Examples of the the word, underlie , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underlie ), is the 6003 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Skills, including reason, commonsense knowledge and the intuitions that, underlie ,motion and manipulation, perception,and social intelligence. Machine
  2. Electrodynamics, classical optics, and electric circuits. These fields in turn, underlie ,modern electrical and communications technologies. Maxwell's equations have
  3. Quite surprisingly, to deep questions about the set theory commonly assumed to, underlie ,all mathematics. Take the Whitehead problem: are all Whitehead groups of
  4. While also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that, underlie ,certain functions and behaviors. Psychologists explore such concepts as
  5. One cell from one individual. To learn what variations in genetic information, underlie ,particular traits or diseases requires comparisons across individuals. This
  6. Belonging to the largest class, which includes the voltage-gated channels that, underlie ,the nerve impulse, consists of four subunits with six transmembrane helices
  7. Of the south cover most of western Al Sinai and Bar all Ghana states. They, underlie ,the extensive moist woodlands found in these provinces. Crop production is
  8. Traditional Christian Theism. Personalism is the view that the minds that, underlie ,reality are the minds of persons. Borden Parker Bone, a philosopher at Boston
  9. Leibniz takes the view that there are many individual minds that together, underlie ,the existence of the observed world and make possible the existence of the
  10. According to my investigation, there are sixty-two main theories which, underlie ,the thousands of philosophies and religions current in our world. Looked at
  11. The village out of view. In an agrarian society, the conditions of land tenure, underlie ,all social or economic factors. There were two legal systems of pre-manorial
  12. Typically rats) to study the neural, genetic,and cellular mechanisms that, underlie ,specific behaviors such as learning and memory and fear responses. Cognitive
  13. Also noteworthy. These various basic geographical aspects of the river in turn, underlie ,its human history and present uses of the waterway and its adjacent lands.
  14. Model of depression in the early 1960s. He proposed that three concepts, underlie ,depression: a triad of negative thoughts composed of cognitive errors about
  15. To the classical equations of mathematical physics. His filings of the plane, underlie ,the newly discovered quasi-crystals. In 2005 Penrose was awarded an honorary
  16. In the 13th century; the old notion that some of these Welsh versions actually, underlie ,Geoffrey's Historian, advanced by antiquarians such as the 18th-century Lewis
  17. Research in music cognition seeks instead to uncover the mental processes that, underlie ,these practices. Also, research in the field seeks to uncover commonalities
  18. Sedimentary rocks. A sequence of Mississippian, Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks, underlie ,the eastern and southern part of the state. The western half of the state
  19. Of the subunits relative to each other. It is through such changes, which, underlie , cooperativity and allostery in" multimedia" enzymes, that many proteins
  20. Revolution that introduced the abstract category of work, which may be said to, underlie , in turn, the whole modern, Cartesian notion that our bodily existence is
  21. Other animals, and to understand the neural and psychological mechanisms that, underlie ,it. Measurement Experimental research on consciousness presents special
  22. The 'rhythms' or the 'patterns ', the 'laws' or the 'trends' that, underlie ,the evolution of history ". Karl Popper wrote with reference to Hegel's theory
  23. Also appears to have continued as a distinct tradition, as such texts appear to, underlie ,surviving 13th-14th century Gospel harmonies in Middle Dutch, Middle High
  24. Relation in some data can point to specific kinds of mechanisms that might, underlie ,the natural phenomenon in question, and can indicate a deep connection with
  25. Groups describe molecular symmetries and crystal symmetries. These symmetries, underlie ,the chemical and physical behavior of these systems, and group theory enables
  26. And past performance. Learning and cognition Two fundamental assumptions that, underlie ,formal education systems are that students (a) retain knowledge and skills
  27. To enable the practitioner to perform the bold enter-and-blend movements that, underlie ,aikido techniques, wherein an attack is met with confidence and directness.
  28. Good '. Notions of an objective moral order, external to human legal systems, underlie ,natural law. What is right or wrong can vary according to the interests one is
  29. Of consciousness, without regard to the physical realities that may or may not, underlie ,experience. Husserl's original concept gave rise to two distinct lines of
  30. A central position in abstract algebra. Group theoretic arguments therefore, underlie ,parts of the theory of those entities. Nonzero integers modulo a prime For any
  31. Force, depending on the variety of channel. Biological role Because channels, underlie ,the nerve impulse and because" transmitter-activated" channels mediate
  32. Partners, and finally the lifelong changes in synapses which are thought to, underlie ,learning and memory. All bilateral animals at an early
  33. There are seal stone and fibulae. In the Archaic period the nine villages that, underlie ,Tea banded together in a synopsis to form one city. Tea was listed in
  34. Into what have come to be labeled cognitive theories. Two key assumptions, underlie ,this cognitive approach: (1) that the memory system is an active organized
  35. Abnormalities in the structure and/or function of certain brain circuits could, underlie ,bipolar. Two meta-analyses of MRI studies in bipolar disorder report an
  36. He also used the word" dharma" to refer to qualities of the heart that, underlie ,moral action; this was an exclusively Buddhist use of the word. Finally, the
  37. Reasons Humans are not listening properly There are some assumptions that, underlie ,the SET search programs that may cause searchers to miss signals that are
  38. These diverse products of cognition, and his theories about the mechanisms that, underlie ,them, have exerted a powerful influence on the architectures of the
  39. In the collection All the Myriad Ways In if he discusses the ideas that, underlie ,his teleportation stories. Other reading *"Flash Crowd" is included in the
  40. Types of channel subunits can result in loss of function and, potentially, underlie , neurologic diseases. By gating Ion channels may be classified by gating, i. e.
  41. Such as RSA and Diffie-Hellman, as well as providing finite fields which, underlie ,elliptic curves, and is used in a variety of symmetric key algorithms including
  42. Aptness. This perpetuates both the message and whatever preconceptions might, underlie ,it. Often, something that sounds innocuous can stand in for something greater;
  43. The Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, and deposited the sediments that now, underlie ,much of the drainage basin of the Missouri River. This Laramie uplift caused
  44. To be the discovery of associations between scores, and of factors posited to, underlie ,such associations. On the other hand, when measurement models such as the Ranch
  45. Under conditions of low proteasome activity. Impaired proteasome activity may, underlie ,cognitive disorders such as the autism spectrum disorders, and muscle and nerve
  46. Allowing adaptation to changing environments. Developmental constraints may, underlie ,why few animals have relinquished sexual reproduction completely in their
  47. Neuroethology and neuropsychology address the question of how neural substrates, underlie ,specific animal and human behaviors. Neuroendocrinology and
  48. Use of multimedia in learning. Criticism of learning theories that, underlie ,traditional educational practices claims there is no need for such a theory;
  49. Assumption,whether a formal statistical model is used. Such assumptions, underlie ,even descriptive statistics. **Population assumptions. A statistical analysis
  50. Are present in very small areas near the western coast and Miocene limestones, underlie ,the northwestern part of the country and extend south in a relatively narrow

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