Examples of the the word, moron , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moron ), is the 12122 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Classification. The American psychologist Henry H. Goddard, who coined the term, moron , was the director of the Vineland Training School (originally the Vineland
  2. In the edited-for-T. V. version, the word" asshole" is replaced with ", moron ," or cut out completely. ) * Commandant Zircon is a dominating female
  3. S arrival in town with the disparaging comment," The populace,Bryan's to a, moron , yowled a welcome ". Attacks on Bryan were frequent and acidic: Life awarded
  4. Imbecile" was once applied to people with an IQ of 26-50,between ", moron ," (IQ of 51-70) and" idiot" ( IQ of 0-25). The term was further refined
  5. Elitism are Dick (Todd Louis) and Barry (Jack Black),the" musical, moron ,twins," as he refers to them. Armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of all
  6. Everything ... I found after seventy years that I was not a lunatic but a, moron ,... I should have been able to do better ..." He traveled to New York two
  7. To" motherfucker. " Sometimes, mudak and audio are used as equivalents of ", moron ," e.g. Вася - полный мудило, ему жена изменяет, а он радуется. - Easy is a
  8. Way. Archaically the word more has also been used. The similar terms, moron , imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An
  9. Of Sarah Pain that she is" an opportunist struggling to learn how to become a, moron , a phony and a windbag. " In a 2010 podcast, Peikoff explained why he supports
  10. For penis. While the charges may have been as cited," shuck" is Yiddish for, moron , The officer was incorrect; the word he most likely had in mind was the Yiddish
  11. Then me/just 'cause he's cool and trendy ". John wails that" Gordon is a, moron ,", a phrase that became briefly famous in Britain, along with" I was so upset
  12. Take away from one of his primary claims: that only a trained eye can spot the, moron ,in the crowd. Influence of the study The overall effect of The Millikan Family
  13. Retardation based on intelligence quotient (IQ). Goddard used the terms, moron ,for those with an IQ of 51-70,imbecile for those with an IQ of 26-50,and
  14. Are the persons who make for us our social problems ". Rosemary was labeled a ", moron ,", an individual with IQ between 60 and 70 (or an adult with a mental age
  15. Jung, stating " The biggest problem with Blow is that Jung is such a complete, moron , " Nus air concludes that while it" is not a bad film ... the central character
  16. In the public. Deception/confusion, however,does not consider a ‘, moron ,in a hurry ’. (See Morning Star Cooperative Society v Express Newspapers
  17. Вася - полный мудило, ему жена изменяет, а он радуется. - Easy is a complete, moron ,: his wife cheats on him, but he's still glad. * mud (mud ya) (му́ди, мудя )
  18. And handicap Connotations easily change over time. Idiot, imbecile,and, moron ,were once neutral terms for a developmentally delayed adult with the mental age
  19. Do You Remember These? " By the Stapler Brothers. (" Dancing' close, little, moron , jokes,and cooties in her hair Captain Midnight, Ovaltine and The Whip at the
  20. In which Bush writes a letter complaining about his portrayal in the media as a, moron , then" posts" the letter in a toaster. The programme-makers then proposed a
  21. En masse" a bunch of Jews, spics,niggers, pansies,and a booger-eating, moron ,"). Most of the questionable dialogue was used for comic effect. A true
  22. Tapes also includes him reminiscing about his abusive father - who calls him ", moron ," and a" cheater" after he creates an impossible logic test for a school
  23. Major party's ticket, saying that John McCain" comes across like a tired, moron ," calling Barack Obama a" lying phony" and Joseph Biden" a hilarious
  24. Gifted children. However, Lisa is not fooled and claims that Bart is still a, moron ,no matter what the test says. At the Enriched Learning Center for Gifted
  25. May be constructed out of solarium and tedium in one sector, parasite and, moron ,in another, and work the same. *Create designs: Shields (to repair buildings)
  26. Of the translated test across the United States; he also introduced the term ", moron ," into the field. He was the leading advocate for the use of intelligence
  27. And banning to the more unusual shrinking, possessing,and turning into a, moron ,(filtering all the user's public messages with the Dialectic, another
  28. School. Eric's character devolves from a suave elder brother to an irrational, moron ,serving as comic relief. When Eric struggles to get into college, Mr. Ferny is
  29. Ladies, this show has been approved by Good Housekeeping, but in case a stray, moron ,seeking a racy spicy girl show is in this otherwise obviously intellectual
  30. Taylor possesses the most brilliant military mind or whether he is just a lucky, moron , Is a very straight-laced, by-the-book officer. Yumiko joined the UPS to give
  31. Germ Caldwell (Lucas) - Germ Caldwell is portrayed as a patronizing, moron ,who stalks and has delusions about marrying George Michael (played by both
  32. Of Staff) and secretary (of defense) ", and insinuated that Rumsfeld was a ", moron , " Right-wing US radio host Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, contended that: "
  33. Ancient Greek ὀξυ-oxy- comb. Form1+ μωρόςdull, stupid,foolish (see, moron ,n.2).: Examples: Organized chaos, or Same difference.; Paradox: A statement or
  34. Approach to what we do sing about. ‘ Hey the devil is there, but he’s a, moron , That’s why he’s buried in dirt. ’” ( Sustained,1987) The recording of the
  35. Moments, and he’s a really fun character, but he’s definitely not going to be a, moron , His role is not DCU Moron. His role is DCU Shit kicker. " The Corpse Guy was
  36. Or silly. Aka, which is used as" idiot" in most regions, becomes " complete, moron ," and a stronger insult than AHO. Where a Tokyo citizen would almost certainly
  37. With the Braves, calling him," a real asshole,"" an imbecile,"" a complete, moron ," and" a piece of shit," while claiming that" he has the worst case of
  38. Not Inspector Lapp be allowed to mellow a little, with the years, beyond the, moron ,stage? " An admirer of Christie, Milward Kennedy of The Guardian began his
  39. But, when Piper got in Russo's face, Russo made the comment that Piper was" a, moron ,". Piper not only took offense to the remark, but delivered a" potato shot "
  40. 2008 on a local radio show, Total Sports with Bob Stauffer, calling Burke a ", moron ," and" a media junkie ". Lowe's #4 has not been retired, but he had been the
  41. To the island to rescue Whaling, and observes School has become a powerless, moron , and is devoured by his own creations soon afterwards. Forum learns Army is in
  42. Director resigns over her comment that U. S. President George W. Bush is a ", moron ," *November 28 - The Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (
  43. Hank said," while Parker's performance presents her as a kind of sitcom, moron ,for the first part of the film and a rather judgmental and wholly unpleasant
  44. Transliterated as Moors) meaning foolish or stupid, related to the word, moron , A sophomore is a second-year student in a four-year course of study. The term
  45. Being pejorative, in its day the term was considered, along with idiot and, moron , to be a relatively precise psychiatric classification. The American
  46. Or the other. Sometimes it looks as if it aspired to be the quintessential, moron ,movie of the 80s ". Time magazine's Richard Chicken wrote," Designer Rob
  47. President" ) was linked to her official website. *In 2004,Breton (Polish for, moron ,) and similar insults referring to stupidity were linked to websites of various
  48. For Newsweek initially panned the film as a" squalid shoot-'em-up-up for the, moron ,trade. " After seeing the film a second time and noticing the enthusiastic
  49. Impairment. This nomenclature was the standard of the field for decades. A, moron , by his definition, was any person with mental age between eight and twelve.
  50. A medical kit filled with self-driven instruments enabling a far-future, moron ,to" play doctor. " A future Earth similar to" The Marching Morons" - a

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