Examples of the the word, mole , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mole ), is the 12138 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Notation is often used to describe small mole fractions. Mole ratio The, mole ,ratio r_I is defined as the amount of a constituent n_i divided by the total
- Is a unit to measure amount of substance (also called chemical amount). A, mole ,is the amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities (atoms
- Of absorbing species in the material. If the concentration is expressed as a, mole ,fraction i.e., a dimensionless fraction, the molar absorptivity (ε) takes
- Quarter is built on the silt which gradually widened and obliterated this, mole , The Ra's action quarter represents all that is left of the island of Parts
- Subsequent release of those charged with wrongdoing. Along with this, the only, mole ,that was known at the time was allowed to leave the country, never to answer
- 30) mol−1 (2007 COD ATA). One way to understand the meaning of the term ", mole ," is to compare and contrast it to terms such as a dozen. Just as one dozen eggs
- Electrons per ion),: M is the molar mass of the substance (in grams per, mole ,). Second law Faraday devised the laws of chemical electrodeposition of metals
- Particles. The term is used because it is much easier to say, for example,1, mole , of carbon, than it is to say 6.02214179 (30) carbon atoms, and because mole s
- Pyramid of Giza. A temple of Hephaestus also stood on Parts at the head of the, mole , In the 1st century, the population of Alexandria contained over 180,000 adult
- By a concrete mole (length approximately 930 meters, width 100 meters, mole ,surface 93,000 m2). A new pier finished in the late 1980s doubled the capacity
- The actual lighthouse having been weathered away by the sea. On the east of the, mole ,was the Great Harbor, now an open bay; on the west lay the port of Ernesto
- Of the Duisburg incident in 1989. However, Hepple also worked as a Searchlight, mole ,amongst the radical left as an" agent provocateur ". This happened to Class
- Solution):: m_i = \franc The SI-unit for molality is MOL/kg. Mole fraction The, mole ,fraction x_I is defined as the amount of a constituent n_i divided by the total
- Constituents in a mixture:: r_i = \franc If n_I is much smaller than n_,the, mole ,ratio is almost identical to the mole fraction. The SI-unit is MOL/MOL. However
- The island on which was Fort Penn to be connected with the mainland by a, mole , The lighthouse which occupies the site of Fort Penn was built in 1544.
- Natalia (Docks),lying west of the Titanium, along the seafront as far as the, mole ,#Behind the Emporium rose the Great Caesar, by which stood the two great
- And its vapor pressure when pure, or succinctly: partial pressure equals, mole ,fraction multiplied by vapor pressure when pure. If one component changes
- KJ/MOL) The standard enthalpy change of combustion, ΔHºc, expressed per, mole ,of ammonia and with condensation of the water formed, is – 382.81 kJ/MOL.
- Of the mass of an atom since the latter is obtained by dividing the mass of a, mole ,of the gas by Avogadro's number. The first part of Einstein's argument was to
- To terms such as a dozen. Just as one dozen eggs contains 12 individual eggs, one, mole , contains 6.02214179 (30) atoms, mole cules or other particles. The term is
- However, the deprecated parts-per notation is often used to describe small, mole ,fractions. Mole ratio The mole ratio r_I is defined as the amount of a
- Face off the ravine and soon reaches the site of Nero's villa and of the huge, mole ,which formed the lower end of the middle lake; across the valley were ruins of
- Units of magnetic susceptibility, sometimes (but not always) per gram or per, mole , On the other hand, SI starts with a unit of current, the ampere, which is
- Fritters. The ground seeds are used to impart a slightly garlic flavor to a, mole ,called guaca mole (humble). The dried seeds may be toasted and salted and
- Iodide. A saturated solution of ammonium nitrate contains 0.83 MOL solute per, mole ,of ammonia, and has a vapor pressure of less than 1 bar even at. Solutions of
- A few great arches and detached masses of wall still stand. Rising from the, mole ,upon 25 low arches, the foundations of which can even yet be traced, was the
- The molar equivalent, that is the kinetic energy that would be gained by one, mole ,of electrons () passing through a potential difference of one volt. This is
- Of oxygen (O2). In air, each mole of oxygen is mixed with approximately 3.76, mole , of nitrogen. Nitrogen does not take part in combustion, but at high
- In the social insects, slime molds, social spiders, human society, and naked, mole ,rats where socialism has evolved. Social behaviors include reciprocally
- Shy, and a meticulous observer. Art critic Robert Hughes called him" the white, mole ,of Union Square. " Andy Warhol with his longtime friend Stuart Pi var, founded
- Observed eating elephant feces. Coprophagia also has been observed in the naked, mole ,rat. Cat mothers are known to eat the feces of their newborn kittens during the
- Applications and in fires, air is the source of oxygen (O2). In air, each, mole , of oxygen is mixed with approximately 3.76 mole of nitrogen. Nitrogen does not
- Finished in the late 1980s doubled the capacity of the port. The reinforced, mole ,protects anchored vessels from strong northern winds. Within the port operates
- Sugars. ATP recycling The total quantity of ATP in the human body is about 0.1, mole , The majority of ATP is not usually synthesized de Nova, but is generated from
- Was able to determine the size of atoms, and how many atoms there are in a, mole , or the mole cular weight in grams, of a gas. In accordance to Avogadro's law
- High affinity. The binding constant for various metal ions is (given as per, mole ,) as Mg2+ (9 554),Na+ (13),Ca2+ (3 722),K+ (8),Sr2+ (1 381) and
- Also thought to personify the element as are all burrowing animals, such as the, mole ,or rabbit. Other legendary and mythical creatures of earth include the Faun
- Units (SI). The latter adopts the three base units of MKS, plus the ampere, mole , candela and kelvin. In many fields of science and engineering, SI is the only
- It is an artificial harbor (depth approximately, protected by a concrete, mole ,(length approximately 930 meters, width 100 meters, mole surface 93,000 m2).
- Issue #65,unbeknownst to the rest of the team, he directs Angel to become his, mole ,in Emma Frost's Academy of Tomorrow in the guise of expelling the student. In
- With their eyes fused shut, and opening later. Other animals such as the blind, mole ,rat are truly blind and rely on other senses. The theme of blind animals has
- However, the deprecated parts-per notation is often used to describe small, mole ,ratios. Mass fraction The mass fraction w_I is the fraction of one substance
- Right from the start. It was revealed around this time that another Searchlight, mole , Tim People, had infiltrated the BNP, proving controversial in far-left circles
- Frac If n_I is much smaller than n_, the mole ratio is almost identical to the, mole ,fraction. The SI-unit is MOL/MOL. However, the deprecated parts-per notation is
- To antihydrogen, it would take 100 billion years to produce 1 gram or 1, mole , of antihydrogen (approximately atoms of antihydrogen). Antihelium
- Bernstein ", dated 1698. The portrait resembles Camilla exactly, down to the, mole ,on her neck. During Carmilla's stay, Laura has nightmares of a fiendish
- Guiana before 1944 and became established. Today, they reduce the mosquito and, mole ,cricket populations. A third introduction to the region occurred in 1884,when
- Of little more than the island of Parts, which was joined to the mainland by a, mole ,nearly a mile long (1260 m) and called the Heptastadion (" seven Stadia"—a
- Revealed afterwards that the BNP Deputy Chairman Ray Hill had been working as a, mole ,on behalf of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight. During the mid-1980s,the
- Are unbound, at rest and in their ground state. The number of entities per, mole ,is known as the Avogadro constant, and is determined empirically. The currently
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