Examples of the the word, frenzy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frenzy ), is the 12144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At 9:14 P. M. CDT, sending the crowd of 25,390 at U. S. Cellular Field into a, frenzy , He would face the minimum of 27 batters using 106 pitches (66 strikes),with
  2. Following labels: beginning of a technological era as irruption, the ascent as, frenzy , the rapid build out as synergy and the completion as maturity. These crises
  3. Was seen as a disadvantage, with the audience not yet whipped into a clapping, frenzy ,and the judges known to become freer with their higher marks as the event
  4. A period of intertribal violence, punishing other children, inciting the, frenzy ,that leads to the murder of Simon, and torturing the twins until they submit to
  5. As a result of the Chris Benoit double murder-suicide in 2007,and the media, frenzy ,surrounding it - however, there has been no evidence indicating steroid use as
  6. Windows 95,to incorporate high-performance multimedia. Eisner wrote about the, frenzy ,to build DirectX 1 through 5 in his blog. DirectX 2.0 became a component of
  7. Him to mistake the cattle and their herdsmen for the Achaean warriors. In his, frenzy ,he scourged two rams, believing them to be Agamemnon and Menelaus. In the
  8. Competitive advantage, but in this case they made an exception due to the, frenzy ,created around Beckham and resulting security issues). Also, instead of the
  9. Movie audience) of a miraculous cure for hoarseness ignited a comic purchasing, frenzy ,.; Disney's Pete's Dragon: The greedy" Doc" Terminus, played by Jim Dale
  10. They explained their past activities to the press. The first television media, frenzy ,orchestrated by the SLA occurred outside the Hearst family residence at the
  11. Asleep when he feels the bugs walking on his nose. Horrified, he goes into a, frenzy , killing them with a shoe. Sixth Trick: The Baker The boys invade a bakery
  12. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the cast and crew worked in a" patriotic, frenzy ," Cohan was given a private showing of the film shortly before his death, and
  13. Skill. Juno held a spiteful grudge against Hercules and sent him into a blind, frenzy , in which he killed all of his children and his wife. When Hercules regained
  14. Examples of the tendency of certain groups to work themselves up into a killing, frenzy , The 1911 Webster Encyclopedia comments: In 1634,the eldest son of the Raja of
  15. Rotating, the Sun has increased output, and plants are engaged in a constant, frenzy ,of growth and decay, like a tropical forest enhanced a thousandfold; a few
  16. He was transformed into a stag, and his raging hounds, struck with a 'wolf's, frenzy ,' (λύσσα),tore him apart as they would a stag. " This is the iconic motif by
  17. Agrees. She sends out a personal invitation; its receipt sends the women into a, frenzy , imagining" A Weekend in the Country ". Anne does not want to accept the
  18. Countries. Early in 2009,George Soros highlighted a new farmland buying, frenzy ,caused by growing population, scarce water supplies and climate change. Chinese
  19. Within the first few months of the station's life, including the media, frenzy ,over The Ins and Outs of Love; an open air concert at Liverpool in Sydney's
  20. Sword or dagger, but presently a variety of weapons are used, and,in a sudden, frenzy , will attempt to kill or seriously injure anyone he encounters. Amok typically
  21. S all over Smash Hits, Ash are big in Big! And Liam can't move for tabloid, frenzy ,– an all-girl, in-yer-face pop group have arrived with enough sass to burst
  22. An army should be ready to cope with any emergency, and in order to still the, frenzy ,of mobs should risk their lives in numbers sufficient for that purpose. ...
  23. For Andrei Chikatilo (convicted in 1992),eating formed part of the sexual, frenzy , It was an extreme extension of the love-bite. It involved biting off his
  24. And nearly any dynamic. Cymbals have been utilized historically to suggest, frenzy , fury or bacchanalian revels, as seen in the Venus music in Wagner's
  25. Success of the Bridgewater Canal in Britain, completed in 1761,led to a, frenzy ,of canal building in England. The colonial idea of a canal or artificially
  26. Incident, the Taliban on August 8,1998,returned and led a six-day killing, frenzy ,of Hazards, a report the Taliban denied at that time. The Irish documentary
  27. Before Beckham joined the team. On the strength of the signing and the media, frenzy ,it created, the club was able to pull off a new 5-year shirt sponsorship deal
  28. Had an affinity for birds. " I felt an intimacy with them ... bordering on, frenzy ,that must accompany my steps through life. " His father encouraged his interest
  29. Adapt. The mere barking of a dog can set a full-grown male boomer into a wild, frenzy , Wedge-tailed eagles and other raptors usually eat kangaroo carrion. Gonna
  30. Were sold in just a few months. At the trial itself, which created a media, frenzy , Carlyle read the entirety of The Age of Reason into the court record, ensuring
  31. In me," he says. Sample had been cut by the Colts. " I was almost in a, frenzy ,by the time the game arrived," he says. " I held a private grudge against the
  32. Subsequently beheaded with better results. During the 18th century, there was a, frenzy ,of vampire sightings in Eastern Europe, with frequents takings and grave
  33. In heavy rain by thousands of fans in" a scene similar to a shark-feeding, frenzy ,", attended by fifty journalists and photographers and a BBC Television camera
  34. Of depression. The word derives from the Greek" μανία" ( mania)," madness, frenzy ," and that from the verb" μαίνομαι" ( maintain)," to be mad, to rage, to be
  35. As" game" or" play ", while Alyssa is a borrowing from the Greek λυσσα,", frenzy ," or" rage ", and sometimes rage personified; for later poets, Lusus and Alyssa
  36. Independent of its production system, which he called" film by fiat, film by, frenzy , " Spartacus is the only Stanley Kubrick film in which the director had no hand
  37. A crushed ant emits an alarm pheromone that sends nearby ants into an attack, frenzy ,and attracts more ants from further away. Several ant species even use "
  38. Sending a fire-ship to destroy the towers, and captured the mole in a swarming, frenzy , the city eventually fell to the Macedonians after a seven-month siege. In
  39. Goebbels. Speer was disturbed by the way Goebbels whipped the crowd into a, frenzy , Despite this unease, Speer could not shake the impression Hitler had made on
  40. Already been disclosed and previously reported. The typo sparked a brief media, frenzy , His trial for obstruction of justice was to have begun on March 2,2009,but
  41. Increase in money supply turns specific areas of pricing power into a general, frenzy ,of spending quickly before money becomes worthless. The purchasing power of the
  42. To the dose with extreme and comic agitation. After seeing the cat vanish in a, frenzy ,out the window, Aunt Polly no longer forced Tom to take the painkiller.; Say
  43. As the poet, the lover, the artist, is carried out of himself in a creative, frenzy , so must it be for the Magician. *Devotion — where" identity with the God is
  44. The most expensive piece of pop star clothing ever sold after interest from a, frenzy ,of bidders. The dress was one of many items of Spice Girls memorabilia sold at
  45. Thousands of people, jammed into that auditorium, just tore the roof off in a, frenzy ,". Michael Starr remembered," That was the most fantastic election ... I went
  46. And a half it bore an inscription attributing the conflagration to a" Polish, frenzy ,". The fire destroyed about 60 % of the City, including Old St Paul's
  47. Named Mary Pagan, in a trial marked by intimidation of the jury and media, frenzy , His legal appeals had been exhausted. * The second Ku Klux Klan was founded by
  48. Lester Bangs credited him as" the man who brought overt blatant vulgar sexual, frenzy ,to the popular arts in America. " Ed Sullivan's declaration that he perceived
  49. Of Delphi and Dodoma like frenzied-women, obsessed by" mania" ( μανία:, frenzy ,), a Greek word connected with" mantis" ( μάντις: prophet). Frenzied women
  50. Of" Chichis" of the Show era, we shall construct a to hold back the mad, frenzy ,of the occupation troops and cultivate and preserve the purity of our race long

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