Examples of the the word, coronary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( coronary ), is the 7238 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Assisting the heart move blood through cuffs on the legs.; Percutaneous, coronary ,intervention (PCI): Procedures to treat stenotic coronary arteries by
- Afterload, improving myocardial efficiency, reducing heart rate and improving, coronary ,blood flow. In vivo, the vasodilation and hypotension trigger the osmoreceptor
- Of blood clot formation. Aspirin is also used in the treatment of pericarditis, coronary ,artery disease, and acute myocardial infarction. Taking aspirin before air
- Disease progresses, there may be near-complete obstruction of the lumen of the, coronary ,artery, severely restricting the flow of oxygen-carrying blood to the
- Scarring without heart muscle regrowth. Chronic high-grade stenosis of the, coronary ,arteries can induce transient ischemia which leads to the induction of a
- Of the coronary circulation or coronary heart disease.; in the context of the, coronary ,circulation. Cardiac arrest refers to the cessation (to
- The prevention of myocardial infarction in someone with documented or suspected, coronary ,artery disease, much lower doses are taken once daily. The WHO study said
- Contrast, the Masai of Africa have almost no heart disease. As the degree of, coronary ,artery disease progresses, there may be near-complete obstruction of the lumen
- Acute intoxication due to the combined effects of cocaine and opiates," but, coronary ,artery disease and cardiac hypertrophy (an enlarged heart) were also
- CAD is the leading cause of death worldwide. While the symptoms and signs of, coronary ,artery disease are noted in the advanced state of disease, most individuals
- Muscle of the heart) with oxygen and nutrients. It is sometimes also called, coronary ,heart disease (CHD),although CAD is the most common cause of CHD, it is not
- Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTC): Enlarging the lumen of a, coronary ,artery by forcibly expanding it with a balloon.; Atherectomy: Enlarging the
- Heart disease: Coronary heart disease is a general term for any reduction in, coronary ,circulation. One such condition is atherosclerosis.; Myocardial infarction (
- Keep your heart healthy by following some simple routines. Disorders of the, coronary ,circulation Contrary to a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system, the
- Disease are noted in the advanced state of disease, most individuals with, coronary ,artery disease show no evidence of disease for decades as the disease
- The death of a part of the heart which is typically caused by a blockage of the, coronary ,circulation or coronary heart disease.; in the context of the coronary
- Of oxygen-carrying blood to the myocardium. Individuals with this degree of, coronary ,artery disease typically have suffered from one or more myocardial infarction
- The heart can reduce coronary circulation which causes further damage.; Acute, coronary ,syndrome (ACS): Acute coronary syndrome is a broad term encompassing many
- Which causes further damage.; Acute coronary syndrome (ACS): Acute, coronary ,syndrome is a broad term encompassing many acute myocardial infarction symptoms
- Circulation consists of coronary arteries and coronary veins. Disorders of the, coronary ,circulation can have devastating effects to the heart since damage to the heart
- Coherence tomography (OCT): Testing through the use of optical scattering for, coronary ,artery disease. Cardiologists * Robert Atkins (1930-2003),known for the
- Role in stiffening arteries but also for the induction of an early phase of, coronary ,arteriosclerosis. This can be seen in a so-called metastatic mechanism of
- May develop a rupture of an atheromas plaque at any stage of the spectrum of, coronary ,artery disease. The acute rupture of a plaque may lead to an acute myocardial
- Infarctions (heart attacks),and may have signs and symptoms of chronic, coronary ,ischemia, including symptoms of angina at rest and flash pulmonary edema. A
- By forcibly expanding it with a balloon.; Atherectomy: Enlarging the lumen of a, coronary ,artery by removal of atherosclerotic plaque.; Stenting: Enlarging the lumen of
- And have been investigated for the prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary ,heart disease and even altitude sickness. Although initial studies suggested
- Characteristics of coronary artery disease Special Pathophysiology Typically, coronary ,artery disease occurs when part of the smooth, elastic lining inside a coronary
- Tortuous with failed valves, commonly in the legs.; s. Procedures to counter, coronary ,artery disease; Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG): Grafting an artery or
- Indicate various conditions.; Coronary catheterization: Catheterization of the, coronary ,arteries.:; Fractional flow reserve (Form): Testing of the flow through a
- An artery or vein from elsewhere (typically the leg) to bypass a stenotic, coronary ,artery.; Enhanced external counterpulsation (EEC): Pneumatically assisting
- Of the heart.:; Intravascular ultrasound (IVES): Ultrasonography of a, coronary ,artery.:; Optical coherence tomography (OCT): Testing through the use of
- Ischemic cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy causing ischemia of the heart due to, coronary ,artery disease.:; Nonischemic cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy not caused by
- Interventional procedures such as angioplasty may be done. Characteristics of, coronary ,artery disease Special Pathophysiology Typically, coronary artery disease
- Of the less important predictors of CAD. Most of the familial association of, coronary ,artery disease are related to common dietary habits. Screening for CAD includes
- Fractional flow reserve (Form): Testing of the flow through a stenosis of a, coronary ,artery to determine the perfusion of the heart.:; Intravascular ultrasound (
- Can have devastating effects to the heart since damage to the heart can reduce, coronary ,circulation which causes further damage.; Acute coronary syndrome (ACS):
- Rate. In an analysis of 40 studies involving 250,000 people, patients with, coronary ,artery disease with" normal" BMIs were at higher risk of death from
- Blood is called the coronary circulation. The coronary circulation consists of, coronary ,arteries and coronary veins. Disorders of the coronary circulation can have
- Legs.; Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): Procedures to treat stenotic, coronary ,arteries by accessing through a blood vessel.; Percutaneous Transluminal
- Heart which is typically caused by a blockage of the coronary circulation or, coronary ,heart disease.; in the context of the coronary circulation. Cardiac arrest
- Circulation. The coronary circulation consists of coronary arteries and, coronary ,veins. Disorders of the coronary circulation can have devastating effects to
- Coronary artery disease occurs when part of the smooth, elastic lining inside a, coronary ,artery (the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle) develops
- In the body. This circulation of blood is called the coronary circulation. The, coronary ,circulation consists of coronary arteries and coronary veins. Disorders of the
- Factors including homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP),Lipoprotein (a), coronary , calcium and more sophisticated lipid analysis have added little if any
- If it were any other organ in the body. This circulation of blood is called the, coronary ,circulation. The coronary circulation consists of coronary arteries and
- End result of the accumulation of atheromas plaques within the walls of the, coronary ,arteries that supply the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) with oxygen and
- Treatment of both exertional and vasospastic angina. In vitro, they dilate the, coronary ,and peripheral arteries and have negative isotropic and phototropic effects -
- Hospital in New York City after complaining of chest pains, and had two, coronary ,stents implanted in his heart. It has been widely reported that Clinton has
- By removal of atherosclerotic plaque.; Stenting: Enlarging the lumen of a, coronary ,artery by forcibly expanding it with a metal wire tube. Devices used in
- The smooth muscle within the abdominal aorta is derived from mesoderm, and the, coronary ,arteries, which arise just above the semilunar valves, possess smooth muscle of
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