Examples of the the word, macintosh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( macintosh ), is the 7235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With a broad face, wearing very lightweight shoes and what felt like a dirty, macintosh ,'. Mary Ratcliffe reports a second attack, and Winifred McCall claims to be
  2. Fungus recorded an album called Eddy as I'll never be on Davids brothers, macintosh , laptop. The album includes covers and original tracks by David called" Fast
  3. The first automated can-filing machine John West (1809–1888) * The waterproof, macintosh , : Charles Macintosh (1766–1843) * Keiller's marmalade Janet Killer (1797)
  4. Contemporaries described him as an unpretentious man, often seen in" an old, macintosh , tied with a piece of twine ". He worked his own land and enjoyed physical
  5. Now part of Greater Manchester, was the location of one of the early, macintosh , factories. Other design initiatives and variants over the years included the
  6. It was a brilliant idea for making any fabric weatherproof, and the very first, macintosh , coats were made at the family's dyestuff factory, Charles Macintosh and Co of
  7. Keyboard shortcut CMD SPACE) This application is preinstalled on all recent, macintosh , systems. Mac OS X specifics As of Mac OS X v10.4,Preview now has a Grab
  8. Subsequently leave with the coffin cart. Bloom sees a mysterious man wearing a, macintosh , during the burial. Bloom continues to reflect upon death, but at the end of the
  9. Associates itself with the production of graphics technology for windows and, macintosh , It has branches located in 21 countries, and has sold products in 11 different
  10. The first automated can-filing machine John West (1809–1888) * The waterproof, macintosh , : Charles Macintosh (1766–1843) * Keiller's marmalade Janet Killer (1797)
  11. Branding, and was created to avoid negative connotations for when an apple, macintosh , crashed. Designer Jim Reeves wanted to create something which was more pleasant
  12. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority identifies this encoding using the string ", macintosh ,". The MIME Content-Type for this encoding is therefore" text/plain;
  13. Based client software (also called Teleprinter),which is available for both, macintosh , and Windows based PCs. The Teleprinter Server could also network with other
  14. An excellent chemist, was the fourth partner. He is known for his technique of, macintosh , waterproofing, and he also assisted in the invention of bleaching powder.

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