Examples of the the word, bauer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bauer ), is the 12638 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Johnny Weir) In singles (outside edge) Image: Patricians. JPG|Playback Ina, bauer , ( front view) (Patricia Neck) Image: Kim_2009_Worlds_Gala. JPG|Playback Ina
- Side view) (Kim Yuan) Image:2011 WFSC 5d 302 Rachael Flatt. JPG|Playback Ina, bauer , ( side view) (Rachael Flatt) Image: Tuba Academic Ina Bauer - 2006 Skate
- Kropotkin) File: Joanne Brochette 2008 Worlds Outside Edge Ina Bauer. JPG|Ina, bauer , ( side view) (Joanne Brochette) Image: Weir 2008SA gala by Carmichael.
- Spelling of the German family name Bauer * The right bower and left bower (or, bauer , ),the two highest-ranking cards in the game of euchre * A woman's bedroom or
- Salchow-double toe-double loop). Because of this publicity, the term" Ina, bauer ," has been transliterated phonetically into the Japanese word and has taken on
- Immediately proceeds to lay a card. Usually the top trump (called a" right, bauer ,") is played first. The suit of the first card of the round is known as the "
- Trumps: Adapted from 500 and Euchre, highest trump is the J, known as the right, bauer , Second-highest trump is J, being the same color and known as the Left Bauer.
- And a Jack as a Bauer. Unlike in Euchre, there is no such thing as a left, bauer , Furthermore, one should note that a trump must be called. The deal After
- For jumps, steps sequence and spins. Her signature move is a playback Ina, bauer , that she leads directly into a double axel jump, to a double axel-triple toe
- Mir) In synchronized skating Image: Delaware Juniors 2006 (edited). JPG|Ina, bauer , ( The University of Delaware Synchronized Skating Team) In Japan Shibuya
- Singles (inside edge) Image: Veronika Kropotkin 2005 Croatia Cup Ex. jpg|Ina, bauer , ( Veronika Kropotkin) File: Joanne Brochette 2008 Worlds Outside Edge Ina
- Flatt) Image: Tuba Academic Ina Bauer - 2006 Skate Canada. JPG|Playback Ina, bauer , ( back view) (Tuba Academic) Image: Odd Bauer 2008 NHK. JPG|Ina Bauer (
- If the leading leg is on the inside edge, the move is known as an inside Ina, bauer , If the skater is on the outside edge, it is known as an outside Ina Bauer.
- Side view) (Joanne Brochette) Image: Weir 2008SA gala by Carmichael. JPG|Ina, bauer , ( front view) (Johnny Weir) In singles (outside edge) Image: Patricians
- The term was repeated so often that many people mistakenly thought that" Ina, bauer ," referred to the back position, not the skating involved (the back position
- Ina Bauer. If the skater is on the outside edge, it is known as an outside Ina, bauer , Many skaters bend backwards while performing this move, although this is not
- Mohawks and 3 turns; a sequence with at least 2 of these in: Spread eagle, Ina,Bauer, spiral, drag,pivot * Level 5: Perimeter power crossover stroking; Axel with
- Front view) (Patricia Neck) Image: Kim_2009_Worlds_Gala. JPG|Playback Ina, bauer , ( side view) (Kim Yuan) Image:2011 WFSC 5d 302 Rachael Flatt. JPG|Playback
- Decibel & Olivier Schoenfelder Lift 2 - 2007 Europeans. JPG|Lifting: Ina, bauer , Lifted: Hand stand Lifting partner in a lunge position File: Federica Capella &
- Highest trump card is the Jack of the trump suit, called the right bower (or, bauer , ); the second-highest trump, the left bower, is the Jack of the suit of the
- One hand. Lifted: Horizontal, one point of support Lifting partner in an Ina, bauer , position Image: Trina Pratt & Todd Gilles - 2006 Skate Canada. JPG|Lifting: Ina
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