Examples of the the word, neutralize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neutralize ), is the 12143 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fluids," vitreous" and" resinous ", that are separated by friction and that, neutralize ,each other when combined. A decade later Benjamin Franklin proposed that
  2. U. S. Army's 20th Support Command (CB RNE),which can detect, identify,and, neutralize ,threats, and decontaminate victims exposed to bioterror agents. The Northrop
  3. Rescue Infantry units are trained to quickly mobilize, infiltrate,enter and, neutralize ,threat forces when appropriate combat intelligence indicates. Daily life
  4. Research Libraries (ARL) in 1960. Barrow also invented an aqueous process to, neutralize ,acid in paper while depositing an alkaline buffer that would retard the rate of
  5. During mass acidification an alkaline agent is deposited in the paper to, neutralize ,existing acid and prevent further decay. Current services There are several
  6. Aggressive bears. Too often, people do not carry a proper caliber weapon to, neutralize ,the bear. According to the Alaska Science Center, a 12 gauge shotgun with slugs
  7. Of salt to a suspension or changing the pH of a suspension to effectively, neutralize ,or" screen" the surface charge of the particles in suspension. This removes
  8. Good working relationship with the British military authorities, using them to, neutralize ,the workers' and soldiers' council that had become an alternative base of
  9. Application of fire, coordinated with the maneuver of forces to destroy, neutralize ,or suppress the enemy ". This NATO definition, of course, makes artillery a
  10. To protect the target, and by shielding the target during any attack. To, neutralize ,an attacker, bodyguards are typically armed as much as legal and practical
  11. Work. Elena Laurie (1975) suggested instead that it was Alfonso's attempt to, neutralize ,the papacy's interested in a disputed succession — Aragon had been a fief of the
  12. Bicarbonate have been found in Patagonian guano. The kidneys secrete NH3 to, neutralize ,excess acid. Ammonium salts also are found distributed through all fertile soil
  13. Bond investments. The first hedge fund began in 1949 and was designed solely to, neutralize ,the effects of a bear market on an investment portfolio. However, in modern
  14. In an important test of strength in mid-1923,the troika was able to, neutralize ,Trotsky's friend and supporter Christian Sikorsky by removing him from his
  15. Erroneously credited with creating the first hedge fund structure in 1949. To, neutralize ,the effect of overall market movement, Jones balanced his portfolio by buying
  16. Which dominated their industries. Trusts often sought to purchase or otherwise, neutralize ,their competitors, allowing the conglomerates to raise prices to high levels.
  17. Glutaredoxins. Ascorbic acid is redox catalyst which can reduce, and thereby, neutralize , reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide. In addition to its direct
  18. Ordering FBI agents to" expose, disrupt,misdirect, discredit,or otherwise, neutralize ," the activities of these movements and their leaders. History COINTELPRO began
  19. Crimes" saw Batman become a wanted fugitive after a contingency plan of his to, neutralize ,Gotham City's criminal underworld is accidentally triggered, resulting in a
  20. Charges, hindering dispersion. So the material must be treated to insulate and, neutralize ,the charges. The weaponized agent must be resistant to degradation by rain and
  21. Revolutionized opening theory. Previously Black strove for equality, to, neutralize ,White's first-move advantage. As Black, Botvinnik strove for the initiative
  22. Is a large Y-shaped protein used by the immune system to identify and, neutralize ,foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses. The antibody recognizes a unique
  23. There must be a clear political counter-vision that can overshadow, match or, neutralize ,the guerrilla vision. This can range from granting political autonomy, too
  24. Isotopes have decay times of thousands of years and need to be removed to, neutralize ,the fuel for disposal. The associated procedure involves several steps, where
  25. This serious breach of peace. " Because the US had sent the Seventh Fleet to ", neutralize ," the Taiwan Strait, Chinese premier Zhou ENSAI criticized both the UN and US
  26. And Fort Beauteous. During the Seven Years War, the British sought to, neutralize ,any military threat Acadians posed and to interrupt the vital supply lines
  27. Red K was created at a military research base where scientists were working to, neutralize ,kryptonite's effect on Superbly while still retaining its radioactive
  28. An electron) and counted them by measuring the electrical current required to, neutralize ,the ions. Gold (197Au) and bismuth (209Bi) were chosen because they can be
  29. Reactions. A very common use is antacid tablets. These are designed to, neutralize ,excess stomach acid (HCl) which may be causing discomfort in the stomach or
  30. Stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to, neutralize ,the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. Even though an overwhelming
  31. With K-positive—thus granting him his powers—while K-negative is said to, neutralize ,the K-positive charge, destroying his powers. Pepper winkle develops a means of
  32. II suggested trying to get to full contact battle collision with Italians (to, neutralize ,fire superiority of opponent),instead engaging in a campaign of harassment to
  33. Cement and mortar. * Pulverized limestone is used as a soil conditioner to, neutralize ,acidic soils. * It is crushed for use as aggregate—the solid base for many
  34. Is a chemical test for the presence of amines. Because amines are basic, they, neutralize , acids to form the corresponding ammonium salts R3NH+. When formed from
  35. Aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to oxidative, neutralize ,the greenish tinge in glass caused by trace amounts of iron contamination. MnO2
  36. Advantage. This initially gives White the initiative. Black usually strives to, neutralize ,White's advantage and achieve equality, or to develop dynamic counterplay in
  37. Canadian, New Zealand and Australian ships and personnel. Their mission was to, neutralize ,Japanese airfields in the Kagoshima Islands and provide air cover against
  38. Troika tried to come up with a compromise to placate, or at least temporarily, neutralize , Trotsky and his supporters. (Their task was made easier by the fact that
  39. East European origin. The Aaliyah represented a third ethnic group that could, neutralize ,the endless strife between his subjects of Muslim Arab heritage, and those of
  40. Production of stomach acid and provide longer lasting relief, but they do not, neutralize ,any stomach acid already present in the stomach. For example, Pepcid Complete
  41. If necessary, use their formidable fighting skills to quickly end unrest or, neutralize ,dangerous individuals. The Jedi are governed by a Council, consisting of twelve
  42. Or both. In industry such reactions are widespread because they can be used to, neutralize ,waste acid streams. The production of quicklime (Can),a chemical that has
  43. The application of fire, coordinated with the maneuver of forces to destroy, neutralize , or suppress the enemy. " When referring to cannon, the term gun is often used
  44. The soil had usually required treatment with lime and years of cultivation to, neutralize ,excess acid and to develop fertility. Irrigation was generally not necessary
  45. Activation or for uptake and destruction by phagocytes. Antibodies can also, neutralize ,challenges directly, by binding to bacterial toxins or by interfering with the
  46. Illinois Country, the Virginia frontiersman George Rogers Clark attempted to, neutralize ,British influence among the Ohio tribes by capturing the outposts of Kaskaskia
  47. Hoover ordered preemptive action" to pinpoint potential troublemakers and, neutralize ,them before they exercise their potential for violence. " Illegal surveillance
  48. II suggested trying to get to full contact battle collision with Italians (to, neutralize ,fire superiority of opponent),instead engaging in a campaign of harassment to
  49. To survive this challenge, multiple mechanisms evolved that recognize and, neutralize ,pathogens. Even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess enzyme
  50. The production of an antibody by the immune system, which will then kill or, neutralize ,the antigen that is recognized as a foreign and potentially harmful invader.

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