  6. Was changed by World War I, which he uncompromisingly opposed despite incurring, outrage ,from the public as well as from many friends. His first full-length piece
  7. Naturally tend to this end, since they give security to life by repressing, outrage ,and violence. Hence, these words of David: In the morning I put to death all the
  8. The ending a disgrace to the original play and referred to it as a 'barbaric, outrage ,'. He outlined his conception of the play as a" modern tragedy" in a note
  9. This abuse of Wicker, a battlefield hero of World War II, caused considerable, outrage ,among the military, newspapers,civilian veterans, senators of both parties and
  10. War had broken out against Hirohito's wishes. Takeshita's statement provoked, outrage ,in nations in East Asia and Commonwealth nations such as the United Kingdom
  11. Following the death of the king, several works were written expressing the, outrage ,of the people at such an act. The ability to execute a king, believed to be the
  12. The Shoos, helped cement Capp's favor with the Left, and would increase their, outrage ,a decade later when Camp, a former Franklin D. Roosevelt liberal, switched
  13. Declaring," we have repaid these cannibals, war for war, crime for crime, outrage ,for outrage . " One exception was a military force of Poles from the Polish
  14. As a result of the strike. Although there were few signs of the predicted ", outrage ," on the part of the fans, attendance figures and broadcast ratings were lower
  15. Of Lydia and Rama and the fact Palm ah officers had been responsible for the ", outrage ,that had encouraged the Arabs' flight made the party uncomfortable. " Selected
  16. Pakistani police kill student activist Manuela Asaduzzaman. The resulting, outrage ,is in part responsible for the Bangladesh Liberation War. *1972 – Pakistan
  17. Outlets to draw customers. Desecration of the flag is considered a public, outrage , but remains protected as freedom of speech. In worldwide comparison, Testi (
  18. The marina will accommodate 500 private boats. Spanish news outlets expressed, outrage ,over the Sovereign Bay project in January 2009,particularly over the fact that
  19. In the 1000 meters K-2 women's final race. The organizers of the event caused, outrage ,when they mistakenly played the first stanza of the anthem during the medal
  20. Version of Wells' novel broadcast in 1938 over the CBS Radio Network led to, outrage ,because it supposedly suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion
  21. Inshore fishing. Several vessels were detained in Canadian ports, to the, outrage ,of Americans, who demanded their release. Macdonald sought to pass a fishery
  22. Phillips' Upon the Double Murder of King Charles, express the depth of their, outrage , In her poem, Phillips describes the" double murder" of the king; the
  23. Of the hands of the enemy and preserve its mothers and children from injury and, outrage , " In the Senate the news was" received with varying feelings as men's
  24. Chandni Chowk to China. Canadian based Hip Hop artist Is Sector became an, outrage ,after the release of his super hit single 'Aye Hip Hopper '. Malaysian based
  25. Peers was harsh; they considered his acceptance of membership of the Academy an, outrage , and Cauchy thereby created many enemies in scientific circles. Professor at
  26. Involvement in the Vulgar massacre was cut from 17 to 10 years, which caused, outrage ,in Croatia. Upon hearing that news, Dr. Vesta Botanic, in charge of the Vulgar
  27. Want it to kick off. They want to promote antipathetic emotions of disgust and, outrage , which morbidly gives them a sense of pleasure. " Free speech may lead to
  28. In their case and they can not make money off their story. The plea deal caused, outrage ,in the supporters and people who believe in their guilt. Supporters petitioned
  29. Power; the power to subdue, to crush, to exploit, the power to enslave, to, outrage , to degrade. " She also argued that capitalism dehumanized workers," turning
  30. Had arrived the day after the storm with supplies. This decision was met by, outrage ,from the Islanders who thought that it should have been their decision to make.
  31. At the ANTI Theatre in Washington Square Park amid a flurry of publicity and, outrage ,at putting a Monroe-like character, called Maggie, on stage. During this period
  32. Ability in composition and execution and produces fitting social and political, outrage , Thus, the debate continues as to what mode of aesthetic satisfaction, if any
  33. Where Altman's subversion of the film noir mythos was so irreverent as to, outrage ,some contemporary critics, around the same time Woody Allen was paying
  34. Comments to the press. According to Costello," it became necessary for me to, outrage ,these people with about the most obnoxious and offensive remarks that I could
  35. Impeached by the House in 2000,but the trial ended prematurely due to, outrage ,over a vote to open an envelope where that motion was narrowly defeated by his
  36. Rule of Ireland, Irish nationalism was greatly radicalized and after public, outrage ,at the show trials and executions of the rising's leaders and the threatened
  37. Declaring Jesus a great man, but not God. The Protestant community reacts with, outrage , *1870 – Reconstruction era of the United States: Georgia becomes the last of
  38. Pages of prominent pulp magazines such as Weird Tales (eliciting letters of, outrage ,as often as letters of praise from regular readers of the magazines),not many
  39. Mesa and Elagabalus were given powerful and lucrative positions, much to the, outrage ,of many senators who did not consider them to be respectable. After his tenure
  40. Attempt on 1 April 1980. The hanging of Iraq's senior most Ayatollah caused, outrage ,throughout the Shia world. Starting in May 1980,skirmishes on the
  41. The tiny doses of homeopathy were regularly derided as useless," an, outrage ,to human reason ". James Young Simpson said in 1853 of the highly diluted drugs
  42. Sometimes evoking empathy from the viewer, sometimes laughter and sometimes, outrage ,and bewilderment. 1931 marked a year when several Surrealist painters produced
  43. In his time. He wrote on a wide range of subjects, drawing criticism and, outrage ,from many quarters. Love" There is an invincible taste for prostitution in the
  44. Overlap was preparing to release The Hobbit in Nazi Germany. To Tolkien's, outrage , he was asked beforehand whether he was of Aryan origin. In a letter to his
  45. Destructive way the great culture that preceded it" and for" the, outrage ,of practicing religious intolerance and warfare ". Gibbon, though assumed to be
  46. Verdant banning a player for creating controversial fan fiction, causing, outrage , among Ever quest players and sparking a major industry-wide debate about players
  47. And mob attacks on Jewish communities throughout the Middle East. International, outrage ,led to Ibrahim Pasha in Egypt ordering an investigation. Negotiations in
  48. Guardian ran an article asking" Ikea is changing its font to Verdana – causing, outrage ,among typo maniacs. Should the rest of us care? Absolutely. " The New York Times
  49. Include right wing fascist extremists – aim to provoke trouble, cause public, outrage ,and attract attention, regardless of the impact this has on the team. Repeated
  50. Trample on them, kick them about, and in short heap on them every possible, outrage , " (1543)http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1543xavier1.html" When I have

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