Examples of the the word, doi , in a Sentence Context
The word ( doi ), is the 12134 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 00)01286-3 | issue=6 Pt 1} } * | volume 29 | pages 100–9 | mid 15399519 |, doi ,10.1172/JCI102225 | issue=1} } * | volume 70 | pages 551–5 | mid 17703892 |
- Riving tons | location London, Oxford,and Cambridge | language | ISBN | CLC |, doi , | ID | pages 444–445 | chapter | chapter | quote} } Authorship The list of
- Hear calls for democracy, calls for reform, in many languages – People Power, doi , moi,reforms. We hear them today – right here, right now – among the brave
- Black uniforms to confuse the enemy and used techniques of the experienced BO, doi , ( BO moi, regular army) and Du Rich (guerrilla unit). View Mind prisoners
- And Romanian: Parable of the Prodigal Son E el died: Jon claret John CI Avaya, doi , feil, e el PLE Pedro de Douro died a SOA quota: Quota duotone la Duarte de moi
- Before that date. Euthanasia was practiced in Ancient Greece and | volume 24 |, doi ,10.1080/07357900600894898 | page 622 | issue 6} } Euthanasia was strongly
- D., Aupperle, L. (1991). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF A rapid hierarchical grandiosity algorithm.
- J. F.,Newell’M. E. (1976). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Texture and reflection in computer generated
- Nuremberg *Paul Brennan in the 2006 British television docudrama | pages |, doi , | archiver | archive date | quote =} } Literature * Steffen Karloff: Fritz
- Low red light placebo) * | volume 14 | pages 546–52 | mid 11411734 |, doi ,10.1016/S0895-7061 (00)01286-3 | issue=6 Pt 1} } * | volume 29 | pages 100–9
- Grandiosity (Keller, A. (1997). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Instant Grandiosity. Computer Graphics (
- Fnd&pg PA81#v on-page of false 81–101 | ISBN 1-60623-332-7 | CLC |, doi , | access date=} } Some feminist critics of the SRA diagnoses maintained that
- Z. M., Naylor,B. F. (1980). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF On visible surface generation by a priori
- Alexandria and affects Italy, Greece,and | volume 94 | issue | pages 141–167 |, doi ,10.2307/4135013} }. * September 28 – Proclaims revolts and bribes two legions
- R. L., Torrance,K. E. (1981). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF A reflectance model for computer graphics.
- Alma Mater hail, hail all, CSU! | location New York | year 1994 | page 468 |, doi , | ISBN = 0-8247-9225-4} } A Schmidt corrector plate is an aspheric lens which
- Cunninghamii" Plant Systematic and Evolution 277 (3/4): pp. 173–185,DOI, : 10.1007/s00606-008-0120-1 * Retouch, Hiroaki et al. (1998) "
- Url http://www.economist.com/finance/displaystory.cfm? Story_id E1_VERVE |, doi , | access date 2007-07-24 | quote" Big Mac Index, which seeks to make
- 44 | issue 8 | pages 495–512 | publisher Mathematical Association of America |, doi ,10.2307/2301226 | JSTOR 2301226} } Intuitive description Suppose that a curve
- Reconstruction" Annual Review of Ecology and Systematic 32: pp. 397–414,DOI, : 10.1146/annurev. Ecolsys.32.081501.114059 * Asimov, Valentin A. (1978) "
- P., Krueger,W. (1993). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Reflection from layered surfaces due to
- Buffer (Williams, L. (1978). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Casting curved shadows on curved surfaces.
- Speakers, as well as Kawachi-ben. Some examples are the emphatic final particle, doi , and the question particle KE. MIE The dialect in MIE Prefecture is made up of
- Which are famous: sour yogurt (talk DOI) and sweet yogurt (meet or pod, doi , ). In India, it is often used in cosmetics mixed with turmeric and honey. Sour
- MIP maps (Williams, L. (1983). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Pyramidal parametric. Computer Graphics (
- Or body segment can bear a pair of | volume 43 | issue 1 | pages 185–206 |, doi ,10.1093/icb/43.1.185} } The main body cavity is an open circulatory system
- D. P., Battaile, B. (1984). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Modeling the interaction of light between
- Tracing (Witted, T. (1980). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF An improved illumination model for shaded
- A subject of ongoing controversy http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF, and the term continues to be applied to both
- To CH OGM, is a | volume 93 | issue 373 | pages 7–10 | URL | access date |, doi ,10.1080/0035853042000188157} } The first CH OGM was held in 1971,and there
- Genus, there is a clear separation between two | volume 86 | pages 386–396 |, doi , = 10.1644/BER-121.1} } Recently compiled genetic evidence suggests that most
- Equation (Karina, J. (1986). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF The rendering equation. Computer Graphics (
- Jarda (colorful, sweet rice-based dish),semi (sweet vermicelli) and, doi , ( thick yogurt) are popular during breakfast. Seasonal fruits, fresh or juiced
- Systematic relationships" Journal of Plant Research 107 (4): pp. 493–502,DOI, : 10.1007/BF02344070 Jean-Georges Navarre (29 April 1727 – 19 October 1810)
- And motility factors. * | volume 102 | issue S2 | pages 138–9 | year 2007 |, doi ,10.1111/j.1572-0241.2007.01491_1. X | URL
- Each, E., Guibas, L. (1997). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Metropolis light transport. Computer Graphics (
- By women in many parts of India. Dali is also known as Thayer (Malayalam),DOI, ( Assamese, Bengali ), dohi (Oriya),Peru (Telugu),Mosaic (Kannada)
- Issue=2} } child * | volume 341 | pages 1801–6 | mid 10588965 |, doi ,10.1056/NEJM199912093412404 | issue=24} } * Depression (light treatment; low
- Tracing (Argo, J. (1986). http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Backward ray tracing. DIGRAPH 1986
- 10.1172/JCI102225 | issue=1} } * | volume 70 | pages 551–5 | mid 17703892 |, doi ,10.1016/j. Mehy.2007.06.029 | issue=3} } * Nausea and vomiting: postoperative
- Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and,2003,vol 103,issue 6,pp. 748–65., doi ,10.1053/jada.2003.50142. Vegetarians tend to have lower body mass index, lower
- Url http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/Journal/Issues/1999/Nov/abs1557.html |, doi ,10.1021/ed076p1557} }: Pharmacokinetics Lidocaine is approximately 95 %
- August 1965,reprinted in http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation,11,pp.
- W., Christensen,N. J. (1995). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?, doi , rep1&type=PDF Photon maps in bidirectional Monte Carlo ray
- 1965 film Operation Crossbow * Diane Ci lento in the 1973 British film | pages |, doi , | archiver | archive date | quote =} } * Many Jenn in the 1973 British
- It is found in different flavors, two of which are famous: sour yogurt (talk, doi , ) and sweet yogurt (meet or pod DOI). In India, it is often used in
- Music producer. In Summer 2007 she returned to the charts with" Door NOI, doi ,". The video was filmed on location in Barcelona, Spain. Later on in the year
- Ptolemy) gives the following account: | volume 340 | pages c869 | year 2010 |, doi ,10.1136/bmj. C869 | mid 20332511 | PMC 2844943} } The terms" ACT" and
- 7 to 8 hours per night, and not | volume 77 | issue 3 | pages 307–312 |, doi ,10.2105/AJPH.77.3.307} } Longevity traditions are
- Following medical conditions: * | volume 81 | pages 137–48 | mid 16102908 |, doi ,10.1016/j. Drugalcdep.2005.06.012 | issue=2} } child * | volume 341 | pages
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