Examples of the the word, paediatrician , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paediatrician ), is the 12128 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1860–1949),Australian architect *Walter Butler Cheaply (1836–1910),English, paediatrician , *Walter Butler Wilkinson (1781–1807),Canadian political figure *Garth Butler
  2. Into bone and joint disease * Walter Butler Cheaply (1836–1910),English, paediatrician , * Sir John William Fisher (1788–1876),British surgeon * Henry Gray FRS (
  3. Record of 34 Test centuries. On 24 May 1995,Şahin Tendulkar married Anjali,a, paediatrician , and daughter of Gujarati industrialist Anand Meta and British social worker
  4. Broadcasting House Professor Sir Samuel Roy Meadow (born 1933) is a British, paediatrician , who rose to initial fame for his 1977 academic paper on the now controversial
  5. Anterior) is named after him. Sir William Richard Powers, neurologist,pediatrician, researcher and artist, drew this illustration in 1886 as part of his
  6. Postpartum, a midwife will consult with a specialist such as an obstetrician or, paediatrician , Midwives also care for newborns. Core competencies and restricted activities
  7. Apprehension allowed to a poet ". He travelled to London and married Australian, paediatrician , Anne Ferry. Through senior medical contacts who admired his poetry, Banning was
  8. Catskill Mountains when his bride, Valentina Pavlova Guernsey (1901–1958),a, paediatrician , chanced upon some edible wild mushrooms. Fascinated by the marked difference
  9. Baroness Lloyd of High bury BE (1 January 1928 – 28 June 2006) was a British, paediatrician , and,in retirement, a cross bench member of the House of Lords. She was the
  10. Scientist, author and feature writer for the Discovery Channel * John You:, paediatrician , and 1996 Australian of the Year * Buying You: poet, novelist and author of The
  11. Newcastle player *Sir James Calvert Spence (1892–1954),nutritionist and, paediatrician , *Samuel Johnson BE (1922–1994). NZ national athletic coach. Images of the
  12. Medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician or, paediatrician , The word pediatrics and its cognates mean healer of children; they derive from
  13. Beavers, American actress (b. 1902) *1963 – Elizabeth Gun, New Zealand, paediatrician , ( b. 1879) *1965 – Sylvia Likens, American torture victim (b. 1949) *1971 –
  14. Until proved otherwise. " It was named for Sir Roy Meadow, a discredited, paediatrician , prominent in the United Kingdom in the last quarter of the twentieth century.
  15. 1842–1919),anatomist (Professor 1877-1890) *Karl Oskar Median (1847–1928),pediatrician, famous for his study of poliomyelitis (Professor 1883-1914) *Ivan Hickman (
  16. Department as district hospital in Kinshasa. Directed by Dr Léon Shiloh, paediatrician , and hematologist, Monkole Hospital is opening a new 150-bed building in 2011
  17. Medical career as a general practitioner, gynocologist, obstetrician,pediatrician, and author, and was financially independent of her husband. She was born in
  18. He was murdered in the palace gardens. Theodor Escherichia, bacteriologist and, paediatrician , born in Attach in 1857. Bacterial genus Escherichia (for example
  19. To those of the other doctors that examined her. Having examined Climate,the, paediatrician , was " strongly suspicious" that the injuries were non-accidental, and she
  20. Many New Zealanders, the name Baritone is inextricably linked with pioneering, paediatrician , and psychiatrist Sir Truly King, founder of the Plunked Society. Karitane's
  21. Aid. * Dylan Devonian, recipient of Order of Australia * Binary Sen, paediatrician , public health specialist, human rights leader, Chhattisgarh,India. Recipient
  22. Hospital for Children) at the Globe. *Dr Margaret Harper (1879–1964),pediatrician, who discovered the difference between celiac disease and cystic fibrosis of
  23. Sick children, prompting an immediate relapse. Thus, in the 1940s the Dutch, paediatrician , Dr. Willem Dice was able to corroborate his previously researched hypothesis
  24. Has depended, in its campaign to seize this baby, on the same controversial, paediatrician , about whom the judge was so exploratory' ... I shall refer to that doctor, as
  25. EE. UP. Donald Woods Endicott (7 April 1896–28 January 1971) was an English, paediatrician , and psychoanalyst who was especially influential in the field of object
  26. Yunupingu, environmentalist and republican Ian Kernan and Chinese-Australian, paediatrician , John You. Yunupingu’s award continued a strong tradition of honoring Indigenous
  27. Current and the first female President of Finland,2000 –) #Arvo Aleppo (famed, paediatrician , ) #Mikael Agricola (Protestant reformer and creator of literary Finnish)
  28. Care physician who specializes in children, whereas in the Commonwealth a, paediatrician , ( British spelling) generally is a medical specialist not in primary general
  29. Sometimes used to acknowledge both contributions. Sidney V. Haas, an American, paediatrician , reported positive effects of a diet of bananas in 1924. This diet remained in
  30. At ONERA. External links * Stephen Oppenheimer (born 1947) is a British, paediatrician , geneticist, and writer. He is a member of Green Templeton College, Oxford and
  31. And physiotherapists. Visiting specialists include a general surgeon and, paediatrician , Pathology services and Dental services are co-located on site. Places of
  32. American automotive executive (d. 1966) *1879 – Elizabeth Gun, New Zealand, paediatrician , ( d. 1963) * 1879 – Demo Lauder, Hungarian sportsman (d. 1966) *1883 –
  33. In Lincoln Grove, also lodged in the district *Catherine Chisholm, GP and, paediatrician , : the first woman to study medicine at Manchester Medical School, practised in
  34. Significant research into sudden infant death syndrome. Prior to becoming a, paediatrician , South all spent four years in general adult medicine, one year in obstetrics
  35. Asked about the injuries, Climbié said they were self-inflicted, a claim the, paediatrician , did not think was credible. Ajayi-Obe's notes were detailed and thorough, in
  36. Parts of Europe and the U. S. It is named after Holstein Angeles, a Norwegian, paediatrician , Also called cholestasis-lymphedema syndrome (CLS). Activision Tennis is a
  37. For the constituency of Keeping. In 1972,Dr. Tan married On Hong Geo,a, paediatrician , and has two daughters. His wife used to be active in the political scene and
  38. The profession of genetic counselor *Richard E. Marshall (1933 -),American, paediatrician , Greig's syndrome I, Marshall-Smith syndrome *John Maynard Smith (1920–2004)
  39. In the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He worked as senior specialist, paediatrician , in Brunei from 1994 to 1996. He returned to England in 1997,writing the book
  40. Included several cases of mistaken identity, including one instance where a, paediatrician , had her house vandalized and another where a man was confronted because he had
  41. All her working life. Before being elected to Parliament she was a community, paediatrician , helping to provide a service for special needs children in the Scottish
  42. Later transferred to I and Land University * Karl Oskar Median (1847–1928),pediatrician, famous for his study of poliomyelitis. Professor at the Karolina Institute
  43. Proteus syndrome, also known as Wiedemann's syndrome (named after the German, paediatrician , Hans-Rudolf Riemann),is a congenital disorder that causes skin overgrowth
  44. And London universities, qualifying in 1971. From 1972 he worked as a clinical, paediatrician , mainly in Malaysia, Nepal and Papua New Guinea. He carried out and published
  45. Been committed; she blamed her behavior on childhood trauma. * Mary Mather,a, paediatrician , who was reported dead in December 2004 by the General Medical Council after
  46. Which included several cases of mistaken identity and one instance where a, paediatrician , had her house vandalized, apparently by people who misunderstood her
  47. Mont rouge, France; June 13,1926-April 3,1994) was a French Catholic pro-life, paediatrician , and geneticist, best known for his discovery of the link of diseases to
  48. Professor Neville Butler (G 1933-1935) (b 6 July 1920’d 22 February 2007),pediatrician, * Paul Burke (G 1989-1991),Irish International Rugby Union Fly-half. *
  49. In 1841) which was almost 600 m deep. Professor David South all, OBE,is a UK, paediatrician , who is a controversial expert in Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII, also
  50. To the SJC Foundation *Dr. TSA Yen Chow (曹延洲; Class of 1951); Renowned, paediatrician , former Senior Lecturer in Pediatrics at the University of Hong Kong, elected

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