Examples of the the word, diner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diner ), is the 12124 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. About a nightmare in which he dreamt there was a horrible figure behind the, diner , When they investigate, the figure appears, causing the man with the nightmare
  2. 냉국),which are cold soups generally eaten during the summer months to cool the, diner , A light hand is usually used in the seasoning of these soups usually using
  3. On sabbatical for a few years staying in Appleton, Maine and playing at a local, diner ,in Belfast, Maine,called Barb's Place. He returned in 1983 with Jonathan
  4. A St. Louis sandwich, available in Chinese-American restaurants. A Singer is a, diner ,and late night specialty consisting of eggs, hash browns and hamburger, topped
  5. Dinero, the Portuguese word dithered, the Slovene word and the Catalan word, diner , all meaning money, are also derived from Latin" Darius. " Value The gold
  6. Doggie mascot of San Francisco's Doggie Diner chain (later, the Carousel, diner ,near the San Francisco Zoo). The website encourages people to send photos of
  7. A strip in the fall of that year about a college graduate working in a run-down, diner , It did not stir syndicate interest, but what he learned on the strip helped
  8. About Jim. After wandering in the snow for a bit Jim stops for a coffee at a, diner ,and meets Wanda there after she recognizes him. In the talk she tells him she
  9. In the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. The scene was inspired by a, diner ,(since demolished) in Greenwich Village,Hopper's home neighborhood in
  10. To the Pilot House (open until 4am),Mason's second on-campus late night, diner , *Northern Neck - Upperclassman - Completed in 2008 and housing approximately
  11. Leigh: A man who works in" Easy Diner," an American-style, diner ,in London. * Richard Madoc: An author, director and playwright who imprisoned
  12. Milo, since she has disrupted his attempts to destroy Ping. Milo is in the, diner ,trying to contact Pro, Kimiko is talking with Erika. DOM is also there to talk
  13. Largely non-fictional account of an interview with Bill Clinton in an Arkansas, diner , Rather than embarking on the campaign trail as he had done in previous
  14. That is portrayed in the painting. The urban street is empty outside the, diner , and inside none of the three patrons is apparently looking or talking to the
  15. Including the scene of Ann being plucked from the streets by Den ham and the, diner ,scene. Following the interior scenes, Schoedsack returned to San Pedro and
  16. Is 10 % and there is an additional restaurant tax of 1 %, which means that a, diner ,in Mobile would pay an 11 % tax on a meal. Sales and excise taxes in Alabama
  17. S footsteps. At one point, an odd-looking couple approach Joe and Ratio in a, diner ,and hand Joe a flyer inviting him to a party. They enter into a Warhol-esque
  18. And Oldenburg. Diners are common in New Jersey. The state is home to many, diner ,manufacturers and has more diner s than any other state: over 600. There are
  19. Professor of dream studies Kelly Berkeley argues that the early scene at the, diner , as the only one in which dreams or dreaming are explicitly mentioned
  20. After rescuing both herself and Kimono from the Kill-Bot and chaos at the, diner , the two talk about things. Milo talks to Pro on her phone, argues with him
  21. In Preludes and Nocturnes as the girlfriend of Judy, one of the patrons at the, diner ,who dies in the story concerning John Dee, titled " 24 Hours. " In A Game of
  22. Hall in the center, a non-residential building which contains a late night, diner ,called Ike's (open until 4am),a large study lounge, a handful of small
  23. Lifted from the table when eating from it. This is due to the fact that each, diner ,is given a metal spoon along with the chopsticks known collectively as sure.
  24. Restored footage includes: * Three additional shots during the fight in the, diner , The first is when Mallory knocks Sonny (Richard Line back) over the small
  25. Found Kimiko's cell phone and other belongings after she and Milo escaped the, diner , The group wants to help Pro get together with Kimono, partially due to
  26. Eat the food. The actor stated that the food was not good. The waiter says the, diner ,could pick something else to eat. So the actor chose a rather expensive item
  27. Of a young Texan named Joe Buck (Jon Voight),who works as a dishwasher in a, diner , As the film opens, Joe dresses himself like a rodeo cowboy, packs a suitcase
  28. Men and women can be strictly friends without sex. On the way, at a stop in a, diner , Sally is angered when Harry tells her she is attractive; she accuses him of
  29. S design was outlined on September 2,1992,on a place mat in a New Jersey, diner ,with Rob Pike. The following days, Pike and Thompson implemented it and updated
  30. The dispute over the color of cardboard hats in Lister's fantasy doughnut, diner ,(which has become the Cat version of Paradise) sparks the holy war that
  31. With the cold foods to the left. Soup must remain on the right side of the, diner ,along with stews. Vegetables remain on the left along with the rice, and kimchi
  32. Coach, two immigrant sleepers, two first-class coaches, two sleeping cars and a, diner ,(several dining cars were used throughout the journey, as they were removed
  33. Setup is important as well, and individual place settings, moving from the, diner ,'s left should be as follows: rice bowl, spoon,then chopsticks. Hot foods are
  34. S purse where they find a large amount of money and an unusual blue key. In a, diner ,called Pinkies, a man tells his companion about a nightmare in which he dreamt
  35. Individual box tables (Heineken, 箱膳 ) or flat floor trays were set before each, diner , Larger low tables (caudal, ちゃぶ台 ) that accommodated entire families were
  36. Is a painting by Edward Hopper that portrays people sitting in a downtown, diner ,late at night. It is not only Hopper's the most famous painting, but one of the
  37. Even when there is wasabi already in the roll. If wasabi is added by the, diner , it should be applied to the topping using chopsticks, and then the sushi
  38. The coffee house setting was too hip and asked for the series to be set in a, diner , but eventually consented to the coffee house concept. At the beginning of the
  39. Full-length play, Balm in Gilead, depicts a doomed romance in a greasy spoon, diner ,inhabited by junkies, prostitutes and thieves. It premiered at Alabama in 1965
  40. An attached manager's office, a small reception and, in some cases, a small, diner , Post-war motels sought more visual distinction, often featuring eye-catching
  41. Her voice acting job and tries to find her. Kimono and Milo are in the same, diner , to which Ed has sent an attack robot (Kill-Bot) against Milo, since she has
  42. With Mallory beating the man. Mickey and Mallory then murder all but one of the, diner ,'s patrons, culminating in a morbid game of Deny, meeny, miny, moe to decide
  43. For Chinese-style Western cuisine. In Hong Kong's CIA chain tends (" Chinese, diner ,") and Southeast Asia's Hopi teams (" coffee shop" ), macaroni is cooked in
  44. Restaurant, a longtime neighborhood fixture that was featured as the fictional, diner ," Monk's" for establishing shots in the television series" Seinfeld ". The
  45. Okazu. Chopsticks are generally placed at the very front of the tray near the, diner ,with pointed ends facing left and supported by a chopstick rest, or dashiki.
  46. Moment that marked our decade? ... Mulholland Drive is the monster behind the, diner ,; it’s the self-delusional dream turned into nightmare. " It was also voted best
  47. Dipping noodles" ). The noodles and soup are served in separate bowls. The, diner ,dips the noodles in the soup before eating. Can be served hot or chilled. *
  48. Voting is used to find the winner. Round 1: In the first round of voting each, diner ,votes for the one candidate they most prefer. The results are as follows: Round
  49. Those great names from an earlier century. He now works as a cook in a roadside, diner , and proves extremely skillful at that. When Deign tracks him down, and before
  50. That carries immediately to the scene where dishes have been dropped in the, diner , and Diane is speaking with the hit man. Sinner brink also notes that several

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