Examples of the the word, isle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( isle ), is the 9449 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wounded. He hands the crown to his kinsman Constantine and is taken to the, isle ,of Avalon to be healed of his wounds, never to be seen again. How much of this
  2. Cuba and Ben villages include traditional houses in Flores. Tarantula, on the, isle ,'s eastern end, is known for its Holy Week festivals. Economy In addition to
  3. Formed a separate town in Falmouth Neck and named it Portland, after the, isle ,off the coast of Dorset, England. Portland's economy was greatly stressed by
  4. Given this city to the children of Heracles, with whom we came into the wide, isle ,of Plops from windy Perineum. " Perineum was a village of Doris. He helped to
  5. 12 - CH2260,Radio-Canada (repeater of CBFT, Montreal ); Press An island or, isle ,is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small
  6. She would need to be a huntress, how she obtained her bow and arrows from the, isle ,of Li para, where Hephaestus and the Cyclops worked. Oceanus' daughters were
  7. Citizenship, the isle 's defense, good governance, and foreign relations. The, isle ,has no representation at either the UK or EU parliaments. The legislative power
  8. Speaking, the province covers a few small neighboring islands as well as the, isle ,of Bali). With a population recorded as 3,891,000 in the 2010 Census, the
  9. Sub and then, after a sharp turn back, following tidal canals surrounding the, isle ,of Mario and finally including the marine Waters of the Rio Pará bay in its
  10. Gaunt as he lies on his deathbed.: This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd, isle ,: This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, : This other Eden, demi-paradise,
  11. Gaelic noun (now obsolete) meaning simply" island ". Eileen Idle means" the, isle ,of Iowa ", also known as Ì Nam ban bòidheach (" the isle of beautiful women "
  12. Was once real and wrote that in the Atlantic Ocean once existed" ( the, isle ,) that was equal in size to Libya or Asia" referring to Plato's geographical
  13. And one mile (1½ km) broad. Towards the west end is Eileen Form (the green, isle ,), and near the north-western shore are the falls of Lenard. Two miles
  14. Southern Spain and Portugal, but makes brief mention of a visit to" the sacred, isle ," (Ireland, Ierne) located across from Albion (an early name for Britain).
  15. Europeans) settled it, while in the 13th century AD, the Venetians annexed the, isle ,to the Duchy of NixOS and renamed it" Santorini ", that is" Saint Irene ".
  16. The Scottish Government rejected a proposal to create a national park on the, isle ,of Harris. Private land ownership Like the national parks of England and Wales
  17. Orpheus, Castor and Pollux, Atalanta,and Euphemism. The Isle of Lemons The, isle ,of Lemons is situated off the Western coast of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey)
  18. island's beaches, especially at Overland and Compton Bay. As a result,the, isle ,has been nicknamed Dinosaur Island. Along the northern coast of the island
  19. Thairr (west) + phone (land),which together give ì-iar-fhónn, or " Westland, isle ," This is similar in meaning to the Norse name for Irish people," west men "
  20. Islands of Messina, isle of Utica (Palermo),Aegadian Islands (Trapani), isle , of Panhellenic (Trapani) and Belgian Islands (Argent). Tourism Sicily
  21. Abbess and saint The influential Less family has originated from the, isle ,of Angina and their roots go as far as the 15th century. Historical population
  22. Discovered the island of Bioko in 1471. He called it Formosa (" beautiful, isle ,", a name later applied to Taiwan),but it quickly took on the name of its
  23. From the" Crown in right of the United Kingdom ". Her representative on the, isle ,is the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, but his role is mostly
  24. Triumph; *in particular, the revelation of the future granted to John of the, isle ,of Patmos, the author of the Bible's book of Revelation. Many assume this is
  25. An incorrect association with the etymologically unrelated Old French loanword, isle , which itself comes from the Latin word insula. Old English IG is actually a
  26. Foreign trade routes, primarily into the Indo-Pacific and as far South as the, isle ,of Zanzibar and the South-Eastern shores of Africa. With the coming about of
  27. For all the island's external affairs, including citizenship,the, isle ,'s defense, good governance, and foreign relations. The isle has no
  28. Europe and the Nereid Thesis caught him and cared for him on the volcanic, isle ,of Lemons, while he labored for them as a smith," working there in the hollow
  29. Hanged 28 January 1802 for killing a Benjamin Armstrong on 10 July 1782 on the, isle ,of Gorge, West Africa, and the discharge of a Humphrey White in January 1802.
  30. Human. Human is cognate with the Early Celtic dumbos and means the" deep-sea, isle ,". In modern Gaelic the islands are sometimes referred to collectively as An
  31. Uses *Callisto (Καλλίστη; Mod. Gk. Ballistic) is also an ancient name for the, isle ,of There. Dramatizations The story is the basis of an opera, The Judgment of
  32. Side of the Strait of Gibraltar, known as, such as the Caffeine islands,the, isle ,of Albertan, Alhucemas, and the tiny Islam Paris. The little Pheasant Island in
  33. Santa (Spanish:" the southern land of the Holy Spirit" ), and La Grande, isle ,de Java (French:" the great island of Java" ). Terra Australia was one of
  34. Description exactly and is therefore revered and even held as a god around the, isle ,of Anna. Government Administrative divisions Vanuatu has been divided into six
  35. Defence and external affairs and could intervene in the domestic affairs of the, isle ,under its residual responsibilities to guarantee" good government" in all
  36. Seclusion, Sappho on the Eolian lyre, : :Mourning the cold girls of her native, isle ,: :And you, Alcaeus, more full-throated: :Singing with your gold quill of
  37. It instead as a prayer for a safe voyage.: :Hither to me now from your, isle ,of Plops, : :You mighty progeny of Zeus and Leda!: :Show that you are kindly by
  38. A as well. It usually indicates that an s came after it long ago, as in mile (, isle , compare with English island). The explanation is that some words share the
  39. North of Goliath. Its name means" ship of long-foam ", given because" the, isle ,was shaped like a great ship, with a high prow pointing north, against which
  40. State that Ægir is the same as the sea-giant Her, who lives on the, isle ,of Elena, and this is borne out by Jennings. Sorry uses his visiting the Æsir
  41. By purchase in 1916. Revetment James died in 1736,and the suzerainty of the, isle ,passed to James Murray,2nd Duke of Atoll, his first cousin and heir-male. In
  42. Published a representative work:: :On the white sand: :Of the beach of a small, isle ,: :In the Eastern Sea: :I, my face streaked with tears, : :Am I playing with a crab
  43. Idle means" the isle of Iowa ", also known as Ì Nam ban bòidheach (" the, isle ,of beautiful women" ). The modern English name comes from an 18th century
  44. Its municipal charter in 1653 the Commonality of New Amsterdam included the, isle ,of Manhattan, Staaten Eland, Pavonia and the Large Eland towns. In the hope
  45. Island is called Seaman in Estonian, and in Finnish Seaman — literally ", isle ,'s land ". In old Scandinavian sagas, Saaremaa is called Estela and in the
  46. In Paid River, Aragon,Spain File: Burger OtokKriznaJama. JPG|Subterranean, isle ,in Arizona Java, Slovenia. File: RiverExitTolantongo. JPG|Kart cave with
  47. Are also part of various Sicilian provinces: Eolian Islands of Messina, isle ,of Utica (Palermo),Aegadian Islands (Trapani), isle of Panhellenic (
  48. Ferry company Mols-Linien connects Aarhus with Copenhagen (located on the, isle ,of Zealand). The fastest ferries in the world (100 km/h) operate up to 10
  49. Allied, and against whom? It is no longer against Napoleon, he is on the, isle ,of Elba ... it is no longer against France; for peace has been made ... it is
  50. 12th century; its popularity spread in the medieval period along with the terms, isle , Yale, inis, eilean, oileán There is some confusion on what the term cannot

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