Examples of the the word, motorist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( motorist ), is the 9128 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The driver's view in this direction is obstructed. The task burden of the, motorist ,is therefore substantially increased if bicyclists ride around the outside. The
  2. After racial riots occurred following the beating and death of a Puerto Rican, motorist ,by city police in August 1971. The Camden 28 were a group of" Catholic left "
  3. Expects to look for circulating traffic. When exiting the circular roadway,a, motorist ,must look ahead to steer, and to avoid colliding with another vehicle ahead or
  4. Jeffrey Kramer),a police officer (Bill Henderson) investigating the, motorist ,'s abandoned car, and a singing telegram girl (Jane Wielding),with the wrench
  5. Number 474,481. Speer's first Nazi Party position was as head of the Party's, motorist ,association for the Berlin suburb of Wannabe; he was the only Nazi in the town
  6. Use of highway systems paid for by their taxes. Similar arguments from other, motorist ,advocacy groups put forth the argument that the best gains to be made in
  7. Highway, mostly the right, and is used to denote exits, as well as rest areas, motorist ,services such as gas and lodging, recreational sites, and freeway names.
  8. With three others that visit the house during their investigation: a stranded, motorist ,(Jeffrey Kramer),a police officer (Bill Henderson) investigating the
  9. Laboratory (TRRL) (now TRL) in 1984. Collisions typically occur when a, motorist ,is entering or leaving the circular roadway. A motorist entering the circular
  10. States Secretary of Agriculture. ** An amateur video captures the beating of, motorist ,Rodney King by Los Angeles, California police officers. ** Latvia and Estonia
  11. L. A. police officers by an all-white jury in a police brutality case involving, motorist ,Rodney King, but in 1993,all four officers were convicted in a federal civil
  12. Close to the edge of the roadway is not in the usual position where an entering, motorist ,expects to look for circulating traffic. When exiting the circular roadway, a
  13. The Court has held Miranda does not apply to roadside questioning of a stopped, motorist ,or to questioning of a person briefly detained on the street. Even though
  14. Questioning of a person briefly detained on the street. Even though neither the, motorist ,nor the pedestrian is free to leave, this interference with the freedom of
  15. The mandated 55 mph (88 km/h) speed limit was implemented in 1974 that a, motorist ,can cross the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at 65 mph (105 km/h)
  16. From the Atlantic to the Pacific. " Not far from the memorial along I-80 a, motorist ,could see an abandoned stretch of the Lincoln Highway with weeds growing
  17. Plum killed Mr. Body, Mrs. Peacock killed the cook, Colonel Mustard killed the, motorist , Mrs. White killed Yvette, Miss Scarlet killed the cop, and the singing
  18. Vehicle exiting the circular roadway is relatively straight, and so the exiting, motorist ,may often not need to slow substantially. However, if it is necessary to give
  19. Roadways are built with devices meant to control traffic. Most notable to the, motorist ,are those meant to communicate directly with the driver. Broadly, these fall
  20. Emerged from a nearby parking lot and shot Faulkner. Michael Scandal,a, motorist , testified that from two car lengths away, he saw a man, matching Abu-Jamal's
  21. Rumor, street gang members would drive without headlights until a compassionate, motorist ,responded with the traditional flashing of headlights, whereupon a new gang
  22. Toll road, using a system of long-distance tickets, obtained once by a, motorist ,upon entering and surrendered upon exiting at tollgates. The tollgates exist
  23. Guide signs. Again, the plans were dimensioned in feet and inches. Citing, motorist ,confusion arising from the metric signs on I-19,Arizona DOT's Tucson district
  24. Long line at a phone booth. Oakes heads back home down I-70,the only eastbound, motorist , The nuclear attack begins, and Kansas City is gripped with panic as air raid
  25. He was the mysterious Hitchhiker intent on murdering C. Thomas Howell's lone, motorist ,and anyone else who crossed his path. At the height of Hauer's fame, he was
  26. Officers Stacey Soon and Laurence Powell to 30 months in prison for violating, motorist ,Rodney King's civil rights. *2002 – Sham murders: 10-year-old school girls
  27. Be placed over the entrance of every road entering Polk County heralding the, motorist ,'s entrance into" Imperial Polk County. " It is NAFTA´s Training Center.
  28. Up to the http://www.plus.com.my/elite/ Elite Highway which will then give, motorist ,only another 10 minutes to get to KIA. However, one still needs about 30
  29. Technologies, have enhanced the technical capabilities that will facilitate, motorist ,safety benefits for intelligent transportation systems globally. Sensing
  30. Collision investigations that result in the serious injury or death of a, motorist ,or pedestrian. Funding has been made available for additional personnel. Two of
  31. While the average US motorist pays about $335/year. In contrast, the average, motorist ,pays about $171/year in road maintenance taxes (based on 600 gallons/year and
  32. Supreme Court stated that, absent articulate and reasonable suspicion that a, motorist ,is unlicensed or that an automobile is not registered, or that either the
  33. New Jersey erupts in race riots following the beating death of a Puerto Rican, motorist ,by city police. Looting and arson occurred. This was a turning point in Camden
  34. In 2004 cycle lanes were removed and cycling proficiency funding cut by the pro, motorist ,CLR Brian Coleman. Road The A5 is a major road in that forms much of the
  35. Another notable early episode was Fletcher's" The Hitch-Hiker," in which a, motorist ,(Orson Welles) is stalked on a cross-country trip by a nondescript man who
  36. Typically occur when a motorist is entering or leaving the circular roadway. A, motorist ,entering the circular roadway must give way to traffic in it, but such traffic
  37. Sporting proposition" and might take 20 to 30 days. To make it in 30 days the, motorist ,would need to average an hour for 6 hours per day, and driving was only done
  38. In 1938 though the conclusion was not the same). King Musket XII was a keen, motorist ,who even had his own gun for protection. He was an actual ruler rather than a
  39. Reduced installation and operating costs, corridor wide surveillance, better, motorist , information,and quicker and coordinated use of all the control elements (
  40. The Court has held Miranda does not apply to roadside questioning of a stopped, motorist ,or to questioning of a person briefly detained on the street—a Terry stop. Even
  41. In Los Angeles, California that followed the beating of Rodney King, a Black, motorist , by a group of White police officers are cited as support for this argument.
  42. Where the vehicle does not come to a complete stop. It commonly occurs when a, motorist ,decelerates from speeds of around 120 km/h (74.6 MPH) to about 60 km/h (37.3
  43. A person briefly detained on the street—a Terry stop. Even though neither the, motorist ,nor the pedestrian is free to leave, this interference with the freedom of
  44. Drivers pay an average of $746/year on vehicle repairs while the average US, motorist ,pays about $335/year. In contrast, the average motorist pays about $171/year in
  45. Sergeant First Class, Medal of Honor recipient *Paul Smith, founder of British, motorist ,lobby group Safe Speed Penthesilea (Greek: Πενθεσίλεια) or Penthesileia was
  46. Officers Stacey Soon and Laurence Powell to 30 months in prison for violating, motorist ,Rodney King's civil rights. ** The Japanese government issues the Kong
  47. Entirely, Mazda refocused their efforts and made it a choice for the sporting, motorist ,rather than a mainstream power plant. Starting with the lightweight RX-7 in 1978
  48. Is necessary to give way to a bicyclist riding around the outside, the exiting, motorist ,must look toward the rear, to the outside of the intersection. With many
  49. New York. One of the victims, Michael Griffith, is run over and killed by a, motorist ,while attempting to flee the attackers. * December 22 – British Liberal Party
  50. Interchange has a ramp toll that is paid upon exit or entry. In this case,a, motorist ,pays a flat fee at the ramp toll and another flat fee at the end of the toll

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