Examples of the the word, decisive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( decisive ), is the 7236 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Death of his son Laurence de Almeida at the Battle of Haul. His victory was, decisive ,: Ottomans and Mameluke left the waters of the Indian Ocean, easing the
- Majority required for conviction in impeachment trials by a single vote. A, decisive ,role was played by seven Republican senators - William Pitt Descended, Joseph
- Defeated Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early in a series of battles, including a final, decisive ,defeat at the Battle of Cedar Creek. Sheridan then proceeded to destroy the
- What was intended to be the main army in Italy, but events made Germany the, decisive ,theater of operations; Austria sustained defeat on the Danube, and the archduke
- And casualties, was now much smaller than Grant's. Union forces won a, decisive ,victory at the Battle of Five Forks on April 1,forcing Lee to evacuate
- Brewers in the 2011 National League Division Series, but lost 3-2 in the, decisive ,game 5 in 10 innings. Logos (including image of baseball-cap logos of the 30
- Its alliance with the Central Powers in World War I. Despite achieving several, decisive ,victories at Dorian, Monastir and again at Dorian in 1918,the country
- Despite great eastern successes, Germany suffered complete defeat in the more, decisive ,western front. By 1918,the economic situation had deteriorated. Leftist and
- When he helped to close the gap between numerical and geometric algebra but the, decisive ,step came later with Descartes. Analytic geometry has traditionally been
- Must also be put at their door. " Matthias Wentzel has suggested that the, decisive ,transfer of Jewish conspiracy theory took place between 1937 and 1945 under the
- Any political supports for a de facto non-existent Empire. On the end of the, decisive ,Italian British and French cooperating offensive at Victoria Veneto, the
- The launching aircraft enjoy, this gives the AMRAAM-equipped aircraft a, decisive ,edge. If one or more missiles fail to hit, the AMRAAM-equipped aircraft can
- Persians then seeking to destroy the Allied navy once and for all, suffered a, decisive ,defeat at the Battle of Salamis. The following year,479 BC, the Allies
- Hand, but in 567,thanks to his alliance with the Avers, Alboin inflicted a, decisive ,defeat on his enemies, whose lands the Avers subsequently occupied. The
- West Florida, securing the American southern flank. French involvement proved, decisive ,yet expensive as it ruined France's economy. A French naval victory in the
- Phases, until the last month of war. In 1917,the Battle of Canaletto was a, decisive ,victory of the Central Powers: the Austro-Hungarian and German forces advanced
- To posterity, because he led one of the two Allied armies at the final, decisive ,victory of the Napoleonic Wars (the battle of Waterloo in 1815),although
- Nothing more than operating units and subsidiaries with limited financially, decisive ,control. Among some of these holding companies and parent companies that are
- Trumbull, Peter G. Van Winkle and Edmund G. Ross of Kansas, who provided the, decisive ,vote; disturbed by how the proceedings had been manipulated to give a one-sided
- And initiated the celebrated Pax Romana or Pax Augusta. He was intelligent, decisive , and a shrewd politician, but he was not perhaps as charismatic as Julius
- Lanyard and fired from a safe distance. These changes laid down in 1789 proved, decisive ,for Napoleon's conquests. Napoleon, himself a former artillery officer
- Information on this period, such as the Tel Dan Style, can potentially be, decisive , Finally, the Biblical account of events of the Exodus from Egypt in the Torah
- Invaded Thuringia, and crushed an East Frankish army at Maastricht. At the, decisive ,Battle of Leuven in September 891,he defeated an invading force of the
- Faced with a much stronger threat from the Avers. Historians consider this the, decisive ,factor in convincing Albion to undertake a migration, even though there are
- Campaigns lasting ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of, decisive ,battles, most notably the battles of Issue and Gaugamela. Subsequently he
- Hindu Maratha army was waged along a twelve-kilometre front, and resulted in a, decisive ,victory for Ahmad Shah. East Turkestan and the Uyghurs Plagued by the plight of
- Of Khalid all Muslim corps concentrated at Ajnadayn, where they fought a, decisive ,battle against Byzantine on 30 July 634. Defeat at the Battle of Ajnadayn, left
- Of Athens and Eritrea. However, the invasion ended in 490 BC with the, decisive ,Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon. Between the two invasions, Darius
- That of Cornwallis in May. Lafayette skirmished with Cornwallis, avoiding a, decisive ,battle while gathering reinforcements. Cornwallis could not trap Lafayette, and
- Such system could turn out to be inconsistent. The formalist project suffered a, decisive ,setback, when in 1931 Gödel showed that it is possible, for any sufficiently
- Battle of Diego: the Georgian army under King David the Builder wins a, decisive ,victory over the famous Seljuk commander Ghazi. *1164 – Battle of Harm: Our
- And they are estimated to have fired 19,320 times. Artillery also played a, decisive ,role in the Battle of St. Jakob a her Bird of 1444. Early modern period – age
- The Battle of New Orleans on January 8,1815,Jackson's 5,000 soldiers won a, decisive ,victory over 7,500 British. At the end of the battle, the British had 2,037
- Democratic Party in the North, and the conservative groupings in the South. The, decisive ,battle was the election of 1866,in which the Southern states were not allowed
- Island, the British drove the Americans back to Brooklyn Heights, securing a, decisive ,British victory in the largest battle of the entire Revolution. Howe then laid
- Which results in the Triple Entente alliance. *1920 – Polish-Bolshevik War: a, decisive ,Polish victory in the Battle of Tomorrow. * 1920 – The first radio news program
- An aggressive war effort that would satisfy the demand in the North for prompt, decisive ,victory; major Northern newspaper editors expected victory within 90 days.
- To flee from Bam to Riga non the border of Baluchistan, where he suffered a, decisive ,defeat. Hasan Ali Shah decided to escape to Afghanistan, accompanied by his
- Chased him as far as Area. Gaugamela would prove to be the final and, decisive ,encounter between Darius and Alexander. Darius fled over the mountains to
- Longest-ever game. The San Diego Chargers, under head coach Sid Gillman, won a, decisive ,51-10 victory over the Boston Patriots for the 1963 AFL Championship. Confident
- Who preferred the Norman (or Anglo-French) spellings of certain words proved, decisive , In many cases AME deviated in the 19th century from mainstream British
- Held their synods there. Action is chiefly famous as the site of Octavian's, decisive ,victory over Mark Antony (September 2,31 BC). This battle ended a long
- Rouge, Louisiana. *1870 – Franco-Prussian War: the Battle of Worth results in a, decisive ,Prussian victory. *1890 – At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William
- Minister, Count Ivan Tisha, and foreign minister, Count Ivan Burial, had, decisive , influence over the internal and external affairs of the monarchy. Name "
- Movement – led by Bernardo O'Higgins and José de San Martín – win a, decisive ,victory over Spain, leaving 2,000 Spaniards and 1,000 Chilean patriots dead.
- And Breckinridge won the rest of the South. The States' Electoral votes were, decisive ,: Lincoln had 180 and his opponents added together had only 123. There were
- Stop an uprising of Flemish farmers. *1514 – Battle of Chadian ended with a, decisive ,victory for the Sultan Selim I, Ottoman Empire, over the Shah Ismail I
- May Allah the most high have mercy on him, considered the custom of each region, decisive ,as to whom the people considered in their land to be poor, of the middle group
- Who had come to lay siege to Samaria, and in the following year obtained a, decisive ,victory over him at After, probably in the plain of Sharon at Antipathies (1
- The Serbian revolution begins. The battle will end two days later, with a, decisive ,Serbian victory over the Ottomans. *1814 – The Convention of London, a treaty
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