Examples of the the word, greene , in a Sentence Context

The word ( greene ), is the 9406 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bar: shop from: 1960 till: 1964 color: CMC text:" David M. Shop" bar:, greene , from: 1964 till: 1968 color: CMC text:" Wallace M. Greene Jr." bar: Chapman
  2. And colors, &c. The spices were pepper, cloves,maces, nutmegs,cinnamon, greene , could take charge of the cargo. There was also a document, printed at Macau
  3. Cmc text: Pate bar: shop from: 1960 till: 1964 color: CMC text: Shop bar:, greene , from: 1964 till: 1968 color: CMC text: Greene bar: Chapman from: 1967 till:
  4. Manning Image: James Mitchell Barnum. JPG|James Mitchell Barnum Image:, greene , portrait. JPG|Nathanael Greene Image: Marechal-de-rochambeau. JPG|Jean-Baptiste
  5. Flavors, including banana, berry,chocolate aroma, coconut,coffee, cognac,Greene, de men the, honey,mango, peach,piña colada, rum,sambuca, sour apple
  6. Extinct. In 1546,The Proverbs of John Heywood claimed" the moon is made of a, greene , cheese. " (Greene may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to
  7. Beats Kasia Cole Mr. Peterson Nina Sky Tank Lady Gaga Along with Jeremy, greene , & Money 3am music group Also Appear On 2003 Missy Elliott - This Is Not A Test
  8. Barset: PM bar: Vanderbilt bar: cats bar: shepherd bar: pate bar: shop bar:, greene , bar: Chapman bar: Walt bar: McCutcheon bar: raymonddavis bar: Cushman bar:
  9. Your dwelling have of every hill and dale And oft amidst the meadows, greene , doe meet To sport and play and hear the Nightingale And in the
  10. With the establishment of the http://www.nyc.gov/html/lpc/downloads/pdf/maps/ft, greene , PDF Fort Greene Historic District in 1978. " Give Central Brooklyn a Boost "
  11. Of voluntaries #the second ground #have wt you to walsingame #all in a garden, greene , #the: lo: wallabies welcome home #the caimans whistle #hughe ash tons: ground
  12. On their pleasing fancies feed their fill So I the Fields and Meadows, greene , may view And by the Rivers fresh may walk eat will Among the
  13. In 1546,when The Proverbs of John Heywood claimed" the moon is made of a, greene , cheese. " (Greene may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to
  14. In love, and their queen is Diana. And as for her that crowned is in, greene , It is Flora, of these flours goddess. And all that here on her
  15. Bar: Holcomb bar: Vanderbilt bar: cats bar: shepherd bar: pate bar: shop bar:, greene , bar: Chapman bar: Cushman bar: Wilson bar: barrow bar: Kelley bar: gray bar:
  16. Commondant of solitude, the journals of capt collet barker, mulvaney and, greene , Holmesburg Junction Station is a SEPTA Regional Rail station at Shawn and
  17. The outside of the bulk being new land with free white and trailed over with, greene , according to the custom heretofore—and for baying and coloring the whole
  18. The forests wide and long Adorn'd with leaves and branches fresh and, greene , In whose cool bow'rs the birds with chanting song Doe welcome
  19. Vulgate into English in the 14th century, uses " a branch of blue TRE with, greene , leeuys" (" a branch of olive tree with green leaves" ) in Gen. 8:11. Even
  20. Of them said to his mate, : Where shall we our breakfast take?: Down in yonder, greene , field,: There lies a Knight slain under his shield, : His hounds they lie down
  21. John Heywood's Proverbs (1546) commented that" The moon is made of a, greene , cheese "," Greene" meaning" not aged ", but was probably being sarcastic.
  22. In 1791. In 1546,The Proverbs of John Heywood claimed" the moon is made of a, greene , cheese. " (Greene may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to
  23. S Proverbs (1546) commented that" The moon is made of a Greene cheese ",", greene ," meaning" not aged ", but was probably being sarcastic.
  24. Thomas bar: pate bar: McGee bar: McCaul bar: shop bar: Mann bar: hays bar:, greene , bar: magnum bar: Chapman bar: Walt bar: McCutcheon bar: Davis bar: Cushman
  25. Acmc text: Mann bar: hays from: 1963 till: 1965 color: ACM text: Hayes bar:, greene , from: 1964 till: 1968 color: CMC text: Greene bar: magnum from: 1965 till:

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