Examples of the the word, chequer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( chequer ), is the 12137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To help restore the church to its full glory. The distinctive flint and stone, chequer , was extended to cover most of the church and the tower was restored in 1906 and
- Bathurst 500 in 1969 driving a McLeod Ford (with its distinctive yellow/black, chequer , windscreen strip) sponsored Ford Falcon THO, but Goss's co-driver Dennis
- The leader has taken the green flag. In Formula One, when there is a yellow, chequer , the safety car will not lead the leader to the finish line, unlike the IRL and
- Premises. A works' driver is a driver who drives for the works team. Y; Yellow, chequer , : A term derived when the final lap (s) in a race is completed during a full
- Hesse (Hesse’s heraldic charge is a red-and-silver-striped lion rampant). The, chequer , pattern in the family’s arms stands for a chessboard, and in those arms takes
- Of London The Saracen, which had been painted bright blue with black and white, chequer , stripes in a mock police livery, was equipped with CCTV A brain stem tumor is a
- http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=ahmc8Cpyw1I Grip tape conformable applied onto, chequer , plate *http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=u-XpGRnfwag Non slip tape internal
- A canton sinister is a canton placed on the sinister side of the shield. The, chequer , a pane of the field of Cherry, can be considered a diminutive of the canton
- Serves as an entrance hall from the south entrance, and takes its name from a, chequer , board patterned floor of black and white marble tiles. By the time of Belton's
- The top ten. Thirteen cars finished on the lead lap with 24 cars taking the, chequer , last on the road James Courtney and Steven Johnson who lost 30 laps over their
- With a winch, off-road tires, spotlamps and work lamps, underbody protection and, chequer , plate. 2008 saw Land Rover's 60th anniversary, for which a new series of
- To lead the leader across the finish line on the final lap in case of a yellow, chequer , In Formula One, the safety car does not lead the leader across the finish line
- Wing and the stables, has been demolished. Architecture The chapel is built in, chequer , brick in four bays. All the corners have chambered quoins. On the west face is
- Lahore (silver barred). JPG|Lahore (Silver Barred) File: Lahore (silver, chequer , ). JPG|Lahore (Silver Cheaper) File: Lahore (stencil). JPG|Lahore (Stencil
- Of the Court of the Ex chequer . Elias Sirius' coat of arms included the, chequer , board of the Ex chequer , so it is likely he named his estate after his arms and
- The hull but later repainted black, giving a pattern later called the" Nelson, chequer ,", which was adopted by all Royal Navy ships after the Battle of Trafalgar. The
- That the walls of the western parts of the Hill Complex were all decorated in, chequer , herringbone, cord,as well as variegated stone blocks. Kármán () may refer to
- Pope's poem on Lady Mary Worthy Montage::" What are the gay parterre,the, chequer , 'd shade: The morning bower, the eV'King colonnade: But soft recesses of uneasy
- To other sanctioning bodies of motorsport in regard to last-lap yellow, chequer , finishes. Most sanctioning bodies require the safety car to lead the leader
- Chained pin. The surfaces display panels of interlocking stepped garnets and, chequer , millefiori insets, surrounded by interlaced ornament of Germanic Style II
- Formerly a north porch. The external walls are of flint and limestone with some, chequer , work and Larsen, and are crenelated. The roofs are lead and slate. The
- Machinery will be revealed, and the laws will turn out to be simple, like the, chequer , board with all its apparent complexities ". The objection could be made that
- Nelson later had the gun ports painted black as well, creating the distinctive, chequer , pattern. In spite of Nelson's desire to differentiate vessels by means of this
- Flank would turn and roll up the enemy battle line from the flank. In the Roman, chequer , board formation, readopted by Renaissance militaries, each of the units in the
- In time for a competitive race finish. The Indy Racing League has a Yellow, chequer , rule,and NASCAR allows it (1) if a race is shortened because of curfew or
- The medal was later sold at an auction for £9,200. Early life Commando, a red, chequer , bird,was bred in Hayward's Heath, Sussex in the United Kingdom by Sid Moon.
- Shadows of leaves stray in the dust. Only the trees are standing. Slight shapes, chequer , a quiet space of ground. Publications In addition to poetry of his own, he has
- M (90 ft). The outside of the church is clad in a distinctive flint and stone, chequer , which makes the church stand out in the town. The graveyard in the direct
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