Examples of the the word, tighten , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tighten ), is the 7336 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That both ends are in the middle, emerging in opposite directions. Pull to, tighten , When pulled tighter, the rope passing over itself binds it in place. It can
  2. Viol family of instruments. With older viols, before screw threads were used to, tighten ,the bow, players held the bow with two fingers between the stick and the hair
  3. Challenges. In response to foreign concerns the government has promised to, tighten ,regulation of its offshore financial center. Vanuatu receives foreign aid
  4. Galicia at San Martial, allowing the Allies to consolidate their position and, tighten ,the ring around the city, which fell in September after a second spirited
  5. The action. Some truss rod systems, called " double action" truss systems, tighten ,both ways, allowing the neck to be pushed both forward and backward (standard
  6. Raised Sixths V's hopes, and in corresponding degree determined Philip II to, tighten ,his grip upon his wavering ally. The Pope's negotiations with Henry's
  7. The famous Byzantine theologian Constantine the Philosopher, who was sent to, tighten ,the diplomatic relations between the Empire and the Caliphate in a state
  8. And Hong Kong productions were banned as the Communist Party of China sought to, tighten ,control over mass media, producing instead movies centering around peasants
  9. By a special machine, but are often tighten ed by hand, and then tied. One can, tighten ,by pulling the string from behind, or sitting at the side of the Kyoto, although
  10. Before were usually equipped with friction joints and no ancillary mechanism to, tighten ,the joint. The adjustment of intonation is most often accomplished with a
  11. Middle Ages, turn-shoes had been developed with toggled flaps or drawstrings to, tighten ,the leather around the foot for a better fit. As Europe gained in wealth and
  12. Of the plan to secure raw materials for their industry from Eastern Europe and, tighten ,their control over Russia. General Mannheim resigned his post on 25 May after
  13. Passerine birds contain a special adaption for perching. It will automatically, tighten ,and become stiff, if the bird starts to lose hold of the branch on which it is
  14. Thus, many equipment manufacturers add on their own particular requirements or, tighten ,the tolerance on a general specification to meet their particular needs (or
  15. Of therapy is to relax and lengthen the pelvic floor muscles, rather than to, tighten ,and/or strengthen them as is the goal of therapy for patients with incontinence
  16. Retains, although angiotensin is also very good at causing the blood vessels to, tighten ,(a potent vasoconstriction). Effects ACE inhibitors block the conversion of
  17. More safely play that role when a positive rate of inflation gives them room to, tighten ,money growth without inducing price declines. * It is difficult to manipulate a
  18. Throughout Milošević's rule. Alarmed FRY officials took several steps to, tighten ,monetary policy in 1998,including ruling out a devaluation in the near term
  19. Or scarring the genitals, or introducing harmful substances into the vagina to, tighten ,it. Affluent people in urban settings may have the procedure done in a safer
  20. Out the theme of the poem, its subject, as clearly as possible; 2), tighten , up the fluid, non-European form by rhyming internally, not at the end of the
  21. Became Persia's main rival outside Europe, causing the Persian authorities to, tighten ,their administrative control over Feud and the rest of the Levant. Egypt was
  22. The half hitches into a clove hitch A lashing stick can be used to safely, tighten ,the joint. Strength will be improved if the first turn is 90° to the timber
  23. Late 2007 the European Parliament and Council adopted a legislative report to, tighten ,gun control laws and establish an extensive firearms' database. Passed with
  24. To make a floor for the top. Lashing stick A lashing stick is used to safely, tighten ,a lashing knot, and consists of a rope wrapped around foot-long spar in a
  25. Twine or rope maintains its integrity. A lashing stick can be used to safely, tighten ,the joint. Diagonal lashing is a
  26. Rise despite some fluctuations. In 2004 efforts by the Central Bank of Yemen to, tighten ,the money supply were offset by a weakening U. S. dollar, to which the Yemeni
  27. Lock nut / lock-ring / thimble lock: The knurled part (or lever) that one can, tighten ,to hold the spindle stationary, such as when momentarily holding a measurement.
  28. On EDIT 2 0 0 by the vendors and the frustration of the end users. So, to, tighten , the semantics of the language, and provide a more formal description of the
  29. Years later. International observers were alarmed by late 2004 moves to further, tighten ,the presidency's control over parliament, civil society, and regional
  30. Handball presidency. Through the agreement with Mauritania, Morocco sought to, tighten ,its control over the Western Sahara by denying the Rosario one more avenue
  31. To geometric scaling. In" Euclid is Protein" ..., which is an attempt to, tighten ,Euclid's axioms, he states, ...: 'I have diverse definitions for the straight
  32. Is said to be considering tighter regulations ... There is talk that it might, tighten ,the polonium reporting requirement by a factor of 10, too. " Famous poisoning
  33. S belly (which is closed by a drawstring-like muscle that the mother can, tighten ,at will) and attaches itself to one of the two teats. Young remain hidden in
  34. 18 months Brazil's Consuelo de Imigração e Colonization (CIC) continued to, tighten ,the restrictions on their issuance, including requiring a baptismal certificate
  35. Out in a chronological order, but when Devlin and Emmerich edited the film to, tighten ,the narrative, they decided to change the first scene of the film into a
  36. The political arena and in 1958,sought to amend the National Security Law to, tighten ,government control over all levels of administration, including the local units
  37. Years, the revisionist view that thug gee was a British invention, a means to, tighten ,their hold in the country, has been given credence in India, France and the US
  38. Vibrato, not tremolo. ), a lever attached to the bridge which can slacken or, tighten ,the strings temporarily, changing the pitch, thereby creating a vibrato or a
  39. In French, it is also the past participle of the verb attached (= to fasten, to, tighten , to be linked); Antique AU Fer: An attack on the opponent's blade in fencing
  40. Changed its opinion about his music. The war's end allowed the Party to, tighten ,its reins on domestic artists, forcing creative attention to turn inward again.
  41. Work, causing the mechanical advantage of the screw to squeeze the material or, tighten ,the screw threads, giving an inaccurate measurement. However, with a thimble
  42. Asset inflation had crept into the United States (which demanded that the Fed, tighten ,the money supply),the Federal Reserve needed to ease liquidity in response to
  43. Difficult times and the Labor government demanded that the Maltese were to, tighten ,their belts in order to overcome the difficulties Malta was facing. There were
  44. For obstructive sleep apnea. There are also surgical procedures to remove and, tighten ,tissue and widen the airway. As already mentioned, snoring is a common finding
  45. Response was to float the rupiah, raise key domestic interest rates, and, tighten , fiscal policy. In October 1997,Indonesia and the International Monetary Fund (
  46. And unemployment rose sharply, and the Luna fell, prompting the national bank to, tighten ,its fiscal policy. A new banking law passed in December 1998 gave the central
  47. Of Kampala regent for himself. This innovation allowed the Fujiwara clan to, tighten ,its grip on power right throughout an emperor's reign. Monotone is referred
  48. Nanotechnology and describes a control gate around a silicon nanowire that can, tighten ,around the wire to the point of closing down the passage of electrons without
  49. Most were executed in the purges of the 1930s. The Soviet Union started to, tighten ,its policy against Finland in the 1930s,limiting the navigation of Finnish
  50. Traffic violations. Georgia Gov. Herman Talmadge announced that the state would, tighten ,regulations for licensing taxi drivers. Gravity was later convicted of

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