Examples of the the word, enclave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enclave ), is the 12136 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Colonial rule in 1895,the Rift Valley and the surrounding Highlands became the, enclave ,of white immigrants engaged in large-scale coffee farming dependent on mostly
  2. Of Newfoundland in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and have a maritime territorial, enclave ,within Canada's Exclusive Economic Zone. Canada also shares a land border with
  3. De Ordeals e Vasconcelos is appointed the Archbishop of the Portuguese colonial, enclave ,of Goa. *1881 – The Boundary treaty of 1881 between Chile and Argentina is
  4. The most notable geographic fact about Lesotho, apart from its status as an, enclave , is that it is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above
  5. The Brussels-Capital Region, officially bilingual, is a mostly French-speaking, enclave ,within the Flemish Region. A German-speaking Community exists in eastern
  6. Is a mountainous, landlocked country located in Southern Africa. It is an, enclave , completely surrounded by South Africa. The total length of the country's
  7. Copenhagen Municipality, the second largest is Fredericksburg Municipality,an, enclave ,inside Copenhagen Municipality. Both are contained in the larger Capital Region
  8. War lasted until the Abuja Accords of August 1996. The AFL was confined to an, enclave ,around the capital during the conflict, and did not play a significant part in
  9. Was granted independence as Equatorial Guinea in 1968,while the Moroccan, enclave ,of IFI had been ceded to Morocco in 1969. The latter years of Franco's rule
  10. Lesotho (), officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and, enclave , surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. It is just over in size with a
  11. Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea. The Czech Republic also possesses Moldauhafen,a, enclave ,in the middle of Hamburg docks, which was awarded to Czechoslovakia by Article
  12. In Tunisia, all in the south around Derby and Magmata. The more northerly, enclave ,of Send apparently no longer speaks Berber. This would make 0.3 % of the
  13. Of Kuala Lumpur and is one of three Malaysian Federal Territories. It is an, enclave ,within the state of Selangor, on the central west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
  14. Maryland would leave the Federal capital of Washington’D. C., an indefensible, enclave ,within the Confederacy, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus and imposed
  15. From the British Empire. An example of such territories was the Portuguese, enclave ,of Goa. India / Pakistan From 1956,India and Pakistan have both claimed the
  16. Act that would have been a crime under the laws of the state in which a federal, enclave ,is situated is also a federal crime. Since most of these enclave s are occupied
  17. And Pacific Oceans; two parts physically separated by Malaysia; almost an, enclave ,within Malaysia Brunei is a country with a small, wealthy economy that is a
  18. Lebanon was a largely Christian (mainly Maronite with some Greek Orthodox), enclave , but also included areas containing many Muslims (including Drupe). On 1
  19. The city of Hamburg lie south of the Elbe. The state and city of Bremen is an, enclave ,entirely surrounded by Lower Saxony. The Bremen/Oldenburg Metropolitan Region
  20. As they went, and if Martel wished to stop them from making a permanent, enclave ,for expansion of the Caliphate, he would have to come to them, in the open
  21. Community moved to North Buffalo. There is also a small Italian-American, enclave ,in the East Side neighborhood of Love joy. Many Buffalo households, churches
  22. Over most of the territory, with North Kosovo being the largest Kosovo Serb, enclave , Serbia does not recognize the unilateral secession of Kosovo and considers it
  23. Centers. The city is divided into eight basic zones: Administrative, diplomatic, enclave , residential areas, educational sectors, industrial sectors, commercial areas
  24. Until 1930),United Fruit Company, and Standard Fruit Company, built an, enclave ,economy in northern Honduras, controlling infrastructure and creating
  25. As Wilson along 18th street, and La Villi ta along 26th Street, the Puerto Rican, enclave ,Pasco Africa in the Humboldt Park neighborhood," Greek town" along South
  26. The ministries of the (Fatah) Palestinian Authority and Gaza became a Hamas, enclave ,outside PA control. A hammer is a tool meant to deliver an impact to an object.
  27. Communities with 40,000 people, and in the process making Fredericksburg an, enclave ,within Copenhagen. During World War II, Copenhagen was occupied by German
  28. In 1537. An area around Tiberius was given to Don Joseph NASA for a Jewish, enclave , Following the expulsions from Spain, the Jewish population of Palestine rose
  29. Water. The total length of the South African border is. Lesotho's status as an, enclave ,also means that it is landlocked and largely dependent on South Africa. The
  30. And the Flemish Region. Geographically and linguistically, it is a bilingual, enclave ,in the unilingual Flemish Region. Regions are one component of Belgium's
  31. The more rural councils are classified as districts. Only Camera District,an, enclave ,within Whakatane District, continues to follow the tradition of a small town
  32. And said Harvard in his remark was intended to represent" a philosophical, enclave ," and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that" Voters
  33. Two major rivers, the Goddard and the Krishna, run across the state. The small, enclave ,() of Canal, a district of Pondicherry, lies in the Goddard Delta in the
  34. The headdress on the glabella part of Kül-Tegin sculpture in the Husho-Tsaidam, enclave ,(Oregon, Northern Mongolia) carries a bird with wings spread like an eagle
  35. Expand their control over territory in Afghanistan, and it came to establish an, enclave ,which it called the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. In 1994,it captured the
  36. Saxony. The Bremen/Oldenburg Metropolitan Region is a cooperative body for the, enclave ,area. To the southeast the state border runs through the Hard, low mountains
  37. Jr. was a woman. Early life Bradley came from a family in the intellectual, enclave ,of Hyde Park, a university neighborhood in Chicago. Her father was Herbert
  38. For the more than 3000 ethnic Germans displaced from the Wish linguistic, enclave , 972 of them settled to Allen in 1946. The“ Wish Linguistic Enclave Society
  39. Hate, and Enriquillo. The latter's successes gained his people an autonomous, enclave ,for a time on the island. Nevertheless, within a few years after 1492 the
  40. Within the municipality both because it covers a confined area and because the, enclave ,of Fredericksburg is an independent municipality. Since a reform in 2006–08
  41. Yupik's languages spoken in Western Alaska and Chukka. Until 1902,a possible, enclave ,of Dorset people or Sadlermiut (in modern Inuktitut spelling Sallirmiut)
  42. Which is divided by a British road into two parts. The northern part is an, enclave , like the two villages, whereas the southern part is located by the sea and
  43. Medical Center. The conversion of the national historic site to a residential, enclave ,had as of 2009 been completed on three of the several buildings on the site.
  44. To partition Palestine, Bethlehem was included in the special international, enclave ,of Jerusalem to be administered by the United Nations. Jordan annexed the city
  45. Villages, whereas the southern part is located by the sea and therefore not an, enclave ,— although it has no territorial waters of its own
  46. Dominate the entire Central American region, The result was the creation of an, enclave ,economy centered on the settlements and activities of the three major companies
  47. 14 October 1942. As the German Sixth Army pushed the Soviets into a 1,000 meter, enclave ,on the west bank of the Volga River,1,208 Study sorties were flown against
  48. And ideas, whether political, artistic,or cultural. This tradition as an, enclave ,of avant-garde and alternative culture was established by the beginning of the
  49. Elements in central Eastern Europe such as the Coming, who formed a Celtic, enclave ,in the Germanic-speaking zone and are described by Tacitus as iron-ore miners
  50. Of Western sciences, known as Ranku, continued through contact with the Dutch, enclave ,at Decimal in Nagasaki. The Do period also gave rise to Tokugawa (" national

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