Examples of the the word, foresight , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient, foresight , to make it a perpetual motion. " Newton's position was vigorously defended by
  2. Does not apply in an evolutionary context. Teleological forces such as rational, foresight ,cannot explain the outcomes of trial-and-error processes, such as evolution
  3. Global processes and elaborate forward-looking solutions) and targeted, foresight ,and policy studies (aimed at developing policy-relevant prescriptions and
  4. Taught a new course in the Hart Leadership Program. He has been credited for, foresight ,in predicting the dangers of terrorism coming out of Afghanistan before the
  5. Pattern to his character in 1999,Rowling expressed her surprise at the, foresight , Rowling also disclosed that already after publication of Prisoner of Azkaban
  6. If the accused admits to having a motive consistent with the elements of, foresight ,and desire, this will add to the level of probability that the actual outcome
  7. In the Creation, putting forward the thesis that God had the omnipotence and, foresight ,to create as a divine legislator, making laws (or programs) which then
  8. It operates merely on the 'pleasure principle ', without realism or, foresight , The ego develops slowly and gradually, being concerned with mediating between
  9. A political and media scandal, and was said to symbolize either Whitlam's, foresight ,and vision, or his profligate spending. Whitley travelled extensively as Prime
  10. Of The Return of the King, he was widely considered a man of great will, foresight , and strength. However, he failed to reach out to his people, who flocked
  11. To be assassinated with an axe blow to the head. Thanks to the intelligent, foresight ,of the queen Tranquil however, the sons of Angus were not chosen, but rather
  12. Program who still resides in the Matrix, helping the freed humans with her, foresight ,and wisdom. * Belinda McClary as Switch: A human freed by Morpheus and crew
  13. Civil law can be clearer than case law when the legislature has had the, foresight ,and diligence to address the precise set of facts applicable to a particular
  14. In Rome which had been sent to the Abbey for safety in December 1942. By great, foresight ,on the part of Lt. Col. Julius Schlemiel (a Roman Catholic),a Viennese-born
  15. Systems rely heavily on objective tests to establish the minimum requirement of, foresight ,for recklessness. Pet Shop Boys are an English electronic dance music duo
  16. The crime of murder must include a mental requirement of at least subjective, foresight ,of death. For crimes where imprisonment is a sanction, there is a requirement
  17. Him blind on the spot (Jove lessens the blow by giving Tiresias the gift of, foresight , and a long life). Earlier, in the Ar's Anatolia, Ovid states that he abhors
  18. Louis XI of France — Edward was a popular and very able king. Whilst he lacked, foresight ,and was at times cursed by bad judgement, he possessed an uncanny understanding
  19. Was sound and patriotic, but Clement VII's zeal soon cooled; by his want of, foresight ,and unseasonable economy, he laid himself open to an attack from the turbulent
  20. Intention. If there is clear subjective evidence that the accused did not have, foresight , but a reasonable person would have, the hybrid test may find criminal
  21. S translation below renders hvítastr as" brightest")—and is said to have, foresight ,like the Vania, a group of gods: Regarding Heimdallr's whiteness and the
  22. Was used to replace the standard hand guard. The barrel ends at the base of the, foresight , which prevents the use of any sort of muzzle device. The MP5K is produced (by
  23. Of the bomb came from the Shinkolobwe mine and was made available thanks to the, foresight ,of the CEO of the High Katina Mining Union, Edgar Senior, who had 1000 tons
  24. To be one of the shrewdest deals in television history. As a result of his, foresight , Design reaped the profits from all reruns of the series. Area also pushed the
  25. Is allowed a wide latitude in applying a hybrid test to impute intention or, foresight ,(for the purposes of recklessness) on the basis of all the evidence.
  26. But broke it, thus incurring his wrath: though she has retained the power of, foresight , no one will believe her predictions. While Cassandra foresaw the destruction
  27. End, he enacted Twelve Decrees that are remarkable for their liberalism and, foresight , During his reign, there was a significant increase in the size of the Mughal
  28. Images of what will occur one-tenth of a second into the future. This, foresight ,enables humans to react to events in the present, enabling humans to perform
  29. S General Systems Theory, her fiction has often demonstrated a remarkable, foresight ,in scientific advancements. Awards MacLean received a Nebula Award in 1971,and
  30. Died in 1186,and this is the year generally accepted by scholars. William's, foresight ,about the misfortunes of his country was proven correct less than a year later.
  31. To develop and deploy a common cellular telephone system across Europe. The, foresight ,of deciding to develop a continental standard paid off, eventually resulting in
  32. Upon the working classes the Victorian values of providence, self-reliance, foresight , and self-discipline ". Gladstone was associated with the Charity Organization
  33. Later a" user definable" format Interface size limitations Due to lack of, foresight ,the first drive interface used 22-bit addressing mode which resulted in a
  34. The preparation for and the conduct of the Battle of Britain. With remarkable, foresight , he ensured the equipment of his command with monoplane fighters, the Hurricane
  35. As" haphazard" and" flawed ", his leadership characterized by lack of, foresight , Thus, by the late 1970s,in Jones's words," Scott's complex personality had
  36. And skill to avoid such danger ”. This statement clearly contains elements of, foresight ,and responsibility, but does not refer to a lack of certainty, as the word “
  37. Strategy in the long-term. Ehrlich applauds the Paddocks' " courage and, foresight ," in proposing such a solution. Ehrlich further discusses the need to set up
  38. Dallas. His head—a cock's—represents Process, the fowl being emblematic of, foresight ,and vigilance. His two hands bear the badges of Sophia and Dynamic, the shield
  39. David Yacht, an Orthodox Jew and proponent of the theory of biblical scientific, foresight , conducted toxicity experiments on many kinds of animals and fish. His
  40. Projectible, the agents may be assumed to have idealized abilities, especially, foresight , ; but then the Inductive Problem is out of reach because the agents of the world
  41. Which has open-ended support from taxpayers). This coupled with a lack of, foresight ,on the employers part means a large proportion of the workforce are kept in the
  42. Enough of its forces to military footing. The Culture Minds had had enough, foresight ,to evacuate almost all its affected citizens (apparently numbering in the many
  43. Volley of shots. It was this most basic failure of experience and technical, foresight ,that led to the subsequent disaster. The 2006 National Geographic Channel's
  44. Word comes from Old French prudence (14th century),from Latin Prudential (, foresight , sagacity). It is often associated with wisdom, insight,and knowledge. In
  45. Cantonese added:" I don't want to stain my activity with such lack of, foresight , " As a result of this, around 35,000–40,000 Jewish people were deported out of
  46. Separate entities was quite natural and even anticipated by such political, foresight ,as that of Huge Liang (see Longing Plan). In popular culture Numerous
  47. Whether an accused with these specific attributes would have had the requisite, foresight ,and desire. In English law,s8 Criminal Justice Act 1967 provides a statutory
  48. Deliberately genocidal policy; rather it was the result of a disastrous lack of, foresight ,and rank incompetence on the part of the British military. " British historian
  49. The Foreshadowing features a protagonist named Alexandra who has the gift of, foresight , though she sees mainly others' pain and death. In David Gemmell's Troy
  50. In animals. Nash's equilibria may exist due to the application of rational, foresight , but that does not apply in an evolutionary context. Teleological forces such

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