Examples of the the word, elegance , in a Sentence Context
The word ( elegance ), is the 12141 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Standard core with powerful tools for language extension. Its compactness and, elegance ,have made it popular with educators, language designers, programmers
- Astaire, not least because he believed his physique didn't suit such refined, elegance ,:" I used to envy his cool aristocratic style, so intimate and contained. Fred
- Rulers, who encouraged art and literature. These paintings are known for their, elegance , rich colors, and attention to detail. The themes for most of these paintings
- Of Paris is the Rive Wrote (Right Bank),a term used to refer to a level of, elegance ,and sophistication not found in the more Bohemian Left Bank. Demographics The
- Srinivasan Ramanujan found many new formulas for, some remarkable for their, elegance , mathematical depth and rapid convergence. One of his formulas is the series,
- Have made much impression. The later success of mahjong came in part from the, elegance ,of its mechanism as embodied in the domino-like pieces. Current development
- Goals, as one critic wrote,“ With ruthless contempt for form, clarity, elegance , wholeness, and realism, he paints with intuitive strength of talent the most
- And in intellectual circles around Europe, Maniera art couples exaggerated, elegance ,with exquisite attention to surface and detail: porcelain-skinned figures
- Bronzing Mannerism portraits by Agnelo Bronzing are distinguished by a still, elegance ,and meticulous attention to detail. As a result,Bronzino's sitters (at left
- Bellarmine's books bear the stamp of their period; the effort for literary, elegance ,(so-called" maraviglia" ) had given place to a desire to pile up as much
- Was employed starting with Princess Monotone to give" a little boost of, elegance ,". In an interview with the Financial Times, Miyazaki said" it's very
- The culmination of style modern in Paris. At its best, art deco represented, elegance , glamour, functionality and modernity. Art deco's linear symmetry was a
- Being dedicated on Christmas Eve. Under the head of compositions of grace and, elegance , the statue of Hebe takes the first place in point of date. Four times have the
- Field that unique high-wattage glow. Praised for its convenience, even its ", elegance ," Shea was actually deemed a showplace. These special features helped make
- Devoted himself wholly to the study of classical texts. He won renown for the, elegance ,of his Latin style and his knowledge of philosophy. Also while in Ferrara he
- Lexus name has been attributed to the combination of the words" luxury" and ", elegance ," and another theory claims it is an acronym for" luxury exports to the U. S.
- Win the war with inventions such as radar. Crick had to adjust from the ", elegance ,and deep simplicity" of physics to the" elaborate chemical mechanisms that
- Bearing the coat of arms of Charles IX of France. His work is marked by great, elegance ,and an awareness of geometrical principles in design. Antonio and Geronimo
- Had been given a few years earlier, but did not match Hilbert's in economy, elegance , and similarity to Euclid's axioms. Analysis sites, or topology In the
- As follows: Although high level of utilization, mystical appeal, and surreal, elegance ,were often preferred over realism (such as in shan't shoo style),beginning
- Musician and patron of the ballet, he was seen as lacking refinement and, elegance , Indeed, he rather relished the idea of being of the same rough texture as the
- Compact) programs," good" ( fast) programs: The notion of" simplicity and, elegance ," appears informally in Knuth and precisely in Chaitin:: Knuth: "... we want
- Aesthetic aspect too much of mathematics. Many mathematicians talk about the, elegance ,of mathematics, its intrinsic aesthetics and inner beauty. Simplicity and
- Unfortunately there may be a tradeoff between goodness (speed) and, elegance ,(compactness)—an elegant program may take more steps to complete a computation
- And memorably wrote that a dandy aspirant must have" no profession other than, elegance ,... no other status, but that of cultivating the idea of beauty in their own
- Streamline mathematical argument. In a 2001 interview, he stated a desire for ", elegance ,", whereby the correct approach would be to process thoughts mentally, rather
- Believe is Tuning Jeri. Stories from the Katasaritasagaram describe the, elegance ,of life in Kathy. The Buddhist kingdom of Rigor took control of Medal shortly
- Interior turned topsy-turvy. McCay's mastery of perspective, and the extreme, elegance ,of his line work, make his visions graphically wondrous. The eccentric dialogue
- Good morals, good taste, and good Latin ... His language has simplicity and an, elegance ,that make him proper to be accurately studied as a model. " Two of the earliest
- Inc. is spreadsheet software, part of work. It focuses on usability and the, elegance ,of chart presentation. Numbers completed Apple's productivity suite, making it
- Remarking that 'it was widely acclaimed as a speech of surpassing quality and, elegance ,' and Barbara Castle that it 'took everyone's breath away '. But accepted an
- Contributions by Iranians are characterized as" the lively and graceful fancy, elegance ,of diction, depth and tenderness of feeling, and a rich store of ideas ".
- Thing to be considered in the designing of Tapestry is the force, purity,and, elegance ,of the silhouette of the objects represented, and nothing vague or
- The wedding music industry became almost all DJ while combining the class and, elegance ,of the traditional band presentation. New DJs as well as bandleaders with years
- Within the rigid heroic couplet. Within a dominant culture that stressed, elegance ,and finish, he granted primacy to freedom, breadth and imaginative
- Edward Island began to attract" adventurous Victorian families looking for, elegance ,on the sea. Prince Edward Island became a fashionable retreat in the nineteenth
- To believe, dandyism is not even an excessive delight in clothes and material, elegance , For the perfect dandy, these things are no more than the symbol of the
- Is basic to the language of thought hypothesis from the 1970s. Despite its, elegance , Montague grammar was limited by the context-dependent variability in word
- Very dangerous implement in biology. It is thus very rash to use simplicity and, elegance ,as a guide in biological research. " In biogeography, parsimony is used to
- And quality of his research output, its influence on future work, and the, elegance ,of his exposition. He is especially known for his foundational work in number
- Looked highly upon by People Magazine, The Washington Post, and others for her, elegance ,and fashion sense. At the inauguration she wore a winter white cashmere dress
- University Circle is Euclid Avenue, which was known for its prestige and, elegance , In the late 1880s,writer Bayard Taylor described it as" the most beautiful
- Literal (de verb in verb),faithful to the spirit of Aristotle, and without, elegance , For several of Moerbeke's translations, the Greek texts have since
- To early goths. They were attracted by Lugosi's aura of camp menace, elegance ,and mystique. Some people credit the band Bauhaus' first single" Bela Lugosi
- Abstract, curvilinear quality and a smooth contour that create an impression of, elegance ,” (549). The qualities which produce the effect can particularly be seen in
- Scholars, poets,and humanists, in a climate that fostered an appreciation for, elegance ,and complexity. The coat-of-arms of Vasari's Medici patrons appear at the top
- That would have been imparted by the education of a gentleman: Taste and, elegance ,... are of no mean importance in the regulation of life. A moral taste ...
- Of technique, from a poised" Classical" form simulating 18th century Rococo, elegance , to a style more characteristic of Russian nationalists, or (according to
- Criteria are adaptability of the algorithm to computers, its simplicity and, elegance , etc. ": Chaitin: "... a program is 'elegant,' by which I mean that it's the
- By the standards bodies in favor of Q931 and PSIG. Nevertheless,the, elegance ,of the protocol and its compatibility with PBX features ensured the adoption
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