Examples of the the word, suicidal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suicidal ), is the 12140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The encouragement of heroism among young Iranian basis volunteers who launched, suicidal ,human wave attacks on Iraqi positions. The volunteers were inspired before
  2. They are relatively improved in state). The increased risk for suicidal ity and, suicidal ,behavior among adults under 25 approaches that seen in children and
  3. With free radicals. Therefore, it has been referred to as a terminal (or, suicidal ,) antioxidant. Tocopherol and tocotrienols (vitamin E) vitamin E is the
  4. Mummies became unavailable, the sun-desiccated corpses of criminals, slaves and, suicidal ,people were substituted by mendacious merchants. The practice developed into a
  5. Such symptoms with encouraging results. Mortality Bipolar disorder can cause, suicidal ,ideation that leads to suicidal attempts. One out of 3 people with bipolar
  6. S platform included a strict interpretation of the Quran that glorified, suicidal ,violence. Along with Al Anna, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem Halal Amino
  7. He was featured in the Friends episode" The One Where Rosa Dies" as a, suicidal ,supply manager named Earl. Phoebe rings him trying to sell him toner and she
  8. In truth, she was suffering from depression severe enough to the point of being, suicidal , Hatfield disagreed with the decision not to be upfront about her depression.
  9. Also volunteer their time to prevent suicides by talking or wrestling down, suicidal ,people. The bridge is now closed to pedestrians at night. Cyclists are still
  10. Persistent runny nose are often described as very unpleasant. Depression with, suicidal ,ideation may develop in very heavy users. Finally, a loss of vesicular
  11. He loads them all up in his no-ship, finally leading his troops out on a last, suicidal ,defense of Rakes, designed to attract the rage of the Honored Mates. The
  12. Anxiety, agitation,excessive sleep, vivid or lucid dreams, deep REM sleep and, suicidal ,ideation. Side effects Contraindications Amphetamine elevates cardiac output
  13. Spinal fluid (CSF) magnesium has been found low in treatment-resistant, suicidal ,depression and in patients that have attempted suicide. Brain magnesium has
  14. Chronic pain (with or without a known cause); lack of motivation; and morbid, suicidal ,ideation. In severe cases, the individual may become psychotic, a condition
  15. That he had been blackmailed. LEV Lewinsky has said that the composer was, suicidal , Once he joined the Party, several articles denouncing individualism in music
  16. Of studies that have indicated, in his view" rather convincingly ", that, suicidal , candidates far from always turn to another means of suicide if their preferred
  17. Gravis, sleep apnea, bronchitis,and COPD. And are sometimes used for, suicidal ,overdoses. Exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy has been associated
  18. For reactions across various message boards, referring to Pilkington as a “, suicidal ,slut,” and posting graphic images on her Facebook memorial page. The segment
  19. The form of a succubus. Characters include a doppelgänger and the ghost of a, suicidal ,Victorian laborer. It is illustrative of Williams’s belief in the replacement
  20. Position in the face of counterattacks from the II Corps, including an almost, suicidal ,bayonet charge by the small 1st Minnesota regiment against a Confederate
  21. Between 18–24 years old, there is a higher risk of both suicidal ideation and, suicidal ,behavior in those treated with SSRIs. For adults, it is unclear whether
  22. Cognitive development, identity formation and social attachment in ending her, suicidal ,thinking. Qualitative analysis is most often applied to verbal data from
  23. Initial impact generally drown or die of hypothermia in the cold water. Most, suicidal ,jumps occur on the side facing the bay. The side facing the Pacific is closed
  24. Semi-structured interview with a 20-year-old woman who had a history of, suicidal ,thinking between the ages of 14 to 18. They analyzed an audio-recording of the
  25. By friends, there was no indication to them that Cobain was in any negative or, suicidal ,state of mind. He spent the day talking to counselors about his drug abuse and
  26. Questioned by police, Love said that Cobain had never mentioned that he was, suicidal ,and that she had not seen him with a gun. Love arranged an intervention
  27. Can induce anxiety, or can make a patient aggressive, dysphoric or acutely, suicidal , In rare cases, an antidepressant can induce a switch from depression to mania
  28. In a plane crash on 8 May. Wittgenstein was distraught to the point of being, suicidal , He was sent back to the Italian front after his leave and was captured on 3
  29. Several guns and a bottle of pills from Cobain, who insisted that he was not, suicidal ,and had locked himself in the room to hide from Love. When questioned by police
  30. Family and their followers who fought against the superior Dutch force in a, suicidal ,Puritan defensive assault rather than face the humiliation of surrender. In the
  31. Results. Mortality Bipolar disorder can cause suicidal ideation that leads to, suicidal ,attempts. One out of 3 people with bipolar disorder report past attempts of
  32. The patient has stopped eating and drinking, or where a patient is severely, suicidal , Although a landmark community-based study found much lower remission rates in
  33. Are warned that the use of antidepressants could increase the risk of, suicidal ,thoughts and behavior. Federal health officials unveiled
  34. To be from bridge jumps. The California Highway Patrol removed 70 apparently, suicidal ,people from the bridge that year. There is no accurate figure on the number of
  35. Probably young adults between 18–24 years old, there is a higher risk of both, suicidal ,ideation and suicidal behavior in those treated with SSRIs. For adults, it is
  36. The architects of the MAD doctrine. Khan held that a nuclear war was inherently, suicidal ,(because it is unwinnable) thus neither side would be willing to engage in
  37. Starts to improve. Although this appears paradoxical, studies indicate that, suicidal ,ideation is a relatively common at the start of antidepressant therapy, and it
  38. For depressed patients who had undergone orthopedic surgery. Depressed mood, suicidal ,tendencies, somatic anxiety, and hypochondriasis significantly decreased in the
  39. Requires Black Box warnings on all SSRIs, which state that they double, suicidal ,rates (from 2 in 1,000 to 4 in 1,000) in children and adolescents, although
  40. On March 18, 1994,Love phoned Seattle police informing them that Cobain was, suicidal ,and had locked himself in a room with a gun. Police arrived and confiscated
  41. The respondents to a 1994 survey of health issues in lesbians reported they had, suicidal ,thoughts, and 18 % had attempted suicide. A population-based study completed by
  42. Members and loved ones monitor the young patient's behavior for any signs of, suicidal ,ideation or behaviors, especially in the first eight weeks of therapy. Until
  43. Genetic imperfections of the fetus. They also allow abortion if the woman were, suicidal ,because of such defects. However, Judaism holds that abortion is impermissible
  44. His family from then on. Christian’s death depressed him, and he was plagued by, suicidal ,thoughts:“ I live with the dead—my mother, my sister, my grandfather, my
  45. Cockpit recorder tape indicates that the pilot and co-pilot had been shot by a, suicidal ,passenger. *1974 – West German Chancellor Willy Brandt resigns. *1986 –
  46. Lauren follows Max onto the roof and upon finding him, believes him to be, suicidal , Eventually Max's increasingly dramatic attempts at pushing the boundaries
  47. Commitment is to prevent danger to the individual or society. People with, suicidal ,thoughts may act on these thoughts and harm or kill themselves. People with
  48. Seizures in epileptics, aggression,violence, impulsivity,irritability and, suicidal ,behavior sometimes occur. These reactions have been explained as consequences
  49. Severe manic episodes with dangerous behavior or depressive episodes with, suicidal ,ideation. There are widespread problems with social stigma, stereotypes,and
  50. Until one considers an explanation that has been proposed for the idiom: that a, suicidal ,hanging victim must kick the bucket out from under his own feet during his

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