Examples of the the word, orchard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( orchard ), is the 9404 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Farm of just over. It comprised a seventeenth-century farmhouse, outbuildings, orchard , vegetable gardens, and enclosures. Potter asked the tenant farmer John Cannon
  2. The Garden of Eden shares a number of characteristics with words for 'walled, orchard ,garden' or 'enclosed hunting park' in Old Persian. The word" paradise "
  3. Of Case and kills the attacker, becoming a fugitive. They later leave the, orchard ,for a cotton farm where Tom is at risk of being identified for the murder he
  4. And in Nehemiah ii. 8:" And a letter unto ASAP the keeper of the king's, orchard , that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which
  5. Fruit is a small drupe long, thinner-fleshed and smaller in wild plants than in, orchard ,cultivars. Olives are harvested in the green to purple stage. Canned black
  6. Name was announced the sound was like" autumn wind moaning through an apple, orchard , " Another incident occurred in 1958 in a game against the Washington Senators.
  7. Road, and in front of the rest of Wellington's line, was the farmhouse and, orchard ,of La Have Saint, which was garrisoned with 400 light infantry of the King's
  8. Two eldest sons had died. The property was sold to Johnny Cash, who planted an, orchard ,on it. On March 25, 1969,Orbison married a German teenager named Barbara
  9. Several local dealerships, and Susan Ritchie. His family also owned a six-acre, orchard ,and Ritchie regularly helped pick apples and cared for the family's horses. He
  10. Under the Black Act is carried out, of William Potter for cutting down an, orchard ,(even the judge petitioned for reprieve). * August 13 – The Anglo-Dutch
  11. Then a connection with Eden: in the Song of Solomon iv. 13:" Thy plants are an, orchard ,of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; campfire, with spiked "; Ecclesiastes
  12. For example, reinvented as a hero of the new order, taking an axe to the cherry, orchard , One of the first non-Russians to praise Chekhov's plays was George Bernard
  13. That he first handled a cricket bat at the age of two. It was in the Downed, orchard ,and as members of their local cricket clubs that he and his brothers developed
  14. Buildings and a park are built over the former locations of his gardens and, orchard , and some are named after their former functions: Roper's Garden is the park
  15. The shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic. Pears grow in the sublime, orchard ,of Albinos, in Odyssey vii:" Therein grow trees, tall and luxuriant, pears
  16. Are said to have visited the Orchard (that is, Paradise,parades, Hebrew: lit., orchard ,): In notable readings of this legend, only Rabbi Akita was fit to handle the
  17. And little or no street lighting. The civic center sits in the middle of an, orchard , a remnant of those that once covered the area. The downtown is a triangle with
  18. Who likewise accepts his identity only when Odysseus correctly describes the, orchard ,that Laertes had previously given him. The citizens of Ithaca have followed
  19. Long journey to Basra, where he finds three such apples at the Caliph's, orchard , On his return to Baghdad, he finds out that she would no longer eat the apples
  20. Yard, court,and Latin Horus (meaning" garden," hence horticulture and, orchard ,), are cognates—all referring to an enclosed space. The term" garden" in
  21. Belmont and Maud married in June 1898. Bogart is a Dutch name meaning “, orchard ,”. Bogart's father was a Presbyterian; his mother was an Episcopalian. Bogart
  22. Attacking a rogue deputy. The remaining Roads work as strikebreakers on a peach, orchard ,where Case is involved in a strike that eventually turns violent. Tom Road
  23. Raising of a curtain to signal the baby’s arrival. Her family had a barn and, orchard ,that kept her entertained. She played with her older sister Geraldine (whom
  24. Under the Black Act is carried out, of William Potter for cutting down an, orchard ,(even the judge petitioned for reprieve). * August 13, 1814 – The Anglo-Dutch
  25. From the Lateran Palace and enclosed this area with walls. He planted an, orchard ,(powerful),a lawn (Parabellum) and a garden (iridium). Usually called
  26. The family moved to a nearby house called" The Chestnuts" which had a sizeable, orchard ,and Henry Grace organized clearance of this to establish a practice pitch that
  27. Began writing his play The Seagull in 1894,in a lodge he had built in the, orchard ,at Melikhovo. In the two years since moving to the estate, he had refurbished
  28. In the fall of 2003,neighbors noticed that" an unassuming two-acre remnant, orchard ,tucked into the Friendly Area Neighborhood" had been put up for sale by its
  29. It was further enjoined that anyone playing bowls outside his own garden or, orchard ,was liable to a penalty of 6s. 8d., while those possessed of lands of the
  30. A young couple, Candy Kendall and Wally Worthington, who work in an apple, orchard , and leaves the orphanage with them. Wally and Homer become best friends and
  31. Homer from his comfortable but not entirely admirable position at the apple, orchard ,to becoming Dr. Larch's replacement at the orphanage. Background The story
  32. Was two years old. There they tended dairy cows, kept laying hens, had a small, orchard , and made cedar-wood shingles, until moving to Portland, Oregon ten years later
  33. That could be fortified. On the extreme right were the château, garden,and, orchard ,of Hougoumont. This was a large and well-built country house, initially hidden
  34. Chinese characters, the book covers land preparation, seeding,cultivation, orchard ,management, forestry,animal husbandry, trade,and culinary uses for crops.
  35. Such as Cristina or Imperator. In all cases, palatable tall grasses such as, orchard ,grass are sparse or non-existent. In such cases of overgrazing, soil may be
  36. Chinese characters, the book covered land preparation, seeding,cultivation, orchard ,management, forestry,animal husbandry, trade,and culinary uses for crops. The
  37. Of Orchard Building, so called because it stands on part of the Foundress's, orchard , Finally, in a move to accommodate the majority of junior members on the
  38. When both parties decide to cooperate in planting an orange tree or even an, orchard , Similarly, Boeing buys composite plastic wings for its new 787
  39. He had refurbished the house, taken up agriculture and horticulture, tended, orchard , and pond, and planted many trees, which,according to Mikhail, he " looked
  40. Honey bees is much greater due to greater numbers. Likewise during early spring, orchard ,blossoms, bumblebee populations are limited to only a few queens, and thus are
  41. Him he did. In the film, his name is Joe. * George – A guard at the peach, orchard , He kills Case, and is then killed by Tom. Development Themes The novel
  42. The homeowner supplementing the family food with a small vegetable garden or, orchard , to an employee in a plant nursery or the head gardener in a large estate. The
  43. Outdoor space, usually large, for the display and study of trees. * A farm or, orchard ,is for the production of foodstuff. * A botanical garden is a type of garden
  44. In love with Rose, the daughter of the head migrant worker at the apple, orchard , She becomes pregnant with her father's child, and Homer performs an abortion
  45. Loans to private farmers for mechanization, poultry projects, and, orchard , development. Large modern cattle, dairy,and poultry farms are under
  46. A farm of a hundred acres in excellent condition with good buildings, a good, orchard ,and grounds ". Charles Lane purchased a farm in Harvard, Massachusetts,in May
  47. Nine of them dying, their bodies are nevertheless given decent burials in the, orchard , with a cover story given related to their deaths.; The Cows: Their milk is
  48. By a high wall that separates it from the street and includes a small, orchard ,or garden. In the Muslim era was characterized as a focus of many revolts
  49. Bee (Xylocopa Virginia),alfalfa leaf cutter bee (Megacycle rotunda ta), orchard , mason bee (Ostia Liguria) and the horn faced bee (Ostia confront) are
  50. Called Tutelage Heights),near Brantford, Ontario. The property consisted of an, orchard , large farm house, stable,pigsty, hen-house and a carriage house, which

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