Examples of the the word, ecclesiastical , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ecclesiastical ), is the 12142 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Islands) etc. Within these Communion provinces may exist subdivisions, called, ecclesiastical , provinces,under the jurisdiction of a metropolitan archbishop. All provinces
- Entertained close relations with Clung, then the center of the movement for, ecclesiastical ,reform, and in particular with its abbots Majors and Oil. She retired to a
- Angry) and the Regional Assembly (Aorta). Angry also serves as the, ecclesiastical ,center of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Angry. Population On 31 December 2002
- At Alexandria (389),fled to Constantinople, where he became the tutor of the, ecclesiastical ,historian Socrates. But it seems more probable than the real author was
- As a matter of understood doctrine regarding this particular issue of, ecclesiastical ,governance. In America, the conservative Missouri Synod places its church
- Should obey him, apparently believing that more of the Roman governmental and, ecclesiastical ,organization survived in the Britain than was actually the case. According to
- it's founding. Landmark crisis Southern Baptist Landmarkism sought to reset the, ecclesiastical ,separation which had characterized the old Baptist churches, in an era when
- Of episcopacy had to be accompanied by a recognized Anglican ecclesiology of, ecclesiastical ,authority, distinct from secular power. Consequently, at the instigation of the
- Of abbé, having long-lost all connection in people's minds with any special, ecclesiastical ,function, remained as a convenient general term applicable to any clergyman.
- Invade Italy in 900. Like all early Germanic rulers, he was heavily involved in, ecclesiastical ,disputes; in 895,at the Diet of Tribes, he presided over a dispute between the
- Despite their frequent lay status is proved by their attendance and votes at, ecclesiastical ,councils. Thus, at the first Council of Constantinople, AD 448,23
- 4 April 397),was a bishop of Milan who became one of the most influential, ecclesiastical ,figures of the 4th century. He was one of the four original doctors of the
- Was the center of an important council of the early church; which considered, ecclesiastical ,policy for the reconstruction of the Christian church after the persecutions
- And Thelma The Ecclesial Gnostic Catholic, or Gnostic Catholic Church (the, ecclesiastical ,arm of Oreo Temple Orients),offers its Rite of Baptism to any person at
- Revive significantly during his reign. Alfred undertook no systematic reform of, ecclesiastical ,institutions or religious practices in Wessex. For him the key to the kingdom
- As St Peter's School, York ) and later as Charlemagne's leading advisor on, ecclesiastical ,and educational matters. From 796 until his death he was Abbot of the great
- They reject any doctrine of a succession of their power. The Protestant view of, ecclesiastical ,authority differs accordingly. Defining features Adherents maintain that
- Other churches in his diocese. He also was the one bishop that published, ecclesiastical ,legislation during Edward the Confessor's reign, attempting to discipline and
- Associated with the office of a bishop, most notably the mite, crosier,and, ecclesiastical ,ring. Other vestments and insignia vary between Eastern and Western
- Where Bede was grouped with others who were called" venerable" at two, ecclesiastical ,councils held at AIX in 816 and 836. Paul the Deacon then referred to him as
- And in Latin, the Romans referred to it as Deana. Medieval (or, ecclesiastical ,) Latin has it as Macedonia. Governance Aberdeen is locally governed by
- Bavaria at Munich and in 1892 at Vienna. Allowing himself to be involved in the, ecclesiastical ,disputes that divided Hungary in 1895,he was made the subject of formal
- His Father had introduced. " Declaring this to be a civil rather than an, ecclesiastical ,matter, the clergy left the matter to the tsar's own decision. At noon on 24
- Of some monks. This innovation was not introduced without a struggle, ecclesiastical ,dignity being regarded as inconsistent with the higher spiritual life, but
- Seems to have been brought early in life under the immediate supervision of the, ecclesiastical ,authorities of his native city. A story has been preserved by Ruins (Hist.
- See. " On his arrival in Rome, however,charges of simony, or the buying of, ecclesiastical ,office, and lack of learning were brought against him, and his elevation to
- The dilemma more acute, with consequent continual litigation in the secular and, ecclesiastical ,courts. Over the same period Anglican churches engaged vigorously in Christian
- Blood by using a mace in battle instead of a sword. Absalom never neglected his, ecclesiastical ,duties, and even his wars were of the nature of crusades. In December 2008
- Heraldry). Anglican bishops generally make use of the mite, crosier, ecclesiastical , ring,purple cassock, purple zucchetto, and pectoral cross. However, the
- A cross and crosier behind the escutcheon; the specifics differ by location and, ecclesiastical ,rank (see Ecclesiastical heraldry). Anglican bishops generally make use of
- Gratin Augustus) * De Official Ministrorum (On the Offices of Ministers,an, ecclesiastical ,handbook modeled on Cicero's De Official. ) * De incarnations Dominican
- Bishops, going back to the early days of Christianity, have spiritual and, ecclesiastical ,power by this unbroken chain of ordinations stemming from the Apostles. This
- Whom Alexander used in his examination of the theology of Orders and, ecclesiastical ,structures. Notes Active Server Pages (ASP),also known as
- From the first century to the present day, have inherited the spiritual, ecclesiastical ,and sacramental authority, power,and responsibility that were conferred upon
- Kinds of alabaster are employed largely as an ornamental stone, especially for, ecclesiastical ,decoration and for the rails of staircases and halls. Its softness enables it
- As a statement of their faith and beliefs. Most Baptists hold that no church or, ecclesiastical ,organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church. Churches can
- And Bede says" I have labored to educate you in divine letters and, ecclesiastical ,statutes" Another textbook of Bede's is the De orthographic, a work on
- Having studied at the university of Frankfurt (Oder),Albert entered the, ecclesiastical ,profession, and in 1513 became archbishop of Magdeburg at the age of 23 and
- Are circumstantial. It probably comes from the 12th century and was owned by an, ecclesiastical ,patron of the north or south province. The Aberdeen Bestiary is related to
- Some possibility of free thought and shelter from the crushing hand of, ecclesiastical ,authority. Spinoza may have had access to a circle of friends who were basically
- Babcock concludes that the account of natural death, given by Prices, was an, ecclesiastical ," cover story" and that Emperor Marian (who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire
- Locally rather than from England and eventually national synods began to pass, ecclesiastical ,legislation independent of England. A crucial step in the development of the
- And funded largely by the State, Roman Catholic or Orthodox church, powerful, ecclesiastical , individuals,or wealthy secular patrons. These art pieces often served a
- Metropolitan bishop: A metropolitan bishop is an archbishop in charge of an, ecclesiastical ,province, or group of dioceses, and in addition to having immediate
- Of abbot was commonly filled by laymen till the end of the 7th century. The, ecclesiastical ,leadership exercised by abbots despite their frequent lay status is proved by
- To abolish its celebration in Saxony during his lifetime; and, though its, ecclesiastical ,sanction soon lapsed even in the Lutheran Church, its memory survives strongly
- Seated in the same city. Chapter and cathedral, surrounded by further, ecclesiastical ,institutions, were located on Dominoes (cathedral island),which formed a
- Others see him as a power-hungry politician who employed questionable, ecclesiastical ,tactics. Critics of Athanasius Richard E. Rubinstein and Timothy Barnes have
- The diphthongs eye and OE, and likewise all lines and marks of punctuation. The, ecclesiastical ,Abbreviations were officials of the Holy See, among the principal officials of
- Battle or during it, to animate and encourage them. The term when adopted into, ecclesiastical ,usage retained much of its original significance. An allocation of the Pope
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