Examples of the the word, justified , in a Sentence Context
The word ( justified ), is the 12630 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Goal in his critical philosophy was to identify what claims we are and are not, justified ,in making, and the antibodies are a particularly illustrative example of his
- Revolutionary War was the only war involving the United States that could be, justified , Some anarcho-capitalists, such as Samuel Edward Tonkin III, feel that violent
- Many consider their actions to be criminal, but the MK deemed the means, justified ,by the end goal of ending apartheid. Some members of MK committed terrorist
- Into white society as equals, and the violent actions of the Ku Klux Klan were, justified ,to reestablish honest government. The film suggested that the Ku Klux Klan
- Is either purely the imputation of righteousness through mercy … or that man is, justified ,before God … according to the rigor of justice without any forgiveness. "
- Ruled that the license fee should be considered state aid but that such aid was, justified ,due to the public service remit of the BBC and that it did not exceed actual
- Alliance, and that the killing of bystanders and civilians is religiously, justified ,in jihad. Al-Qaeda is also responsible for instigating sectarian violence among
- Liveries that involved painting the entire plane. Robert" Bob" Crandall later, justified ,the distinctive natural metal finish by noting that less paint reduced the
- And print sports writers who also started asking questions about what, justified ,the kind of money being paid to these players. With players seeking greener
- Most notable of whom was the wealthy Lithuanian magnate Michael Link, who, justified , his master's confidence by his great victory over the Tatars at Keck (5
- Kingdom to recognize the fear of God was to do what he had done. Then Abraham, justified ,what he had said as not being a lie at all:" And moreover she is indeed my
- Of republicanism, rather than its legalisms. Nevertheless, in 1861,Lincoln, justified ,the war in terms of legalisms (the Constitution was a contract, and for one
- The blustering Bull moose, who seemed to own and control nearly everything, justified ,his far-reaching and mercenary excesses by saying" What's good for General
- Scientific theory on the basis of which the alleged superiority of one race is, justified ,at the expense of another race. The aurochs (or; also URLs, Bos primigenius)
- Congestive heart failure, prophylaxis of cardiovascular events) is, justified ,because it improves clinical outcomes, independent of the blood
- Rules, to be violated when it suited them. Kidnapping, murder and theft were, justified ,by their special status as holy warriors. One by one they sexually appropriated
- So perish all the race of Cleisthenes! ", thus explaining Aegis thus' action as, justified ,by his father's curse). Agamemnon's son Orestes later avenged his father's
- Modern metaphysician in the classical tradition:" philosophers are wholly, justified ,in taking existence for granted ... and in never mentioning it again ...." In
- Interpreted in European heraldry as parliament or peace. Other writers have, justified ,the colors differently, with some Andalusian nationalists referring to them as
- Common natural source, e. g., a certain type of plants. This classification was, justified ,by the lack of knowledge about the chemical structure of alkaloids and is now
- Women to the seductive whore stereotype formerly placed on all women. This has, justified ,the devaluation of black femininity and rape of black women which continues to
- To address corruption, doctrinal or otherwise, and that this inadequacy, justified ,the intervention of the church of common people. In part this position was also
- Arminius allowed for only two possible ways in which the sinner might be, justified ,: (1) by our absolute and perfect adherence to the law, or (2) purely by God
- Called the Hermitian conjugate) of the KET and vice versa. The notation is, justified ,by the Raise representation theorem, which states that a Hilbert space and its
- Should have been disqualified. In an exclusive interview with CBS, Agassi, justified , himself and asked for understanding, saying that" It was a period in my life
- Civilization. On the issue of war and violence, the book teaches that war is, justified ,for people to" defend themselves against their enemies ". However, they were
- Lee (1974) concludes that although Spots wood may have thought that the ends, justified ,the means, he had no legal authority to invade North Carolina, to capture the
- To complete both May memos. " Upon reading the August 1,2002, memo which, justified ,the torture, Zelikow authored his own memo contesting the Justice Department's
- Of the grazers (operators of big sheep ranches) and small farmers, and, justified , subsidies for them. In geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays
- Of his Thirty Dialogues, in one of which his adversaries maintained that he had, justified ,polygamy under color of a pretended refutation. His dialogues on divorce and
- 2 \pi r. \, Substituting de Broglie's wavelength reproduces Bohr's rule. Bohr, justified ,his rule by appealing to the correspondence principle, without providing a wave
- Or acid indigestion. Treatment with antacids alone is symptomatic and only, justified ,for minor symptoms. The treatment of ulcers may require H2-receptor antagonists
- To benefit" the many ", and legal or economic subsidy of heavy industry is, justified ,by many politicians for job creation within a political territory. Contractual
- Ambitious programs to fulfil, as he saw it, his responsibility as king. This, justified ,the heavy demands he made upon his subjects' labor and finances. It even
- Movement concerns whether anarcho-capitalist society is, justified ,on deontological or consequentialism ethics, or both. Natural-law
- Of Dreadnought with the speed of Invincible. The additional cost could not be, justified ,given the existing British lead and the new Liberal government's need for
- Intersects the ray passing through the middle of the stop. This assumption is, justified ,if a poor image on the focusing screen remains stationary when the aperture is
- I. (16th century BC) refers to it is improbable; but we seem to be, justified ,in holding Ana to be the town" in the middle of the Euphrates" opposite (
- Of the subservience of slaves and others to the virtue – or are – of a few, justified ,the ideal of aristocracy. It is Martin Heidegger, not Nietzsche, who elaborated
- A claim which could not be substantiated via conventional means might still be, justified ,through textual reference, differentiating this from the epistemology of hard
- Certain errors are sought to be eliminated, the selection of which is, justified ,by experience. In the mathematical sense, however,this selection is arbitrary;
- A four card major, and with at least five hearts, a Stay man bid must have been, justified ,by having exactly four spades, the other major (since Stay man (as used by
- Saved and his determination is that all who believe Jesus through faith will be, justified , According to Arminius," God regards no one in Christ unless they are
- Philosopher, observes," Ethically, property rights of any kind have to be, justified ,as extensions of the right of individuals to control their own lives. Thus any
- Would attack the much-needed Baku. Vladimir Lenin said that the invasion was, justified ,as Soviet Russia could not survive without Baku's oil. Independent Azerbaijan
- In contrast, Jains agree with Hindus that violence in self-defense can be, justified , and they agree that a soldier who kills enemies in combat is performing a
- Century within theological discussions of that time. For instance, John Locke, justified ,property rights saying that God had made" the earth, and all inferior
- Treatment with benzodiazepines as the add-on to an antidepressant may be, justified , Insomnia Benzodiazepines can be useful for short-term treatment of insomnia.
- Of vengeance). Apollo and the Furies argue about whether the matricide was, justified ,; Apollo holds that the bond of marriage is sacred and Orestes was avenging his
- S Reference No 2 of 1992 where it was found that a" hold-up" in a shop, justified ,as a joke would still constitute an offense. It is a separate offense to
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