Examples of the the word, griffin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. For Magdeburg); 2nd,argent, an eagle displayed sable, crowned or; 3rd,or,a, griffin ,sergeant rules, crowned; 4th and 5th,argent, a griffin sergeant rules; 6th,or
  2. On a black background. But this was changed at some time around 1600 to the, griffin , There is no direct record of why this was done, but it seems likely that the
  3. Middle and in the quartering Mecklenburg (bull's head with hide),Rostock (, griffin ,), principality of Schwerin ( griffin surmounting green rectangle),Magdeburg
  4. These are described as hybrids (e.g., Hippogriff as the offspring of a, griffin ,and a horse, and the Minotaur which is the offspring of Pacific and a white
  5. And machine building. Coat of arms The coat of arms of Crew depicts a red, griffin ,in honor of Duke Labor II, who granted the town municipal rights in 1260.
  6. And eats him at leisure ". Marco Polo explicitly distinguishes the bird from a, griffin , Doubtless it was Marco Polo's description that inspired Antonio Cigarette
  7. One of the most influential families in the Northern part of Norway. The, griffin ,was already used in the seal and arms of the family in the late 13th century.
  8. His own coat of arms and chose the mythical griffin as his heraldic emblem. The, griffin ,thus became associated with both Vauxhall and Luzon in the early 13th century.
  9. Ring) and Weyden (bull's head). The shield is supported by a bull and a, griffin ,and surmounted by a royal crown. The dukes of Stieglitz used according to
  10. Fabulous Animals (1975),which featured mythical creatures such as the, griffin ,and kraken. Eventually, the BBC signed a co-production deal with Turner
  11. Life Griffin The official mascot of Reed is the griffin . In mythology,the, griffin ,often pulled the chariot of the sun; in canto 32 of Dante's Com media the
  12. Persian name, Havapeyma'i-ye Ellie Iran (); and from Homey,a, griffin ,of Persian mythology. Recent news reports by Press TV claim that the Iranian
  13. To" On a field Rules a griffin sergeant Or. " Trætteberg chose to have the, griffin ,as charge because that animal was the symbol of the mighty clan of Jane
  14. Name" Ripen" through a public competition, which was announced in 1982; the, griffin ,is the heraldry on Saab's logo. Testing and production Sweden first ordered
  15. And God (1886 and 1891 respectively, in which he represents Christianity as a, griffin ,and Rationalism as an angel). " Religions pass away, but God remains ", Hugo
  16. Important and prestigious member of the Inn, and secondly, because the, griffin ,would have looked more impressive on occasions such as masques and revels than
  17. Norwegian (" PA red burn en gull grief" ) translates to" On a field Rules a, griffin ,sergeant Or. " Trætteberg chose to have the griffin as charge because that
  18. Of Pomerania. It was based on Eric's own arms from Pomerania: an argent with a, griffin ,rules. It gave the griffin 's head to Malmö, eventually this extended to the
  19. The rising of Slavic polities In the 670s,the new population of the ", griffin ,and tendril" archaeological culture appeared in the Carpathian Basin (
  20. Segreant" or, more currently," Sable a griffin sergeant or ", i. e., a gold, griffin ,on a black background. But this was changed at some time around 1600 to the
  21. From modern times. They were granted on 11 April 1986. The arms show a golden, griffin ,on a blue background. They are derived from the arms of the Barry dynasty
  22. Magic lore, : But natural was the steed the wizard pressed;: For him a filly to, griffin ,bore;: High hieroglyph. In wings and beak and crest, : Formed like his sire, as
  23. Gules, crowned; 4th and 5th,argent, a griffin sergeant rules; 6th,or,a, griffin ,sergeant sable; 7th,argent, an eagle displayed sable (for Crossed); 8th,per
  24. Done good in their life are flown from Limbo to the Gates of Heaven by a large, griffin ,(which might be Liz). There was a reference that Jim Henson tried to sneak
  25. For a Purdue seal. When Professor Gown redesigned the seal, he retained the, griffin ,symbol to continue identification with the older, unofficial seal. As on the
  26. Is said to be far faster, stronger and more intelligent than their fathers,the, griffin , apparently traveling at the" speed of lightning ". This was supposedly
  27. Appearance of possessing a lion's mane, which in turn resembles the mythical, griffin , The eagle has a dark face and a creamy-brown nape and crown. The back of the
  28. Terminating in a plume of three peacock's feathers" for Masses. 5. " A Demi, griffin ,displayed Or, winged Sable, collared and languid Rules" for Munich. 6. " Out
  29. Had according to this source their own standard, showing the, griffin ,of Rostock. Notable Mecklenburg * Gerhard Research von Blucher, Prussian
  30. Rentership. Icons and student life Griffin The official mascot of Reed is the, griffin , In mythology, the griffin often pulled the chariot of the sun; in canto 32 of
  31. Be found griffin s attacking horses. The hippogriff seemed easier to tame than a, griffin , In the few medieval legends when this fantastic creature makes an appearance
  32. In the Portuguese coat-of-arms, Albuquerque being one of the wings of the, griffin ,headed by Henry the navigator, the other wing being king John II. An exquisite
  33. bull's head with hide),Rostock ( griffin ),principality of Schwerin (, griffin ,surmounting green rectangle),Magdeburg (cross surmounted by crown)
  34. Building on Tong Lane, but later moved to its present site, and thus,a, griffin ,is the symbol of the historic pub village cricket team, Tong Cricket Club
  35. He's helped by a lonely ghost, a goblin, a demon, and a warrior woman riding a, griffin , * Mastodon (1978) (published as Cat face in the UK, a considerably
  36. Stated, that he was" in love, a little" with Rose. gatekeepers A wyvern,a, griffin ,and a hippogriff are the guardians of Dream's castle. The hippogriff has a
  37. And ringed Argent, crowned and languid Rules (Mecklenburg); 2nd,Azure,a, griffin ,sergeant Or (Rostock); 3rd,Per fess, in chief Azure, a griffin sergeant Or
  38. Of the Virgin and the Sleeveless Garment. Another tale features a pelican and a, griffin ,debating church corruption, with the pelican taking a position of protest akin
  39. A set of decorated railings added in 1618 with the Temple's Pegasus and the, griffin ,of Gray's Inn, a sign of the strong relationship between the two; the design
  40. Azure an Indian Griffin proper sergeant" or, more currently," Sable a, griffin ,sergeant or ", i. e., a gold griffin on a black background. But this was
  41. Last and is to this day the coat of arms of the city. The flag depicts a golden, griffin ,on a blue background as well as the colors of the Hanseatic League, silver and
  42. Beasts arranged in a symbolic motif: Apollo, Zeus,Janus, Athena,Hermes, griffin , gorgon, sphinx,hippo camp, bull,snake, eagle,or other creatures who had
  43. Lost his power, they could no longer guard or protect the Dreaming. After the, griffin ,was destroyed by the Furies, the new Dream did not remake him, but asked the
  44. Of Dante's Com media the Gryphon is associated with the Tree of Knowledge. The, griffin ,was featured on the coat-of-arms of founder Simeon Reed Over the years
  45. Crowned or; 3rd,or, a griffin sergeant rules, crowned; 4th and 5th,argent,a, griffin ,sergeant rules; 6th,or, a griffin sergeant sable; 7th,argent, an eagle
  46. Ballad" The Shepherd of the Giant Mountains" in which a shepherd kills a, griffin ,that is attacking his sheep. The ballad had been translated into English in
  47. On Eric's own arms from Pomerania: an argent with a griffin rules. It gave the, griffin ,'s head to Malmö, eventually this extended to the entire province of Scania. In
  48. Years, but was never officially accepted by the board. In medieval heraldry,a, griffin ,symbolized strength, and Abby P. Lyle used it in her 1895 design for a Purdue
  49. Was also granted the right to bear his own coat of arms and chose the mythical, griffin ,as his heraldic emblem. The griffin thus became associated with both Vauxhall
  50. Italian: Ippogrifo) is a legendary creature, supposedly the offspring of a, griffin ,and a mare. Early references Ludovic Ariosto's poem, Orlando furious (1516)

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