Examples of the the word, painted , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Activities for engagement with both the material and materialistic concerns of, painted ,or sculptural form ... have endeavored to undermine the art object qua object.
  2. Character cell are photographed one-by-one onto motion picture film against a, painted ,background by a rostrum camera. The traditional CEL animation process became
  3. Dominated artistic styles and forms too. India and Tibet saw emphasis on, painted ,sculptures and dance, while religious painting borrowed many conventions from
  4. The company leased 2 Pan Am 747-121s (N740PA & N743PA). These aircraft were, painted ,in full AA livery, and were operated until early 1971,then returned to Pan Am
  5. Industry in Nottingham, as well as a major English export. These were usually, painted , or partly painted . It was also used for the effigies, often life-size, on tomb
  6. Warhol used the same techniques – silkscreens, reproduced serially, and often, painted ,with bright colors – whether he painted celebrities, everyday objects, or
  7. However, his training in Wolgemut's studio, which made many carved and, painted ,altarpieces and both designed and cut woodblocks for woodcut, evidently gave
  8. Register of Historic Places. Nearly all the buildings have been restored and, painted ,in their original pastel colors. Fair Park, located in Dallas, Texas,is a
  9. As well as societal personal-use items, which included combs, small statuary, painted ,pottery, high quality decorative stone vases, cosmetic palettes, and jewelry
  10. After the regimental three-bodied man-serpent sculpture, whose beards were, painted ,dark blue. Whether this temple replaced an older one, or a mere sacred precinct
  11. Model of Artemis, wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the latter, painted ,vases their dress is often peculiarly Persian – that is, close-fitting trousers
  12. Of the previous centuries. He also painted some portraits; overall his, painted ,oeuvre was not large. In his later works, Altdorfer moved more towards
  13. A grindstone for milling flour and a small oven for baking bread. Walls were, painted ,white and could be covered with dyed linen wall hangings. Floors were covered
  14. Produced that November. Though Chekhov found the experience" sickening ", and, painted , a comic portrait of the chaotic production in a letter to his brother Alexander
  15. Produces lacquered toys. Normal paintings are expressive and are usually, painted ,over a black background. Story telling in Andhra Pradesh is an art form in
  16. When referring to absinthe, the " green goddess ". A story is told that he once, painted ,his face green and rode through town on his bicycle in its honor (and
  17. Use it. In the famous long scroll Along the River During the Singing Festival, painted ,by Zhang Median (1085–1145 AD) during the Song Dynasty (960–1297 AD),a
  18. Reproduced serially, and often painted with bright colors – whether he, painted ,celebrities, everyday objects, or images of suicide, car crashes, and disasters
  19. Of Inclination * The English School's –" Allegory of Queen Elizabeth ", painted ,circa 1610. * Lady Justice. – Such visual representations have raised the
  20. 737–800 in the retro Street livery. One Boeing 777 and one Boeing 757 are, painted ,in standard livery with a pink ribbon on the sides and on the tail, in support
  21. Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak. Although Baker, at times, painted ,an unflattering portrait of her former lover, Schwarzenegger actually
  22. City government has established a system of yellow buses with Acapulco!, painted ,on the side of them. These buses are not for tourists only, but are certainly
  23. Heat, the art department coated the surface with four layers of cement, then, painted , the colors of the ancient stones onto the cement. Editing Kurosawa often
  24. Majority of its aircraft surfaces un painted . This was because C. R. Smith hated, painted ,aircraft, and refused to use any liveries that involved painting the entire
  25. Year old earthen bowl found in Iran in Shari Sophia has five images of a goat, painted ,along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation.
  26. Only an inch of daylight left.: :Lift down the large cups, my friends,the, painted ,ones;: :for wine was given to men by the son of Female and Zeus: :to help them
  27. 01. JPG File: Ambrosia Bosschaert, the Elder 03. JPG Style His bouquets were, painted ,symmetrically and with scientific accuracy in small dimensions and normally on
  28. His early trips to Chill prior to the outbreak of World War I that Henri, painted ,extensively and is reputed to have done portraits of almost all the children in
  29. Notable persons. Thus, the so-called“ Napoleon Window” reminds with its“ N ”, painted ,on of the stay of French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805. According to
  30. Varied widely, but a common livery was adopted in the 1930s,featuring an eagle, painted ,on the fuselage. The eagle became a symbol of the company and inspired the name
  31. Scale with the main scene, as in paintings of the previous centuries. He also, painted ,some portraits; overall his painted oeuvre was not large. In his later works
  32. Of busts, figures,and sculptural fragments over more than five decades. He, painted ,in oils (especially in his thirties) and in watercolors. The Muse Rodin
  33. Are the ruined castle of Habsburg, the old convent of Königsfelden (with fine, painted ,medieval glass) and the remains of the Roman settlement of Indonesia (
  34. A decorated anthropoid coffin. Mummies of the Late Period were also placed in, painted ,car tonnage mummy cases. Actual preservation practices declined during the
  35. The court of Louis XV. His style consisted of delicate colors and gentle forms, painted ,within a frivolous subject. His works typically utilized delightful and
  36. Should not be responsible for making any image of his person, be it modeled or, painted ,or copied," For if I have accomplished any glorious feat, that will be my
  37. A knife and axe, declaring his status in society/occupation. Also, he often, painted ,scenes of historical and biblical subjects, set in atmospheric landscapes. His
  38. In general. In the late 14th century, Piers the Plowman and Chaucer both, painted ,unflattering pictures of Alchemists as thieves and liars; and in 1403,Henry IV
  39. Considered, quite surprisingly, the unique single figure of Aaron to have been, painted ,by a European old master artist, circa 15th–18th centuries (A. Piglet,"
  40. To buy a priest. Casa Milà was in poor condition in the early 1980s. It had been, painted ,a dreary brown and many of its interior color schemes had been abandoned or
  41. Lucas Cranach, as shown by his Crucifixion. In 1535, he was in Vienna, where he, painted ,the small panel of St. George in the Forest (Labial MIT them Halogen Georg)
  42. Hudson River after buying large amounts of red paint instead of food. Having, painted ," Do what thou wilt" on the cliffs at both sides of the island, he received
  43. Paintings sell for over $6 million more recently. He loved celebrities, so he, painted ,them as well. From these beginnings he developed his later style and subjects.
  44. World, from about 500 to 1300 CE, the most common decorated pottery had black, painted ,designs on white or light gray backgrounds. Decoration is characterized by fine
  45. Often distorts perspective to subtle effect. His donor figures are often, painted ,completely out of scale with the main scene, as in paintings of the previous
  46. As well as a major English export. These were usually painted , or partly, painted , It was also used for the effigies, often life-size, on tomb monuments, as the
  47. In painting. While by 1600 the Baroque elsewhere was beginning to give life to, painted ,figures, Florence was painting two-dimensional statues. Furthermore, in general
  48. Eagle, which remains the company's logo to this day. In 1999,American, painted ,a new Boeing 757 (N679AN) in its 1959 international orange livery. There is a
  49. Idea of the soup cans as subject. For his first major exhibition Warhol, painted ,his famous cans of Campbell's Soup, which he claimed to have had for lunch for
  50. Of the Grampians Fire and Rescue Service; the service operates distinctive white, painted ,fire engines (other UK fire brigades use red vehicles). *Lifeboat: The Royal

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