Examples of the the word, outgoing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outgoing ), is the 9405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of power by General Ángel Anibal Guevara, the hand-picked candidate of, outgoing ,President and General Romeo Lucas García. They denounced Guevara's electoral
  2. Politician Ibrahim Valid, whose candidacy was backed by Atari Assuming,the, outgoing ,president. A referendum took place on May 16, 2009 to decide whether to cut
  3. Is integrated over. At each vertex, the total incoming k is equal to the total, outgoing ,k. The number of ways of making a diagram by joining half-lines into lines
  4. Supported this viewpoint was the outgoing IRA Executive. Those members of the, outgoing ,Executive who opposed the change comprised a quorum. They met, dismissed those
  5. Called the Domain Chronicle. He also kept copies of all ingoing and, outgoing ,correspondence. The enormous Fuller Collection is currently housed at Stanford
  6. The infilling matter only reaches the horizon much later. The infilling and, outgoing ,mass/energy only interact when they cross. It is implausible that the outgoing
  7. As a topic within the inter-American system (e.g., it was intimated by the, outgoing ,ambassador of Mexico in 1998) but most observers did not see it as a serious
  8. And just after the mailer ran. This program would scan for and pack up new, outgoing ,messages, and then unpack, sort and" toss" the incoming messages into a BBS
  9. The greenhouse effect heats the earth because greenhouse gases absorb, outgoing ,radiative energy and re-emit some of it back towards earth. A greenhouse is
  10. Their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both the, outgoing ,administration of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration
  11. Can be described by starting from a free field which describes the incoming and, outgoing ,particles, and including an interaction Hamiltonian to describe how the
  12. Cdot \DEC n) d\DEC w' Meaning: at a particular position and direction,the, outgoing ,light (Lo) is the sum of the emitted light (Le) and the reflected light.
  13. As short wave (including visible) electromagnetic radiation to the earth with, outgoing ,energy as long wave (infrared) electromagnetic radiation from the earth. Any
  14. Areas, as unorganized territory. Thirty days later on February 28, 1861, outgoing , U. S. President James Buchanan signed an Act of Congress organizing the free
  15. The Governor-General may select a new replacement contrary to the advice of the, outgoing ,Prime Minister * if a Prime Minister is unable to obtain Supply and refuses to
  16. M::: M = i\lambda \, which is a constant, independent of the incoming and, outgoing ,momentum. The interpretation of the scattering amplitude is that the sum of |
  17. Present values (PVS) — the sum of all future cash flows, both incoming and, outgoing , is the net present value (NPV),which is taken as the value or price of the
  18. Vote is fruitless, Parliament is dissolved and elections are proclaimed by the, outgoing ,President within the next 30 days. In the new Parliament, the election for
  19. To dismiss a chancellor and select his own person for the job, even though the, outgoing ,chancellor possessed the confidence of the Reichstag while the new chancellor
  20. Josh Byrnes, assistant general manager of the Boston Red Sox, to replace the, outgoing ,Joe Parabola, Jr. as Diamondbacks General Manager. Parabola took a position
  21. Application would be responsible for handling the packaging of incoming and, outgoing ,mail, moving it between the local system's message bases and the mailer's
  22. From 2005 to 2007. As of 2009,the away kit is changed every season, and the, outgoing ,away kit becomes the third-choice kit if a new home kit is being introduced in
  23. Determined by the external lines and the condition that the incoming and, outgoing ,momentum are equal at each vertex. The contribution of these diagrams is a
  24. Lines extend from" the past" to a vertex and represent an initial state, and, outgoing , lines extend from a vertex to" the future" and represent the final state.
  25. Forts and other properties within their boundaries with little resistance from, outgoing ,President James Buchanan, whose term ended on March 4,1861. Buchanan said that
  26. When Queen Elizabeth II appointed Sir Alec Douglas-Home on the advice of the, outgoing ,prime minister Harold Macmillan. In Canada, a similar situation took place in
  27. With the Federal Reserve, through which incoming federal tax deposits and, outgoing ,government payments are handled. As part of this service relationship, the Fed
  28. The Confederacy. Battle of Fort Sumter The Lincoln Administration, just as the, outgoing ,Buchanan administration before it, refused to turn over Ft. Sumter—located in
  29. D - Enigma work, extending that in huts 3,6 and 8 * Block E - Incoming and, outgoing ,Radio Transmission and Type * Block F - Included the Newman and Tester, and
  30. The only IRA body that supported this viewpoint was the, outgoing ,IRA Executive. Those members of the outgoing Executive who opposed the change
  31. Outgoing mass/energy only interact when they cross. It is implausible that the, outgoing ,state would be completely determined by some tiny residual scattering. Hawking
  32. Normalized incoming states to become relativistically normalized, outgoing ,states. For nonrelativistic values of k, the relativistic normalization is the
  33. Many of the stories, trying to solve the cases Poirot is working on. Lapp is an, outgoing , loud and sometimes inconsiderate man by nature and his relationship with the
  34. Black holes emit is not related in any way to the matter that they absorb. The, outgoing ,light rays start exactly at the edge of the black hole and spend a long time
  35. Purpose Room ", where various aspects of the layoff process were conducted for, outgoing ,employees; remaining employees at Dulles were quick to dub the mass layoff "
  36. In the bloodless Rose Revolution. The interim president was the speaker of the, outgoing ,parliament (whose replacement was annulled),Niño Burjanadze. On January 4
  37. Usenet's newsgroups could be received. The local BBS only needed to upload new, outgoing ,messages via the modem network back to the satellite service. This method
  38. In the House of Commons, in practice this is usually the new leader of the, outgoing ,prime minister's party. Until 1965,the Conservative Party had no mechanism
  39. A factor derived from an interaction term in the Lagrangian, and incoming and, outgoing ,lines carry an energy, momentum,and spin. In addition to their value as a
  40. Lines: a weak current was used to switch the voltage of a battery to the, outgoing ,line. *For transmitting audio, carbon microphones were used as the active
  41. BBS software, which would then initialize for interaction with the user. When, outgoing ,mail was waiting on the local system, the mailer software would attempt to send
  42. Become ill with terminal cancer. However, today the monarch is advised by the, outgoing ,Prime Minister as to whom she should offer the position next. The Upper House
  43. Heat transfer model that treats the earth as a single point and averages, outgoing ,energy * this can be expanded vertically (radiative-convective models),or
  44. The Guardian Civil. ETA was initially blamed for the 2004 Madrid bombings by the, outgoing ,government and large sections of the press. However, the group denied
  45. Supreme Court, Eduardo Rodríguez, was sworn as interim president to succeed the, outgoing ,Carlos Mesa. Plan de Todos Mobilizing against neoliberalism as a common enemy
  46. Clarisse McClellan displays every trait Mildred does not, in that she is, outgoing , naturally cheerful, unorthodox,and intuitive. She serves as the wake-up call
  47. In the sentence" GE shareholders will vote for a successor to the company's, outgoing ,CEO Jack Welch ", GE and the company are synonymous, and thus constitute one
  48. Agnes and Lin, who attend school in the small town of Jamal in Sweden. Lin is, outgoing ,and popular, but finds her life unsatisfying and dull. Agnes, by contrast, has
  49. With unlisted numbers, numbers with caller ID blocking, and numbers with no, outgoing ,calls allowed. Some AWACS are very regional or local in scope, while others are
  50. Truman would not be affected by the amendment. Eisenhower was also the first, outgoing ,President to come under the protection of the Former Presidents Act; two living

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