Examples of the the word, pessimistic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. From men. If one takes Ellis to mean expectant hope, then the myth's tone is, pessimistic ,: All the evils in the world were scattered from Pandora's jar, while the one
  2. Important publication in existence. " Late in life, Tucker became much more, pessimistic ,about the prospects for anarchism. In 1926,Vanguard Press published a
  3. Jar, does this mean that human existence is utterly hopeless? This is the most, pessimistic ,reading possible for the myth. A less pessimistic interpretation (still
  4. Outcome assumes an aggressive campaign to reduce CO2 emissions; the most, pessimistic ,is a" business as usual" scenario. Other scenarios fall in between. IPCC uses
  5. Opposes Enlightenment ideals by seeing mankind's destiny in a more tragic or, pessimistic ,light. The idea that human beings are not above the forces of Nature is in
  6. Aspects are analyzed, such as psychological attitudes, occasionally elitist and, pessimistic ,perspectives, and in some cases' literalism. Atheistic fundamentalism The term "
  7. The characters all reflect at least a little of Anna. However. The deeply, pessimistic ,nature of the series as well as the rarely seen huge array of problems in all
  8. England, Maj. Gen. James E. Chaney. He returned to Washington on June 3 with a, pessimistic ,assessment, stating he had an" uneasy feeling" about Chaney and his staff. On
  9. Work of the German conservative-revolutionary theorist Oswald Spengler, whose, pessimistic , thesis of the decadence of the modern West formed a crucial element in
  10. Masses, primarily the media. However, whilst Bonnie and Clyde concludes with a, pessimistic ,outlook regarding individual freedom within the American sphere of influence
  11. Bierce and Robert W. Chambers. Bierce's short stories were in the horrific and, pessimistic ,tradition of Poe. Chambers, though,indulged in the decadent style of Wilde and
  12. Of all values to the aims of the market. But how does Delete square his, pessimistic ,diagnoses with his ethical naturalism? Delete claims that standards of value
  13. A cheerful and optimistic bird, and Lambert (No. Ludwig),a nervous, pessimistic ,and melancholic hedgehog. Theodore works as a bicycle repairman, though he
  14. Rim spoke) lives with his animal friends Ludwig (En. Lambert) (a nervous, pessimistic ,and melancholic hedgehog) and Solar (En. Sonny Duckworth) (a cheerful and
  15. Is just and reasonable. The positivity of El Dorado may be contrasted with the, pessimistic ,attitude of most of the book. Even in this case, the bliss of El Dorado is
  16. To be a weak one unable to prevent World War II. The war itself increased the, pessimistic ,side of his nature. In his last book Mind at the End of its Tether (1945) he
  17. Is exercise. ) In addition to being portrayed as lazy and fat, Garfield is also, pessimistic , sadistic, cynical,sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious. He enjoys
  18. Radical and conservative lenses that stem from radical Marxism and end up in ", pessimistic ,Jewish transcendentalism" name" Reason, Nostalgia 1985 pp./NP"> 160-181"/>
  19. MacArthur felt total victory was the only honorable outcome, Truman was more, pessimistic ,about his chances once involved in a land war in Asia, and felt a truce and
  20. 1875–1955),Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) and Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956). The, pessimistic ,historian Oswald Spengler wrote The Decline of the West (198-23) on the
  21. Impression that the Buddhist view is one of pessimism, but Buddhism is neither, pessimistic ,nor optimistic, but realistic. Thus, in English-language Buddhist literature
  22. Often remarked that his exotic style, complex narration, profound themes and, pessimistic ,ideas put many readers off. Yet as Conrad's ideas were borne out by
  23. Thames-side Edwardian childhood of protagonist George Bowling. The novel is, pessimistic ,; industrialism and capitalism have killed the best of Old England, and there
  24. Be far smaller. Pessimists, such as Frank Tiller & John D Barrow, have used, pessimistic ,numbers and concluded that the average number of civilizations in a galaxy is
  25. Book Heretics, Chesterton has this to say of Wilde:" The same lesson of the, pessimistic ,pleasure-seeker was taught by the very powerful and very desolate philosophy of
  26. Vice. Worldview, morality,and tone Film noir is often described as essentially, pessimistic , The noir stories that are regarded as most characteristic tell of people
  27. Textured sound. Gore's lyrics also took on a darker tone and became even more, pessimistic , The music video for" A Question of Time" was the first to be directed by
  28. She has acquired the ability to survive. " Even though Miyazaki sometimes feels, pessimistic ,about the world, he prefers to show children a positive world view instead, and
  29. A long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey. " He is skeptical and, pessimistic , his most-often-made statement being" Life will go on as it has always gone on
  30. Contemporary reality could be very different. D. H. Lawrence took an opposing, pessimistic ,view of Revelation in the final book he wrote, Apocalypse. He saw the language
  31. S iron law of wages became central doctrines of classical economics. The, pessimistic ,nature of these theories led to Carlyle calling economics the dismal science
  32. This work reveals Munch's preoccupation with the" fall of man" myth and his, pessimistic ,philosophy of love. Motifs such as The Empty Cross and Golgotha (both c. 1900
  33. To morality and from religion to the sexes) Nietzsche's reaction against the, pessimistic ,philosophy of Wagner and Schopenhauer became evident, as well as the influence
  34. In exporting democracy abroad. Some studies of American intervention have been, pessimistic ,about the overall effectiveness of U. S. efforts to encourage democracy in
  35. 404; Stevens 1964,47–49). New inspiration and experimentation (1916–21) His, pessimistic ,attitude towards composing was lifted by the stormy and inspiring contact with
  36. Candide debate. This one concerns the degree to which Voltaire was advocating a, pessimistic ,philosophy, by which Candide and his companions give up hope for a better world
  37. Perhaps due to falling consumer demand, over-investment in earlier years, or, pessimistic , business expectations, and if saving does not immediately fall in step, the
  38. The New Existentialism),he attempted to reinvigorate what he perceived as a, pessimistic ,philosophy and bring it to a wider audience. He was not, however,academically
  39. Be glad to be rubbed the wrong way by Spengler's harsh aphorisms" and his, pessimistic ,predictions. Final Years Spengler spent his final years in Munich, listening to
  40. Into question the previous optimism. The work of Schopenhauer was labelled ", pessimistic ," for its idea of the" negation of the will ", an idea that would be both
  41. Book Pattern on the Stone) has criticized Amdahl's Law as being unnecessarily, pessimistic ,in its assumption that the sequential portion of a program as being 5 % (or 50
  42. Changed from those of an optimistic revolutionary in the 1780s to those of a, pessimistic ,critic of man and society by the 1820s. His 1828 American Dictionary contained
  43. Later depends on the type or distance of the operand, the assembler will make a, pessimistic ,estimate when first encountering the operation, and if necessary pad it with
  44. The integrity of existing colonies and ecoregions, and in general are more, pessimistic ,about human“ management ”. Radical environmentalism While most
  45. Events, This tendency is characteristic of a depressive attributional, or, pessimistic , explanatory style. According to Albert Bandura, a Canadian social psychologist
  46. Meaning is what Nietzsche calls 'passive nihilism ', which he recognizes in the, pessimistic ,philosophy of Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer's doctrine, which Nietzsche also
  47. His death in 1870,a more intense degree of socially and philosophically, pessimistic ,perspectives invested British fiction; such themes stood in marked contrast to
  48. And after returning to Norway in 1909,his work became more colorful and less, pessimistic , His portrait of Professor Jacobson, done in 1909,is one of Munch’s best. His
  49. That film had. The mood of the director's work had been growing increasingly, pessimistic ,and dark, with the possibility of redemption through personal responsibility
  50. We are told, during the war and post-war years filmmakers were generally more, pessimistic ,(as well as film goers). Also, the German Expressionists (including Fritz

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