Examples of the the word, das , in a Sentence Context

The word ( das ), is the 9129 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And says that its burden is the" heaviest weight" imaginable (", das , schwerste Gooiest" ). The wish for the eternal return of all events would mark
  2. In Magdalena, Pico (07/09/1985) * The Lowest maximum air temperature:, Chã, das , Lagoinhas, São Miguel (20/02/1972) * Maximum precipitation in 24 hours:
  3. Its small fleet of ships (Cruzado was Has, Cruzeiro do Canal, Expresso, das , Ilhas and Express do Triangle),in addition to interisland connections
  4. Of German Idealism, pp. 39–115. (Translation of Sonnenklarer Bright an, das , grössere Public Uber was Ween her requested Philosophies,1801). * The
  5. Development Doppler first proposed the effect in 1842 in his treatise" Uber, das , farbige Light her Doppelsterne UND anger wanderer Gesture DES Himself" ( On
  6. Tubes (such as the Greta was Torres, Algar do Cargo, Gruta do Natal, Gruta, das , Cinco Ribeira),the coastal lava fields (like the coast of Retards, Faial
  7. Incomplete study on himself and published his hypothesis in 1885 as Uber, das , Gedächtnis (later translated into English as Memory: A Contribution to
  8. Das Repack," luggage, baggage " from her Pack," pack, bundle,pile" *, das , Geflügel," poultry, fowl (birds) " from late MHG deluge (e),under the
  9. Id 12372&sigla Legislacao&retorno=paginaLegislacao Replaced, das , Cartas Patrimonial (Portuguese) Further reading *Carola, A. Elena, and
  10. Languages (1839),on the Old Prussian (1853) and Albanian languages (Uber, das , Albanesische in Seine verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen, Vienna,1854),on the
  11. Do Heroism, Terceira (30/06/1996) * The Lowest minimum air temperature:, in CIA, das , Lagoinhos, São Miguel (02/01/1973) * The Highest maximum air temperature:, in
  12. Editor. ' Here, the subject, Ich, is in the nominative case, the direct object, das , Buch, is in the accusative case, and sum Vermeer is in the dative case, since
  13. ISBN 978-0-517-57366-2) * Delhi Robin, Michael Palm, eds. (1992): UND, das , Wort is Flash wooden. Text Uber Film von David Rosenberg. Vienna, PVS:
  14. The commercial terminals in Point Delgado, Horta, Vila do Porto and Santa Cruz, das , Flores are operated by ANA – Airports de Portugal, a public entity that
  15. To the Old High German word blunt, meaning blood. The modern German word is (, das , ) But. Classical Greek medicine In classical Greek medicine, blood was
  16. NOT by its function in the sentence. Consider this sentence: *ICH Santa, das , Buch sum Vermeer. 'I sent the book to the editor. ' Here, the subject, Ich, is
  17. Observed from a non-religious perspective. " (" Her Said DES Juventus Uber, das , Germanenthum. Com night confessionally Standout AUS retracted. ") in which
  18. Study in Paris appeared in Frankfurt am Main in 1816,under the title of Uber, das , Conjugationssystem her Sanskritsprache in Vergleichung MIT June her
  19. To Lisbon in 1526-27 having written a report entitled Verdafero Information, das , Terras do Preset João was India's (" A True Relation of the Lands of Pester
  20. Immer wider a Salem Arbeitsplatz plant, mit fragiler Freud AUF an Mail, das , seine Frau him, wie er coffee, bereits aufgetischt hate, endlich EU House an.
  21. 57 (2009) 943−944. * Johannes Ray: Die Wöhlersche Harnstoffsynthese UND, das , wissenschaftliche Welted. Graz, Leykam,2009. * Robin Keen: The Life and Work
  22. Conservation of the Brazilian Rain Forests (Program Pilot para a Protect, das , Florestas Tropical do Brazil—PPG-7) was supported by the world's seven
  23. Liegt AUF them Titch (dative: the book is lying on the table),but ICH leg, das , Buch AUF den Titch (accusative: I put the book on the table). In addition
  24. Fanciful rebuilt castle. This town borders the Nature Reserve Marque Natural, das , Serras de Aire e Landmarks. These 390 square kilometers of limestone-covered
  25. And in his diary wrote:" They don't call Auschwitz the camp of annihilation, das , Lager her Overnighting for nothing! " The distinction was evident during the
  26. Requires the dative (sum is a contraction of EU + them). However: *ICH have, das , Buch a Mann Freud (accusative) weitergegeben. 'I forwarded the book to my
  27. 47 (1967) 170-215. * Johannes Ray: Die Wöhlersche Harnstoffsynhtese UND, das , Wissenschaftliche Welted – Analyze lines Mythos. In: Mensch, Wissenschaft
  28. The Amazon proper, in Brazil the river is known at this point as the Policies, das , Águas. Further downriver from that confluence the darkly colored waters of the
  29. Nearly all nouns created in this way are of neuter gender. Examples include: *, das , Gebirge," group of mountains," from her Berg," mountain" * was Repack,"
  30. Distinct from a gate) in Auschwitz III / Luna Monowitz. At Buchenwald," Jed em, das , Seine " (literally," to each his share ", but idiomatically" everyone gets
  31. In a one volume folio, entitled Verdafero Information was Terra's do Preset João, das , Indias (" A True Relation of the Lands of Pester John of the Indies" ). C.
  32. And cultural events connected to the tradition of whale hunting. The Fest, das , Vindimas, ( Wine Harvest Festival),takes place during the first week of
  33. At the University of Bern. In" Uber die Entwicklung unseen Anschauungen Uber, das , Wesen UND die Constitution her Stealing" ( ". Theory of critical opalescence
  34. German:" Thank" → in German" Dank "," this" and" that" →" dies" and ", das ,"," thou" ( old 2nd person singular pronoun) →" Du "," think" →" den ken
  35. Muriel DES Sates com zureichenden Grunge),1813 * On Vision and Colors (Uber, das , Sehn UND die Carbon),1816 ISBN 978-0-85496-988-3 * The World as Will and
  36. It is still reflected in the German term for the English word dowry = Midnight, das , Mitgegebene," that which is given" ( with the wedding). In Swedish
  37. Pp. 39–115. (Translation of Sonnenklarer Bright a was grosser Public Uber, das , Wesen her requested Philosophies,1801). * The Science of Knowing: J. G. Fichte
  38. Horn ", and several small islands and atolls in the Atlantic - Absolves, Atol, das , Rocas, Penedos de São Pedro e São Paulo, Trindade, and Martin Van. In the early
  39. Man ", a dialogue which takes place in the so-called" sphere of between" ( ", das , Zwischenmenschliche" ). Two Ukrainian/Russian thinkers, Lev Shelton and
  40. Psychoanalysis of international communication. A Portuguese version, O Cesario, das , linguas, was published in 2002 (Campinas, São Paulo, Pontes ). In a lecture on
  41. Written a report entitled Verdafero Information was Terra's do Preset João, das , Indias (" A True Relation of the Lands of Pester John of the Indies" ). 1515
  42. A year later, at the age of 39,Doppler published his most notable work," Uber, das , farbige Light her Doppelsterne UND anger wanderer Gesture DES Himself" ( On
  43. Including: many of the caves and subterranean lava tubes (such as the Greta, das , Torres,Altar do Cargo, Gruta do Natal, Gruta was Cisco Ribeira),the
  44. Of Altars account in a one volume folio, entitled Verdafero Information, das , Terras do Preset João was India's (" A True Relation of the Lands of Pester
  45. Manifested by stupor. It was first described in 1874: Die Catatonic Oder, das , Spannungsirresein (Catatonia or Tension Insanity). In the current Diagnostic
  46. And Magdalena throughout the year, using its small fleet of ships (Cruzado, das , Ilhas, Cruzeiro do Canal, Expresso was Has and Express do Triangle),in
  47. Include: * was George," group of mountains," from her Berg," mountain" *, das , Gepäck," luggage, baggage " from her Pack," pack, bundle,pile" * was
  48. Appeals. DES Turkish Weltenbummlers Elvia Celebs denkwürdige Race in, das , Giaurenland UND die Start UND Fe stung Wain Anna 1665. Trans. R. Gretel, Graz
  49. Filmmaker? (ISBN 978-1-84150-173-4) * Thomas J. Reared (2000): Lang Lee, das , neue Flash. Die Film von David Rosenberg — on 'Shivers' bis 'existent '.
  50. Denote people and things of the U. S. is discouraged by the Academia, das , Ciências de Lisboa (Lisbon Academy of Sciences),because the specific word

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