Examples of the the word, parenthood , in a Sentence Context
The word ( parenthood ), is the 12127 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To tour in The Philadelphia Story. She felt she had partially experienced, parenthood ,through her much younger siblings, which fulfilled any need to have children of
- At a higher rate than those that discourage higher birthrates. # Efficiency of, parenthood ,: an idea that increases the proportion of children who will adopt ideas of
- Until they can have the right to abortion on demand and to walk away from, parenthood ,like men can. Governments that ban abortion arguably burden women with certain
- And inherited via autosomal-dominant genes. A more reliable way to ascertain, parenthood ,is via DNA analysis (known as genetic fingerprinting of individuals, although
- widow's peak, or the cleft chin, may serve as tentative indicators of (non-), parenthood , as they are readily observable and inherited via autosomal-dominant genes. A
- A reason. (An example might be:" Anyone has a reason to promote the good of, parenthood , ") This emphasis on different classes of reasons and values, however,remains
- Lack of financial and emotional preparation often derives from unplanned, parenthood ,that subsequently leads to a serious burden to the surrounding family members.
- Followed adult Beaver's struggle to reconcile his recent divorce and single, parenthood , while facing the possibility of his widowed mother selling their childhood
- Stepparents will" want" to abuse their partner's children, or that genetic, parenthood ,is absolute insurance against abuse. They see step parental care is as
- Evidence, concluding " the truth about Elizabeth's romantic life and possible, parenthood ,will continue to fascinate generations to come. " He has also recently appeared
- And community. This work should involve antenatal education and preparation for, parenthood ,and may extend to women's health, sexual or reproductive health and childcare
- Flunks out of community college, Peter and Annie cannot escape the duties of, parenthood , Their eldest son, Todd (Jeff Bryan Davis) decides to dump his fiancée only
- Of the show, Taxi often tackled such dramatic issues as drug addiction, single, parenthood , blindness, obesity,animal abuse, bisexuality,teenage runaways, failed
- Demands for absolute obedience of children to the father ". Determination of, parenthood ,Since Roman times fatherhood has been determined with this famous sentence:
- Works to preserve its interpretation of the biblical ideals of marriage and, parenthood , and therefore the organization takes a strong stance against LGBT rights and
- Child, Olivia Wilmot (1772–1834) from this relationship, though the duke's, parenthood ,was never proven, and Olivia Wilmot was accused of forging the evidence. A
- And celibacy and reflections on Humane Vitae, focusing largely on responsible, parenthood ,and marital chastity. John Paul II readdressed some of the same issues in his
- Broken. Therefore, for women who are sexually active and have no intentions for, parenthood , birth control pills offer a simple and effective deterrent to unplanned
- Unmarried woman becomes pregnant, she has the option of abortion, adoption,or, parenthood ,; and argues, in the context of legally recognized gender equality, that in the
- Lou's marriage began to slide as he and Die both adjusted to life after, parenthood , They briefly separated for the first time almost immediately after their
- And practical, once rationalizing that when people have many bodies, biological, parenthood , becomes meaningless. However, he seemingly helps Sam exactly because of that
- Students that if they would stay in school, stay off drugs, avoid teenage, parenthood , commit to being good citizens and graduate on time, he would fund their
- Newborn parenting, up to one month of age, is where the responsibilities of, parenthood ,begins. A newborn's basic needs are food, sleep,comfort and cleaning which
- Landscapes (notably of people in water); her lover, Siobhan; and babies, parenthood ,and family life. Golden lives in New York and Paris—one reason the French
- Argues that" giving same-sex couples the right to found a family unlinks, parenthood ,from biology ". Transgressions Intersex people have biological
- He also said:" A British study found a direct statistical link between single, parenthood ,and virtually every type of major crime, including mugging, violence against
- They consider innate (rather than socially learned) behaviors. # Quantity of, parenthood ,: an idea that influences the number of children one has. Children respond
- Itself all the duties involved in the education of the child, but the joys of, parenthood ,will not be taken away from those who are capable of appreciating them. " Death
- Rendered obsolete because they are no longer needed. Marriage, natural birth, parenthood , and pregnancy are considered too obscene to be mentioned in casual
- Children, did not. Estévez considered Abdul to be too emotionally unstable for, parenthood , In 2006,Estévez announced his engagement to writer Sonja Magdevski. The
- With several episodes showing Fred and Wilma adjusting to the world of, parenthood , In Australia, the Nine Network ran a" Name the Flintstones' baby "
- Have been fathered by anyone but himself. He also did not take any interest in, parenthood , Elizabeth though most certainly took an active interest. She removed the young
- Column,“ Domestic Affairs ”, in which she wrote candidly about marriage, parenthood ,and family life. She also served as a book reviewer and a columnist for
- Marriage from the personalist point of view. The" duty of responsible, parenthood ," was affirmed, but the determination of licit and illicit forms of regulating
- Sense of true mutual love and its ordination to the supreme responsibility of, parenthood ,to which man is called. We believe that our contemporaries are particularly
- Fifty-nine that by accepting the responsibilities of business, marriage,and, parenthood , he has missed out on life, and starts an affair with another woman. " You Ca
- Gave Alfred some moral sway over the warriors of the Danelaw. The spiritual, parenthood ,established by Alfred over Guthrie at Allen must inevitably have implied some
- Traditional teaching of the Catholic Church regarding married love, responsible, parenthood , and the continuing proscription of most forms of birth control. Mainly because
- Or darkly absurdist in nature, on complex issues of death, morality,childhood, parenthood , sexuality, and God. Many of the ideas in his novels are traced to Continental
- The new year printed on it. In modern time and world-wide, the association of, parenthood ,is with a baby's arrival, with New Year's Eve a father and mother together
- The female protagonist in the novel explores contemporary morals, marriage and, parenthood , It won the W. H. Smith Award for Fiction in 2002. Part of the money he earned
- Gay best friend and flatmate Sean: as Platonic friends with little prospect of, parenthood ,presenting itself, they planned to become parents together and Tanya had
- Regard him as indispensable socially ". As social and biological concepts of, parenthood ,are not necessarily coterminous, the terms" patter" and" senior" have been
- In their files. In 1999 the Danish government allowed this group access to, parenthood ,archives, exempting them from the country's normal secrecy period of 80 years
- Such as social injustice, revolution and the honor and responsibility of, parenthood ,using contemporary musical style. Berlin-based dub techno label" Basic Channel
- Positive goal for teenagers linking human sexual behavior with love, marriage, parenthood , and family life. #To open channels of communication between children (students
- Art craft Nested sets that use enclosure/containment to show, parenthood , examples include Treetops and fractal maps: ±-----encyclopedia-----± |
- Claire later in the mid-1980s in a storyline where Sheila and Bobby dealt with, parenthood ,later in life. The Jacksons, although a relatively high profile family during
- Top 10 TV shows of 2008:" It's smart, with thought-provoking meditations on, parenthood , destiny and human nature, and features good performances by Lena Headed, as
- 1920) she called for the" sterilization of those totally unfit for, parenthood ,to be made an immediate possibility, indeed made compulsory. " She contributed
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