Examples of the the word, altered , in a Sentence Context

The word ( altered ), is the 12123 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Manifesto of 16 October 1918" ) two days later which would have significantly, altered ,the structure of the Austrian half of the monarchy. The Polish majority regions
  2. Their origins in other countries, American cooks and chefs have substantially, altered ,them over the years, to the degree that the dishes now enjoyed the world over
  3. Digital model from the earlier film Jurassic Park. At an early stage he, altered ,the CG department's suggested name" Bronte ", taken from Brontosaurus, too
  4. Bacillus thermoproteolyticus to catalyze the condensation of the chemically, altered ,amino acids will produce high yields without the form byproduct. A variant of
  5. In artistic forms come from the Maria period, where figures were radically, altered ,to conform to Akhenaten's revolutionary religious ideas. This style, known as
  6. Drinking. *Acamprosate (Camera) stabilizes the brain chemistry that is, altered ,due to alcohol dependence via antagonizing the actions of glutamate, a
  7. Remote male issue and in these circumstances and in view of the fundamentally, altered ,conditions in the world in very recent years due to the great changes which
  8. Phenolic oxygen. In 1897,chemists working at Bayer AG produced a synthetically, altered ,version of silicon, derived from the species meadow sweet (filipendula Maria
  9. Of the Articles. # Declares that the Articles are perpetual, and can only be, altered ,by approval of Congress with ratification by all the state legislatures. While
  10. Napoleon's age because of this requirement; the emperor is known to have, altered ,the civic records at Ajaccio concerning himself, and it is possible that he was
  11. Modified Organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic material has been, altered ,by genetic engineering techniques generally known as recombinant DNA technology
  12. Covered" Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) " with slightly, altered ,lyrics. Two different compilation albums of ABBA songs have been released. ABBA
  13. The original film taken by U. S. Corona spy satellite in the 1960s has been, altered ,prior to declassification; in answer to freedom of information queries, the
  14. Media still read Århus, official informational websites have effectively, altered ,occurrences of Århus to Aarhus. Furthermore, certain geographically affiliated
  15. Cultivated in the plains of Granada. The Andalusian woodlands have been much, altered ,by human settlement, the use of nearly all the best land for farming, and
  16. The social issues of the Armenian homeland. Not surprisingly, these changes, altered ,the nature of the literary style and syntax, but they did not constitute radical
  17. Or 'Fidel' ), the base form of the letter (also known as 'Fidel' ) may be, altered , For example, ሀ HA (base form),ሁ HU (with a right-side diacritic that does
  18. Typical case of a woman who arrived in the emergency department vomiting and in, altered ,mental status, writhing in pain. She had consumed large quantities of chewable
  19. Is composed of atoms of a single, unique type, and though they cannot be, altered ,or destroyed by chemical means, they can combine to form more complex
  20. History shades off into other fantasy subgenres when the use of actual, though, altered , history and geography decreases, although a culture may still be clearly the
  21. Azores look very green and sometimes wild, the vegetation has been extremely, altered , Approximately 95 % of Laurasia has been wiped out in the past 600 years for
  22. Caused by plastic deformation, some alloys can also have their properties, altered ,by heat treatment. Nearly all metals can be softened by annealing, which
  23. As different instruments, the tempo, time signature and key signature may be, altered , sometimes drastically so. The end result is a song that retains familiar
  24. From the Thoroughbred breed into the American Quarter Horse breed, which has, altered ,many of the characteristics that typified the breed in the early years of its
  25. Of the city. An example is the Aarhus River for which the Danish name has been, altered ,from Århus Å to Aarhus Å. and the Danish Language Committee, publisher of the
  26. Nuclear power stations on the east coast of the U. S. The targets were later, altered ,by al-Qaeda, as it was feared that such an attack" might get out of hand ".
  27. The British parliament. The first was the Massachusetts Government Act, which, altered , the Massachusetts charter and restricted town meetings. The second Act, the
  28. It as" motherless paternity in the place of fatherless maternity" where once, altered , Athena's character was to be crystallized as that of a patriarch. Whereas
  29. Change has been attributed to land use is that the terrestrial albedo is often, altered ,by use, which leads to radiative forcing. This effect is more significant
  30. And handled compared to other matrices and nucleic acids are not chemically, altered ,during electrophoresis. Samples are also easily recovered. After the experiment
  31. To the presence of manganese. However, since it is capable of being greatly, altered ,and even discharged by heat, the color was believed by some authorities to be
  32. Sensory abnormalities are not necessarily absent, with some patients finding, altered ,sensation to touch and heat, found in around 10 % of patients. Patients with a
  33. Does, however,demonstrate that carbon-based life is impossible under these, altered ,fundamental parameters. Critics of the Barrow and Tiller SAP claim that it is
  34. A time traveler prevents the assassination of John F. Kennedy, resulting in an, altered ,subsequent history. A few movies about alternative universes focus on
  35. Tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or, altered ,product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various
  36. Publishing it in a series of hymnals that were used in urban churches. Excel, altered ,some of Walker's music, making it more contemporary and European, giving " New
  37. East of the pre-selected landing target. Upon learning of this, Scott, altered , the flight path of the LM and touched down at 22:16:29 UTC on July 30 at Hadley
  38. Other adverse effects from antacids include: *, which in turn may result in, altered ,excretion of other drugs, and kidney stones. A chemical reaction between the
  39. Have a 'cost' ( e.g.,DS3,T1,ISDN etc.) and the site link topology will be, altered ,accordingly by the KCC. Replication may occur transitively through several sites
  40. Original" laughably bland ". Part of the reason for this change has been the, altered ,interpretations of what wretchedness and grace means. Newton's Calvinistic
  41. Reign of Elizabeth I of England (1558) and its form has more than once been, altered ,since. Up to the time of the revolution the promise was," to be true and
  42. Requires adding 2 and 1 first, then 5),the value of the expression was not, altered , Since this holds true when performing addition on any real numbers, we say
  43. S accident, the film was a box office success. The director, Manmohan Desi, altered ,the ending of Coolie after Bachchan's accident. Bachchan's character was
  44. On successive dates from 1931 onwards),the Act of Settlement cannot be, altered ,in any realm except by that realm's own parliament and, by convention, only
  45. Guides a civilization from prehistory to the present day, creating radically, altered ,versions of history on a long timescale. Several scenarios recreate a
  46. Mixed economies, wherein market incentives and disincentives may be, altered ,by state action. So they reject the state, based on the belief that states are
  47. And Berlin,1902). The radii, thicknesses and distances are continually, altered ,until the errors of the image become sufficiently small. By this method only
  48. The Roman Consuls, who had held this power before, arbitrarily suppressed and, altered ,the documents. They also maintained the acts of the Plebeian Council (popular
  49. Of their daily lives. The political divisions of the continent is considerably, altered , with two large English colonies book ending a smaller" American" nation, one
  50. Recently been discovered that the location and extent of a neuron's AIS can be, altered ,by the neuron's level of activity and that these changes are thought to

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