Examples of the the word, framing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( framing ), is the 12129 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Enlargement is usually much less. ) Effect of lens aperture For a given subject, framing ,and camera position, the DOF is controlled by the lens aperture diameter, which
  2. Novel Frankenstein (1818). Shelley uses the letters as one of a variety of, framing ,devices, as the story is presented through the letters of a sea captain and
  3. Derives from a common technique used by animated cartoon makers called, framing ,where the currently moving parts of the cartoon are superimposed on the" frame
  4. Board or fiber cement),and light-gauge steel framing and heavy-gauge steel, framing , More generally, people often build houses out of the nearest available
  5. May have been due to a treaty signed between the Time Lords and the Dales. The, framing ,device for the, Davros audio plays is a Dale trial to determine if Davos
  6. Conception of thought as a stream of consciousness, which intellect distorts by, framing ,into concepts. Bergson replied to this insinuation by denying that he had any
  7. Real-world" character is placed in the invented world, sometimes through, framing ,devices such as portals to other worlds or even subconscious travels. Purists
  8. Many significant figures. DOF and diffraction If the camera position and image, framing ,(i.e., angle of view) have been chosen, the only means of controlling DOF is
  9. Black burst, as should all devices using time code, to ensure correct color, framing ,and correct synchronization of all digital clocks. When synchronizing multiple
  10. In size between the half- and full-page illustrations in addition to changes in, framing ,techniques amongst the folios: geometrical frames with embellished corners
  11. Has a story that happened long before which is narrated by one character in the, framing ,scene, and initially accompanied by his narrating dialogue in intertitles
  12. Thickness of the adobe bricks, the framework has been performed using a steel, framing ,and a layering of a metal fencing or wiring over the framework to allow an even
  13. Drill, that combines a jackhammer-like mechanism with a drill In professional, framing ,carpentry, the hammer has almost been completely replaced by the nail gun. In
  14. Of robots. Upon their publication in this collection, Asimov wrote a, framing ,sequence presenting the stories as Calvin's reminiscences during an interview
  15. Piper called them the" para time police" ). This concept provided a convenient, framing ,for packing a smorgasbord of historical alternatives (and even of timeline "
  16. Madison expressed the overall challenge the Framers faced in this way," In, framing ,a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty
  17. Have a smaller depth of field. Therefore, compensations in exposure, framing , or subject distance need to be made in order to make one format look like it
  18. Variations include: * Carpenter's hammers (used for nailing),such as the, framing ,hammer and the claw hammer * Drilling hammer - a lightweight, short handled
  19. Out men's sins and acting as their accuser. " The adversary" occurs in the, framing ,story alone—he is never clearly alluded to in the central poem. However
  20. Shot, but emphasize a different aspect of that action due to the different, framing , An insert differs from a cutaway as cutaways cover action not covered in the
  21. Slightly while the fuselage was stretched by 19 in (48 cm). The amount of, framing ,in the windshield was reduced to enhance pilot visibility. Realizing that the
  22. Pals. Several of ATM's link protocols use the HEC field to drive a CRC-based, framing ,algorithm, which allows locating the ATM cells with no overhead required beyond
  23. Jackson Benson believes Hemingway used autobiographical details as, framing ,devices about life in general—not only about his life. For example, Benson
  24. Back-to-back houses – Bailey bridge – Balcony – Ball flower – Balloon, framing ,– Balustrade – Radar – Bargeboard – Barn – Baroque – Barrel vault –
  25. The internal thought processes associated with them (although relational, framing ,and other theoretical constructs hedge into such territory). Present-day
  26. So that there does not appear to be a marker where none is intended, preventing, framing , errors. Decoders must skip this 0x00 byte. This technique, called byte stuffing
  27. Scholars agree that the introductory and concluding sections of the book,the, framing ,devices, were composed to set the central poem into a prose" folk-book ", as
  28. See for a particular listing) Christianity law and ethics Church and state, framing ,Within the framework of Christianity, there are at least three possible
  29. Be used to describe human behaviors, methods,and tools. For example, timber, framing , using wattle and daub is a legacy building construction method. Overview
  30. Filibuster ", episode seventeen of the second season of The West Wing, used the, framing ,device of emails sent by C. J. Gregg, Josh Lyman and Sam Seaborne to their
  31. To allow light to enter into rooms and floors, illuminating enclosed spaces and, framing ,an exterior view through a window. It is also a material for internal
  32. So he says instead:" Did not (Heraclitus) the Obscure anticipate Notes in, framing ,a system ...? " The apparent pantheist deity of Heraclitus (if that is what DK
  33. Messianic interpretation in Christianity Nicholas Person has suggested that the, framing ,device of Ecclesiastes was used to point to the Messiah. The book is framed by
  34. Not only in transmission speed, but also in the structure and size of valid, framing ,methods, characterized by the maximum transmission unit (MTU) parameter. To
  35. A growing body of literature succeeded in reformulating the definition, framing ,diaspora as almost any population on the move and no longer referring to the
  36. Faced with oriented strand board or fiber cement),and light-gauge steel, framing ,and heavy-gauge steel framing . More generally, people often build houses out of
  37. Use 802.2. IEEE 802.3 is an exception; Ethernet originally used Ethernet II, framing , with a 2-octet type field containing an Etherize value, and no 802.2 header
  38. Camera and lighting crew of the film. The DOP makes decisions on lighting and, framing ,of scenes in conjunction with the film's director. Typically, the Director
  39. Travels by apparently plentiful temporary jobs in the various U. S. locales, framing ,the anthology styled stories, gave the impression of being a commercially
  40. In Gothic architecture, too,an aedicula or tabernacle frame is a structural, framing ,device that gives importance to its contents, whether an inscribed plaque, a
  41. Larger the format size, the longer a lens will need to be to capture the same, framing ,as a smaller format. In motion pictures, for example, a frame with a 12 degree
  42. Media *" Dear Dad ", episode twelve of the first season of M*A*S*H, used the, framing ,device of a letter written by Hawkeye Pierce to his father to describe the
  43. To include Court monitoring of the implementation of legislation and even the, framing ,of guidelines in the absence of Parliamentary legislation. However, this
  44. Prefab techniques became popular after World War II. First small inside rooms, framing , then later, whole walls were prefabricated and carried to the construction
  45. A soft white marble statue surrounded by a poly chromatic marble architectural, framing , This structure works to conceal a window which lights the statue from above.
  46. Embodying both a historic deposit of formal statements of doctrine, and also, framing ,the regular reading and proclamation of scripture. Sykes nevertheless agrees
  47. Value, and no 802.2 header, but the original IEEE 802.3 specification used a, framing ,wherein the 2-octet field following the 6-octet destination and source MAC
  48. Changed the title. Contents *"Introduction" ( the initial portion of the, framing ,story or linking text) Reception The New York Times described I, Robot as" an
  49. Its apparent victims were in fact its central actors. The decade also saw the, framing ,of FGM—along with other issues in the domestic sphere, such as dowry deaths—as
  50. And the lack of machine tools, the use of metal was kept to a minimum. Wood, framing ,had the disadvantage of changing dimensions with temperature and humidity, and

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